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Display a prompt offering multiple options with cancellation support, then wait that an option has been chosen and process it in the same SetText call.









type: yesno | map | card | main | menu

The type of the prompt to use which dictates what promptpointers and prompttexts (in int form) refers to (this is case sensitive):

  • yesno: An alias for syntax (3) where the type is map, xminsizeypos is 0.5 (which is a dummy value), maxoptions is 2, promptpointers are the yespointer and nopointer values respectively, prompttexts are the yes and no line ids from MenuText respectively and canceloption will be the one provided in syntax (2) or default to 1 in syntax (1) which is the no option.
  • map: The promptpointers and the int form of prompttexts refers to Dialogue line ids. If any pointer is an invalid Dialogue line id, an exception will be thrown.
  • card: The promptpointers refers to a CardDialogue line id and the int form of prompttexts refers to a Dialogue line ids. If any pointer is an invalid id or a Spy Cards battle isn't in progress, an exception will be thrown.
  • main, menu: The promptpointers and the int form of prompttexts refers to a MenuText line id. If any pointer is an invalid id, an exception will be thrown.

Any other value will default to map.

yespointer: int

The Dialogue line id for the yes option in syntax (1) and (2). This value must be a valid Dialogue line id or an exception will be thrown.

nopointer: int

The Dialogue line id for the no option in syntax (1) and (2). This value must be a valid Dialogue line id or an exception will be thrown.

xminsizeyoffset: array split by ;: xfloat | $float

This allows to specify a minimum horizontal size and a vertical offset when rendering the prompt. The last xfloat element refers to the the former while the last $float element refers to the later. Any other element prefixes will cause the element to be ignored and the float part of the elements must be valid float values or an exception will be thrown. Any separator other than ; will be ignored and be parsed as if it was part of the element. Either values are optional and it is possible to provide a dummy value to this parameter to not specify either. The order of the values in the array does not matter, but if a value is specified in multiple element, the last one takes priority.

maxoptions: int

The number of options this prompt has. This value must be a valid int value or an exception will be thrown. Additionally, this value dictates the amount of promptpointers and prompttexts the command has. If this value is higher than the amount of either of these parameters, an exception will be thrown and if it is lower than either, SetText will only read the amount specified by this parameter and ignore the remaining ones.

promptpointers: int...

The line ids of each of the prompt options. The amount to specify must be equal or higher than maxoptions and each must be a valid line id value or an exception will be thrown. The type of line id to use is dictated by the type value.

prompttexts: @string... | int

The displayed texts or Dialogue line id of each of the prompt options. The amount to specify must be equal or higher than maxoptions and each int form must be a valid Dialogue line id value or an exception will be thrown.

For the @string form, this specifies the text directly with inline commands support. Every } will be replaced by , and every { will be replaced by | which allows the command parser to process commands from a separate SetText after parsing this prompt one. This form takes priority over the int one and any other prefix of the string will be ignored and the value will be taken as an int.

canceloption: none | -1 | $int

The cancel option index for the $int form or disables the ability to cancel with none or -1. Specifying $-1 is equivalent to -1 or none. Otherwise, the int must be between 0 and maxoptions - 1. Any other int will cause an exception to be thrown upon the prompt's option being chosen. Any other value or any int prefixed with anything other than $ will be ignored and the value will default to the equivalent of none or -1. If this option is not specified, the last parameter sent to this command (which is the last prompttexts value) is used as this parameter's value instead.


This command requires to be in Dialogue mode or SetText will not wait for the prompt to finish and resume processing as normal which can cause undefined behaviors.

For the xminsize part of xminsizeyoffset, the horizontal length of the prompt is calculated by taking the longest among the prompttexts text. If that length is smaller than the xminsize, the xminsize will be the horizontal length of the prompt. Otherwise, the calculated length takes precedence.

Prompt handling

While this command manages the creation and setup of the prompt, its handling is left to be handled in MainManager's Update. There are several MainManager instance fields in this command to make this possible:

  • promptbox: The 9box containing the prompt, created during processing using xminsizeyoffset and the texts obtained from prompttexts using separate SetText calls for each in non Dialogue mode. These calls are done with the following parameters:
    • The input string is the text value appended with |choicewave,o| where o is the corresponding option index.
    • fonttype is BubblegumSans
    • No linebreak
    • No tridimensional
    • position is (0.0 - xminsize - 0.1, yoffset, 0.0)
    • No camoffset
    • size is (0.85, 0.85, 1.0)
    • parent is the promptbox itself
    • caller is null
  • prompt: The flag tracking if a prompt is active, set to true during this command's processing and set to false by MainManager's Update once an option has been chosen.
  • promptpick: The option index chosen, already been set to -1 from the Setup phase and set by MainManager's Update when an option has been chosen to option (if a cancel was performed, listcancel will be used instead).
  • promptpointers: The pointers specified by promptpointers which are set during the processing of this command.
  • maxoptions: The amount of option the prompt has which is set from this command's maxoptions during processing.
  • option: The option index the cursor is currently at, initialized to 0 from this command's processing.
  • lastPrompt: The option value that was on the last confirmed prompt. NOTE: option is a better field for this because that one always report the last prompt's option no matter if it was confirmed or not which affects other types of prompts.
  • listcancel: The option index that will be the promptpick if a cancel is performed or -1 if cancelling is disabled, set by canceloption during this command's processing (-1 is set if the value is -1 or none).

Just before ending the command processing, a 5 frame input cooldown is applied which allows the prompt to appear on the screen. After the command has been processed, SetText will keep yielding frames in the Dialogue post-processing phase until prompt is set to false from MainManager's Update. This Update event completely changes the input handling of the game and in general, it restricts actions to interact with the current prompt. Additionally, the blinker will be disabled. The actions will be restricted to the following:

  • Up: Moves the cursor to the option above or to the last option if it was on the first one (also sets option accordingly).
  • Down: Moves the cursor to the option below or to the first option if it was on the last one (also sets option accordingly).
  • Cancel: If listcancel is not -1, sets prompt to false with listcancel as the promptpick and play the cancel sound, otherwise, nothing happens.
  • Confirm: Sets prompt to false, lastPrompt and promptpick to option and play the Confirm sound.

Once the prompt handling is complete, MainManager.Update will set Text advance's skiptext to false, apply an input cooldown of 10 frames on cancel or 5 frames on confirm and revert its input processing to the standard method.

Handling the chosen option

When SetText is done yielding, the prompt will be handled immediately after in Prompt handling. To note, flagvar 0 being -555 is supposed to be false because this is the way the game can know it was a letterprompt, but its value isn't written by this command. This may cause the textbox to unhide itself if a letterprompt was processed before.

After, processing continues as normal with a fresh input string once Dialogue post-processing is completed for this iteration of the char loop.