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BoardQuests are split in 3 TextAssets in the game loaded on boot:

  • By LoadEssentials:
    • Ressources/data/QuestChecks
  • By SetVariables:
    • Ressources/data/BoardData
    • BoardQuests from the corresponding dialogue directory of the current languageid

QuestChecks data

The asset contains one line per BoardQuests whose id corresponds to the line index. Each line contains one a @ separated list of one field per element:

Name Type Description
Prerequisite int > 0: a required flags slot for the quest to be true
--- --- = 0: No prerequisite if it's the first element, having seen Areas 0 (Bugaria Outskirt) otherwise
--- --- \< 0: A required Areas id to have been seen

The data will be loaded into questchecks[id, x] where id is the BoardQuests id and x is the index of each elements of the list starting from 0.

It should be noted that a prerequisite of 0 is only supported as it being the only element to indicate there are no prerequisite. Everything after will be ignored as the first element being 0 takes priority.

BoardData data

The asset contains one line per BoardQuests whose id corresponds to the line index. Each line contains fields separated by @:

Loaded index Name Type Description
3 Taken flags int The flags slot telling if the quest was taken
4 Icon int Index of the sprite in Sprites/Items/EnemyPortraits to render using the Quest Board List Type
5 Difficulty int The amount of stars to render as a difficulty indicator using the Quest Board List Type

The data will be loaded into boardquestdata[id, x] where id is the BoardQuests id and x is the loaded index.

BoardQuests data

The asset contains one line per BoardQuests whose id corresponds to the line index. Each line contains fields separated by @:

Loaded index Name Type Description
0 Name SetText string The name of the quest
1 Description SetText string The description of the quest
2 Sender SetText string The name of the sender of the quest

The data will be loaded into boardquestdata[id, x] where id is the BoardQuests id and x is the loaded index