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Entity data

Entity data are split into 2 TextAssets in the game loaded on boot:

  • Resources/data/EntityValues
  • The Resources/data/entitydata directory

animid data

The TextAsset Resources/data/EntityValues from the root of the asset tree contains data that apply to every entities of a given AnimID. Each line id of the data corresponds to the matching AnimID. The data is loaded on boot during LoadEssentials in the endata static field of MainManager. The field is an array of struct of type Entity_Data.

NOTE: This asset uses the enum form of the AnimIDs, NOT the int form which means the first line represents None.

A word on the asset's format

This format is very unique in the game: it is not encoded in a similar fashion than other TextAssets in the game. Here is how the data is serialiazed:

  • The fields are split by ,
  • Every primitives types are encoded as normal (int, float, string, boolean, etc...)
  • A Vector3 is NOT encoded using 3 fields. It is encoded using 1 field with the format (x, y, z) where x, y and z are the floats of the vector. Note that the inner separators are expected: the parser will expect the parenthesizes delimiters to know this is parsed differently.
  • An empty string is an empty field.

TextAsset and Entity_Data layout

Here is the layout of the data and the fields associated with this struct (NOTE: the position is given according to the TextAsset which means Vector3 are treated as one position):

Position Description Type Additional information
0 shadowsize float The default value is 1.0 if the AnimIDs is higher than the max line id contained in the asset
1 startscale Vector3 The default value is if the AnimIDs is higher than the max line id contained in the asset
2 bleeppitch float The default value is 1.0 if the AnimIDs is higher than the max line id contained in the asset. See bleep to learn more
3 bleepid int See bleep to learn more
4 ismodel bool See AddModel to learn more
5 modelscale Vector3 See AddModel to learn more
6 modeloffset Vector3 See AddModel to learn more
7 freezesize Vector3
8 freezeoffset Vector3
9 freezeflipoffset Vector3
10 preloaddata string[] The strings are split by ?, can be left empty in which case, the array is left to null. The strings represents asset paths relative from the Asset directory. A $ prefix means to not preload outside of battle while a $ indicate it is a sprite instead of a game object from a prefab
11 shakeondrop bool
12 diganim bool
13 dontoverridejump bool
14 freezenofall bool
15 noshadow bool
16 walktype WalkType Encoded in its int form, see below for the possible values
17 basestate int This field is loaded, but not used. A value must still be provided or an exception will be thrown.
18 basewalk int This field is loaded, but not used. A value must still be provided or an exception will be thrown.
19 minheight float
20 startheight float This field is loaded, but not used. A value must still be provided or an exception will be thrown.
21 startbobspd float
22 startbobfreq float
23 hasiceanim bool
24 noflyanim bool This field is optional, it can be omitted which leaves a default value of false
25 forceshadow bool This field is optional, it can be omitted which leaves a default value of false
26 Object bool This field is optional, it can be omitted which leaves a default value of false

NOTE: Fields 24, 25 and 26 must be omitted TOGETHER if any are to be omitted. Failure to do so will result in an exception to be thrown when parsing the asset.

WalkType values

Here are the possible values for a WalkType enum value:

Value Name
0 Normal
1 Jump

The only thing this field does is if it's Jump, Move will have the entity continuously jump when it can during the movement.

Map entity data

The entitydata directory contains the names and details that applies to each specific entities that should be loaded upon a specific Map load. The data only gets loaded during MapControl's CreateEntities for the concerned Maps which happens on the MapControl's Start. The data ends up in the entities field of the MapControl which is an array of EntityControl and each index of that array ends up in the npcdata.mapid field of each NPCControl. The loaded data ends up in endata and it is possible to retrieve the fields later. This is how CheckSpecialID reads some of them.

Each line of an entity map asset contains one line per entity. It contains fields about its EntityControl and its NPCControl (via the npcdata field) separated by }. Each asset corresponds to each map in the game where its asset's filename is the Map's id.

The names of each entity are not contained in the data assets. They are contained in a names directory next to the data assets. An entity name asset contains one string per line that corresponds to the name of entity of the matching line in the matching data asset. The names asset filename is Xnames where X is the Map id.

This gives the following layout:

  • Path to the entity data files: Resources/data/entitydata
  • Path to the entity name files: Resources/data/entitydata/names

The name of an entity can contain special strings to act as modifiers on it which means the name is both used for debugging purposes as well as to modify its behavior.

