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Check a flagvar for NOT being a specific integer, a single flag for being true or a set of flags for a specific state and either do nothing if all conditions are satisfied or redirect to a different line if they aren't.







flags: int | array split by @: int

The flag slot or array of flags slot to check for being true. It is possible to only specify one slot by omitting any @.

In the singular form, the value must be a valid flag slot or an exception will be thrown. In this form, only checking for a single flag being true is supported.

In the array form, each element of the array must be have its absolute value be a valid flags slot or an exception will be thrown. Any negative version of a slot or 0 will instruct to check for the flag being false instead of true.


This value determines whether to operate in syntax (2) or not. Any other value will be interpreted as flags.

flagvar: int

The flagvar slot to check. This must be a valid flagvar slot or an exception will be thrown.

value: int

The value to compare the flagvar against for inequality. This must be a valid integer or an exception will be thrown.

lineidfalse: int

The Dialogue line id to redirect to if the overall condition gets evaluated to false. If the condition gets evaluated to true, this parameter is ignored.


In its simplest form, this command will evaluate the following:

  • If syntax (1) and flags is one flags slot, check if that slot is true
  • If syntax (1) and flags is an array of integer, for each int:
    • if it is above 0, check if the corresponding flags slot is true
    • If it is 0 or below, take the absolute value and check if the corresponding flags slot is false
  • If Syntax (2), check that the flagvar slot flagvar is NOT equal to value

If any the applicable conditions are false, this command will do nothing and processing resumes as normal.

If all of the applicable conditions are true however, the input string will be overwritten to an OrganiseLines version of the dialogue line at id lineidfalse. This will reset the character position of the Char loop to restart at the beginning of the input string which will cause processing to resume at the start of the new input string. This will also disable skiptext if it was enabled by the Text advance system.