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Rank data

The game contains a TextAsset located at Ressources/data/LevelData from the root of the assets tree that contains data about special bonuses gained for specific ranks reached after a rank up. It is loaded each time in LevelUpMessage (which also applies the bonus on top of presenting the message) and Event 208 (Talking to Eetl in RUIGEE) to gather the bonus information if one exist. If no bonus exists for the given new rank, no extra bonus is applied on top of the standard one (chosen in battle or 1 MP under RUIGEE).

The asset contains a list of bonuses to apply given a rank reached, one per line. Each lines contains fields:

Name Type Description
Rank int The rank to reach for this bonus to be given
Bonus type int The type of the bonus to apply
First parameter int The first parameter of the bonus to apply
Second parameter int The second parameter of the bonus to apply
Third parameter int The third parameter of the bonus to apply

The available bonus types are the followings along with their parameters meaning:

Id Description Parameters
0 Grants a skill to a party member First: AnimID of the recipient of the skill
-- -- Second: Skill id to grant
-- -- Third: NOT USED
1 Grant a stat bonus to a party member First: AnimID of the recipient of the stat bonus
-- -- Second: Stat to increase (0 = Attack, 1 = Defense, 2 = HP)
-- -- Third: Amount to increase the stat
2 Grants a stat bonus to the whole party First: The stat to increase (0 = TP, MP otherwise)
-- -- Second: Amount to increase the stat
-- -- Third: NOT USED
3 Grant an inventory capacity increase First: Amount to increase the capacity
-- -- Second: NOT USED
-- -- Third: NOT USED

About skills rank up data

The bonus type 0 doesn't actually grant anything. The actual rank check is done in RefreshSkills, but the data is still used to present the message informing that a skill was available. That however means there is 2 sources of truths about this: the data tells what the game needs to present the message of getting the skill while RefreshData tells if the skill is actually available with the new rank. For the skill availability to function correctly, both information should match. Failure to do so will cause the rank up message to advertise a new skill, but it wouldn't be available or vice versa.

A few notes about how the data is handled

For bonus type 0 and 1, the AnimID can only be 0 (Bee), 1 (Beetle) or 2 (Moth) because not doing so can lead to undefined behaviors. Specifically, the game will not be able to get the correct member's name as it is expected to be at menutext 46, 47 and 48 respectively. Any other will resolve to the wrong menutext as it will go past them.

Additionally, the game has a provision that disallow showing the rank up upgrade message if no member with the AnimID exists in the party. The bonus will be applied regardless, but the SetText command will not be done.

Bonus type 1 and 2 are ignored under RUIGEE.