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Displays a prompt where an integer number can be entered by entering each digits and redirects upon confirmation or cancellation. The result is stored in a flagvar slot upon confirmation.




outflagvar: int

The flagvar slot to place the result upon confirmation. This must be a valid flagvar slot or an exception will be thrown.

maxlength: int

The maximum amount of digits allowed to be entered. Assigned to flagvar 10. This must be a valid int or an exception will be thrown.

confirmline: int

This is the desired Dialogue line id to redirect when the number prompt is confirmed. This must be a valid Dialogue line id or an exception will be thrown.

cancelline: int

This is the desired Dialogue line id to redirect when the number prompt is cancelled. This must be a valid Dialogue line id or an exception will be thrown.


This command requires to be in Dialogue mode or SetText will not wait for the prompt to finish and resume processing as normal which can cause undefined behaviors.

This command will first setup a number prompt to be displayed and yield until its outcome is determined using the same prompt lock used by prompt.

The handling of the number prompt is done by MainManager's Update which restricts the inputs available to the 4 directions (to move the selected), confirm, cancel and pause (to set the selected option to the confirm one). This is where the maxlength constraint is checked: if a number is entered when the length of the current number text is the max, it will prevent the action. If the number prompt is confirmed, the outflagvar flagvar slot is assigned to the result before releasing the prompt lock.

Once the outcome is determined, control goes back to SetText inside the Dialogue post-processing where it will redirect the input string to cancelline if cancelled and to confirmline if confirmed.

About the fields, flagvar and flagstring used

The way a number prompt works is by reusing some fields used in the prompt and letterprompt command as well as sharing some fields used by ItemList. It's important to note that while it may shares some fields with these 2 systems, they are NOT equivalent semantically. This can in theory cause problems if they mix, but in practice, all fields mentioned here are properly reset by this command or their respective systems before usage so in practice, it's mostly safe.

Here are the fields in question:

  • letterprompt: Set to -1 to indicate this is not a letterprompt which is a superset of number prompt
  • listcancelled: Set to false during the command processing and to true if the number prompt was cancelled
  • prompt: Since this command uses the same lock then prompt, it works the same way here (set to true during the command processing and to false when SetText is done yielding and handles the outcome)
  • numberprompt: Set to true during the command processing (it's not set to false because its value won't matter after until a prompt command happens which itself would set it to false anyway)
  • option: The current option index from 0 to 11
  • lastPrompt: The option value that was on the last confirmed prompt. NOTE: option is a better field for this because that one always report the last prompt's option no matter if it was confirmed or not which affects other types of prompts.
  • maxoptions: The index of the last option being 11 here (NOTE: this isn't the same than prompt or ItemList where it's the AMOUNT of options)
  • promptbox: The 9box containing the prompt itself
  • npromptholder: A GameObject that lives as a child of the promptbox and it contains the current number text
  • listtype: This is the field used to store the outflagvar temporarily until the number prompt is confirmed. It does NOT correspond to an actual listtype.
  • listredirect: This is the field used to store the confirmline until the number prompt is confirmed. It has nothing to do with its usage in ItemList
  • listcancel: This is the field used to store the cancelline until the number prompt is cancelled. It has nothing to do with its usage in ItemList

As for the flagvar, this command and its handling uses the following slots:

  • outflagvar: Will be used to output the result only if the prompt is confirmed (it is not touched if the prompt is cancelled)
  • 0: Will be set to 0 if its value was -555 before. This is to prevent this prompt from being seen as a letterprompt which is a superset of number prompt.
  • 4: Set to 0 every time the number prompt is refreshed (NOTE: why?)
  • 5: Set to -1 from this command, then changes to the button id if it's a direction input during the prompt handling. At the end of the prompt, this value will correspond to the last direction pushed during the prompt handling. This is actively used by numberprompt, but is still used here as a leftover feature without having any impact on the prompt handling.
  • 10: Set to maxlength

This command also uses flagstring 0 to store the number's text while the number prompt is being handled. Its integer representation is assigned to the outflagvar flagvar slot when the number prompt is confirmed. This temporary storage is necessary to track the length constraint by maxlength.

