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Miscellaneous language specific data

This page contains documentations about some minor languageid specific data the game uses. Each TextAsset mentioned is present in the corresponding language's dialogue directory.

Action commands instructions

ActionCommands is a TextAsset loaded on boot by SetVariables into the commandhelptext array that contains instructions to perform an action command in battle. Each line corresponds to one action command refered by its id. TODO: document what each id means exactly.


There are 2 TextAsset that describes each Areas: AreaNames and AreaDesc. AreaNames is loaded on boot by SetVariables into the areanames array and it contains an area name whose line index corresponds to an Area id. AreaDesc is loaded by PauseMenu's MapSetup into the enemydata array and it contains an area description whose line index corresponds to an Area id.


Credits contains the text rendered in the credits which has its own rendering scheme. It is loaded on Event 204 (credits) and it gets rendered using a list of TextMesh in rich text mode. It is the only notable textual information not rendered using SetText.


There is one unused TextAsset called BoardGame which presumably was a remnant of the unused PartyGame which had its own command. It presumably acted similarly to CardGame where it would contain SetText lines used for the game only.

TODO: there's a LibraryMap.asset ???