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Termacade Prizes data

The game contains a TextAsset located at Ressources/data/Termacade that contains data about the purchasable prizes at Termacade. It is loaded on boot in LoadEssentials.

The asset contains a list of prizes in the order they appear in the Termacade Prizes List Type, one for each line. Each lines contains field separated by ,:

Loaded index Name Type Description
0 Type int The type of the item (0 = standard items, 1 = key items, 2 = medal)
1 Item id int The Item or Medal id of the prize
2 Game Tokens cost int The cost in Game Tokens to purchase the prize
3 Availability int How available the prize is (1 = only once as long as the flags is false, always available otherwise)
4 Flags int The flag slot that determines if the prize was purchased if its availability is 1 (doesn't do anything if it isn't)

The data will be loaded into termacadeprize[i, x] where i is the line index and x the loaded index.

This information is both used in the Termacade Prizes List Type to render each item, but also in Event 121 which is expected to be called right after the ItemList of the aforementioned list type is handled. The event essentially acts like a custom ItemList handler which uses the data to check and perform the transaction.