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Check that the quantity of items in an inventory is equal or higher than a specific quantity or the maximum amount allowed by the game for this specific inventory. If it is, replaces the input string by another dialogue line.




invtype: 0 | 1 | 2

The inventory type to check the quantity:

  • 0: Standard items
  • 1: Key items (this will cause the command to do nothing).
  • 2: Storage items.

Any other value will cause an exception to be thrown.

quantity: full | int

The quantity to compare against. If it is full, the quantity depends on invtype:

  • 0: The current amount of maximum standard items allowed in inventory.
  • 1: N/A (will never report to exceed the quantity)
  • 2: The amount of maximum storage items allowed (this is always 35 under normal gameplay).

If it is an int, this refers to a specific quantity and it must corresponds to a valid int value or an exception will be thrown.

dialogue: int

The Dialogue line id to redirect if the quantity is equal or higher than quantity. This value must be a valid Dialogue line id or an exception will be thrown.


Whenever the input string is replaced, it is done with an OrganiseLines version of dialogue string prepended with |blank|.

If the input string is replaced, this command will resume processing at the start of the new input string.