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Render a box behind the text with 40% transparency using one of the text colors.







colorindex: int

The color index to render from the text color palette. This must be a valid color index or an exception will be thrown. Here are all the valid values:

  • 0: 000000 (pure black, fully opaque).
  • 1: EE0B0B (mostly red, fully opaque).
  • 2: 00E700 (mostly green, fully opaque).
  • 3: 0000FF (pure blue, fully opaque).
  • 4: FFFFFF (pure white, fully opaque).
  • 5: A9F1FF (sky blue, fully opaque).
  • 6: FFD500 (mostly yellow, fully opaque).
  • 7: 7C7C7C (gray, 214/255 opaque).
  • 8: 00CC01 (mostly darker green than 2, fully opaque).
  • 9: FFA400 (mostly orange, fully opaque).

The default is 4.


The backbox is a new UI object named backbox childed to the textholder with its sortingOrder set to the current sort - 2. It is set to cover the whole space of the textholder.

The color always ends up with 40% transparency no matter what the original color was.