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A variation of checktrue where the only difference is the flag condition are inverted (there are no changes to flagvar checks). See the remarks section of this page for the exact logic.







The same as checktrue.


In its simplest form, this command will evaluate the following:

  • If syntax (1) and flags is one flag slot, check if that slot is false
  • If syntax (1) and flags is an array of integer, for each int:
    • if it is above 0, check if the corresponding flag slot is false
    • If it is 0 or below, take the absolute value and check if the corresponding flag slot is true
  • If Syntax (2), check that the flagvar slot flagvar is NOT equal to value

If any the applicable conditions are false, this command will do nothing and processing resumes as normal.

If all of the applicable conditions are true however, the input string will be overwritten to an OrganiseLines version of the dialogue line at id lineidfalse. This will reset the character position of the Char loop to restart at the beginning of the input string which will cause processing to resume at the start of the new input string. This will also disable skiptext if it was enabled by the Text advance system.