Number prompt rendering

The promptbox is a regular 9box rendered at (0.0, -1.2, 10.0) of size (7.0, 3.0) with a sortingOrder of -3 with the color of the textbox with a grow animation

The npromptholder is a new GameObject named number holder that lives as the child of the promptbox. Its local position to (0.0, 0.5, 0.05) without angles or scaling.

To render each 12 options (the 10 digits, Confirm and Erase), the following is done:

  • Start with the x and y position of the options be -2.25 and -0.25 respectively
  • Render the options such that for each options:
    • Have each text be |choicewave,n,true| (without the true parameter for option 10 and 11) where n is the option index from 0 to 11. This is prepanded with menutext 42 (Confirm) for option 10 and menutext 74 (Erase) for option 11. Option 0-9 are the digits. If languageid is 6 (Russian), option 10 (Confirm) is also prepanded with |sizemulti,0.8,1| before the menutext part
    • Call SetText in non Dialogue mode using the text prepanded with |center|:
      • fonttype is BubblegumSans
      • no linebreak
      • no tridimensional
      • position is (x, y, 0.0) where x and y are the current value of the option's positions.
      • no camoffset
      • size of (0.85, 0.85)
      • parent is the promptbox
      • no caller
    • Add 0.5 to x
    • if we had just rendered option 9
      • Remove -1.5 to x and 0.75 to y
    • If we had just rendered option 10
      • Set x to 1.5

After the initial setup, the first refresh of the number prompt is performed. This will destroy the text in npromptholder and rerender using the one in flagstring 0 which will get updated periodically as digits are added in removed during the prompt handling. This also sets flagvar 4 to 0. As for the rendering of the number text itself, it is done via a SetText call in non Dialogue mode with the text padded to the right with _ to fit into maxlength prepended with |center|:

  • fonttype is BubblegumSans
  • no linebreak
  • no tridimensional
  • position is
  • no camoffset
  • size of
  • parent is the npromptholder
  • no caller

After the first refresh is done, a refresh will only get done after a digit is added/removed during the number prompt handling.

Number prompt handling

Just before ending the command processing, a 5 frame input cooldown is applied which allows the number prompt to appear on the screen. After the command has been processed, SetText will keep yielding frames in the Dialogue post-processing phase until prompt is set to false from MainManager's Update. This Update event completely changes the input handling of the game and in general, it restricts actions to interact with the current number prompt. Additionally, the blinker will be disabled.

The actions will be restricted to the following:

  • Up: Moves the cursor to option 0 (digit 0) and set flagvar 5 to 0
  • Down: Moves the cursor to option 11 (Confirm) and set flagvar 5 to 1
  • Left: Moves the cursor to the option below the current one and set flagvar 5 to 2
  • Right: Moves the cursor to the option above the current one and set flagvar 5 to 3
  • Pause: Move the cursor to the confirm option
  • Cancel: Sets listcancelled to true, promptpick to 0, promptpointers to be one element containing cancelline fetched from listcancel and Text advance's skiptext to false. This will also apply a 15 frames inputcooldown, reset the Backtracking system and finally, release the prompt lock
  • Confirm: A 5 frames input cooldown is applied and it also set promptpick to 0. The rest depends on the option currently selected before resetting the Backtracking system:
    • A number: Add the entered digit to flagstring 0 (current number text) and refresh the number prompt unless the length is maxlength from flagvar 10 in which case, the buzzer plays
    • Erase: Remove the last entered digit from flagstring 0 (current number text) and refresh the number prompt unless the text was empty in which case, the buzzer plays
    • Confirm: If flagstring 0 (current number text) is empty
      • This is treated the same way than if cancel was pressed with the exception that the input cooldown is 5 frames instead of 15 and listcancelled isn't set to false.
      • If it wasn't empty, the outflagvar flagvar slot is set to the integer version of flagstring 0 (the current number text), promptpointers is set to one element containing confirmline fetched from listredirect, Text advance's skiptext is set to false, the Backtracking system is reset and finally, the prompt lock is released

Handling the number prompt outcome

When SetText is done yielding, the prompt will be handled immediately after in Prompt handling.

After, processing continues as normal with a fresh input string once Dialogue post-processing is completed for this iteration of the char loop.