Ignore all collision with the player to a specific Entity during this SetText call in Dialogue mode.
: int¶
The Entity id or designator to ignore collisions with the player. The int form represents an Entity id and it must be a valid int or an exception will be thrown. If the entity resolves to null, this command does nothing:
: Refers to the tailtarget.caller
: Refers to the caller.- Anything else: Refers to a define if it exists, otherwise, this is interpreted as a regular Entity id which will cause an exception to be thrown.
This command does nothing if the player is null.
Specifically, the collisions ignored concern the Entity's ccol, pusher, scol and boxcol if each exists. This also set the hitwall field of the player's Entity to false.
In Dialogue mode, the collisions are restored in the Dialogue Cleanup phase if the player is still not null and the game isn't in an event, but in non Dialogue mode, they won't be restored after the SetText call.