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Render the Termacade's games high scores and yield until Confirm or Cancel is pressed.






This command will do the following:

  • Start a fade to black and yield for one second
  • Remove the camera positional limits by settings the bounds from (-999.0, -999.0, -999.0) to (999.0, 999.0, 999.0) and save the existing ones in the temporary fields.
  • Set the camera to move instantaneously to (0.0, 70.0, 0.0).
  • Save the state of the anti aliasing and then force enable it.
  • Set the render texture of the camera with down sampling of 80%.
  • Setup a solid color object named score whose color is 75% between white and black at 0.01 pixels per unit positioned at (0.0, 70.0, 0.0) with the pivot set at the center (0.5, 0.5).
  • Call SetText in non Dialogue mode where the input string is |center||color,4||dropshadow,0.1,-0.1||textangle| followed by menu text 237 (|rainbow|!! HIGH SCORES !!) where the parent is score:
    • fonttype is D3Streetism
    • Rendered using tridimensional at true
    • position is (0.0, 4.8, 0.0)
    • camoffset is
    • size is (2.0, 2.0)
    • No caller
  • Create a new GameObject and child score to it.
  • Start a fade back to the game and yield for one second
  • Render each game score like the following:
    • Call SetText in non Dialogue mode where the input string is |center||color,4||dropshadow,0.1,-0.1||textangle| followed by |center| followed by menu text 210 for Flower Journey and 211 for Mite Knight (it contains the name of the game) where the parent is score:
      • fonttype is D3Streetism
      • Rendered using tridimensional at true
      • position is (-7.0, y, -3.0) where y is 2.0 for Flowey Journey and 0.35 for Mite Knight
      • camoffset is
      • size is (1.5, 2.0)
      • No caller
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds.
    • Call SetText in non Dialogue mode where the input string is |center||color,4||dropshadow,0.1,-0.1||textangle| followed by |center| followed by the string representation of flagvar 28 for Flower Journey or 29 for Mite Knight padded by 5 to the left with 0 (each contains the high score of the game) where the parent is score:
      • fonttype is D3Streetism
      • Rendered using tridimensional at true
      • position is (4.0, y, -3.0) where y is 2.0 for Flowey Journey and 0.35 for Mite Knight
      • camoffset is
      • size is (2.0, 2.0)
      • No caller
    • Yield for 0.5 seconds.
  • Call SetText in non Dialogue mode where the input string is |center||color,4||dropshadow,0.1,-0.1||textangle| followed by menu text 238 (Press |button,4| or |button,5| to exit.) where the parent is the unnamed GameObject created earlier:
    • fonttype is D3Streetism
    • Rendered using tridimensional at true
    • position is (0.0, 0.0, -3.0)
    • camoffset is
    • size is (1.5, 2.0)
    • No caller
  • Yield for 0.5 seconds.
  • While Confirm or Cancel aren't pressed:
    • Set the position of the unnamed GameObject to (0.0, y, 0.0) where y is -2.0 if Mathf.Sin of Time.time is above 0 or 999.0 otherwise (this makes it oscillate between being visible or not by rendering the object way above the camera).
    • Yield for a frame.
  • Once the yielding is done, make the bottom prompt disappear by moving it to (0.0, 999.0, 0.0).
  • Start a fade to black and yield for a second.
  • Restore the render texture to not have any down sampling.
  • Restore the camera's anti aliasing state.
  • Destroy score.
  • Restore the camera positional limits using the temporary fields saved earlier.
  • Reset the camera instantly.
  • Yield for a frame.
  • Fade back to the game.
  • Yield for a second.