Entity Data File Fields

While a lot of these fields have shared meanings, a lot are dependant of the specifics of the NPCControl (for example, the data fields completely changes between them). It is recommended to check the NPCControl documentation to understand where each field is used in what circumstances. The EntityControl fields however tends to remain shared.

Position Description Type Additional information
0 npcdata.entitytype NPCControl.NPCType
1 npcdata.objecttype NPCControl.ObjectTypes
2 npcdata.behaviors[0] NPCControl.ActionBehaviors
3 npcdata.behaviors[1] NPCControl.ActionBehaviors
4 npcdata.interacttype NPCControl.Interaction If it's Shop, this tells the game to build a shop system
5 destroytype NPCControl.DeathType Used in Death to determine how to destroy the entity
6 startpos.x float
7 startpos.y float
8 startpos.z float
9 animid int This is the item type for an Item object
10 flip bool
11 ccol.height float
12 ccol.radius float Also assigned to npcdata.colliderheight
13 npcdata.radius float Regulates how close the player needs to be to become inrange which affects behaviors and interactions
14 npcdata.timer float For a lot of objects, this is a timer in frame that when expired, Death is called on the entity. -1 means to not have a timer
15 speed float
16 npcdata.actionfrequency[0] float
17 npcdata.actionfrequency[1] float
18 npcdata.speedmultiplier float
19 npcdata.radiuslimit float The radius the entity can be in and will not go outside of it in multiple cases
20 npcdata.wanderradius float For a Wander behavior or derivative, this is the radius the entity can move to between wanders
21 npcdata.teleportradius float For a Wander behavior or derivative, this is the radius the entity can teleport to in the case of a failsafe situation
22 NPCControl has a BoxCollider? bool
23 npcdata.boxcol.isTrigger bool Requires field at position 22 to be true
24 npcdata.boxcol.size.x float Requires field at position 22 to be true
25 npcdata.boxcol.size.y float Requires field at position 22 to be true
26 npcdata.boxcol.size.z float Requires field at position 22 to be true
27 float Requires field at position 22 to be true
28 float Requires field at position 22 to be true
29 float Requires field at position 22 to be true
30 npcdata.freezetime float
31 freezesize.x float
32 freezesize.y float
33 freezesize.z float
34 freezeoffset.x float
35 freezeoffset.y float
36 freezeoffset.z float
37 npcdata.eventid int
38 Length of npcdata.requires int Maximum of 10
39-48 npcdata.requires int[] lists of flags slots that needs to be true for the entity to exist
49 Length of npcdata.limit int Maximum of 10
50-59 npcdata.limit int[] lists of flags slots that needs to be false for the entity to exist
60 Length of int Maximum of 10
61-70 int[] General purpose int array
71 Length of npcdata.vectordata int Maximum of 10
72-101 npcdata.vectordata Vector3[] General purpose triplets of floats array
102 Length of npcdata.dialogues int Maximum of 20
103-162 npcdata.dialogues Vector3[] For an NPC, consult the documentation of GetDialogue to learn how this array is managed
163 transform.eulerAngles.x float
164 transform.eulerAngles.y float
165 transform.eulerAngles.z float
166 Length of npcdata.battleids int Maximum of 4
167-170 npcdata.battleids int[] For an Enemy, this is the list of enemy id the encounter consists of
171 npcdata.tagcolor.r float Doesn't affect gameplay, only used in the Unity editor
172 npcdata.tagcolor.g float Doesn't affect gameplay, only used in the Unity editor
173 npcdata.tagcolor.b float Doesn't affect gameplay, only used in the Unity editor
174 npcdata.tagcolor.a float Doesn't affect gameplay, only used in the Unity editor
175 emoticonoffset.x float
176 emoticonoffset.y float
177 emoticonoffset.z float
178 npcdata.insideid int The interior id of the map the entity starts in
179-188 npcdata.emoticonflag string[10] See CheckEmoteFlag
189 npcdata.tattleid int The dialogue line id corresponding to tattling the NPCControl
190 npcdata.regionalflag int The Regionalflags slot bound to this entity
191 initialheight float
192 bobrange float
193 bobspeed float
194 npcdata.activationflag int The flag slot bound to this entity
195 npcdata.returntoheight bool or int Int if the length in string is 1, bool otherwise