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Start a game of Flower Journey (aka FlappyBee) and yield until it is over.






The startup process is as follow:

  • Set the current textbox to hide with a shrink animation as well as a fade to black with a speed of 0.1 then yield for 1 second
  • Save the values of the current music, the fog color and the camera limits
  • Effectively remove any camera limit by setting the bounds from (-999.0, -999.0, -999.0) to (999.0, 999.0, 999.0)
  • Set flagvar 6 to 0 (this is needed for the game later to know what game was completed to properly reward the tokens amount)
  • Set the position of the game's transform to (0.0, 70.0, 0.0) and the camera speed to 1.0 (instant)
  • Yield for a frame
  • Set the camera speed to 0.1 (the default speed)
  • Yield for a frame
  • Yield until the FlappyBee's object goes to null (this is done some time after its destruction)

Once the game is over:

  • The camera limits are restored and the camera is reset instantaneously.
  • The fog color and render distance are restored
  • The music is changed to the one before the game started
  • A fade out to reveal the main game is done
  • Yield for a second
  • Disable the Text advance's skiptext
  • Reveal the textbox with a grow animation
  • Reassign the blinker

It should be noted that the game will write to flagvar 0 with the score during the process of ending the mini game.