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Musics data

Musics data are split in 2 TextAssets in the game:

  • Loaded by LoopPoint which will only run on the first FixedUpdate after LoadEverything:
    • Ressources/data/LoopPoints
  • Loaded on boot by SetVariables
    • MusicList from the corresponding dialogue directory of the current languageid

LoopPoints data

The asset contains one line per Music which contains the loop points of each music where the line index corresponds to the music. Each line contains 2 fields separated by ;:

Loaded index Name Type Description
0 End boundary float The timestamp in seconds to stop playing the audio and resume at the restart boundary
1 Restart boundary float The timestamp in seconds to continue playing the audio once it reaches the end boundary

The data will be loaded into musicloop[id, x] where id is the Music id and x is the loaded index.

MusicList data

The asset contains one line per Music whose id corresponds to the line index. Each line contains 1 field:

Name Type Description
Name SetText string The name of the Musics as shown by Samira Songs List Type

The data will be loaded into musicnames[i] where i is the line index. The convention is to name any songs not intended to be shown as ..

The name of the entry is used by the Samira Songs List Type for rendering.