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SetText Commands

A Commands is a enum used by SetText that indicates a command to processes something with or without parameters. When specifying the input string, a command and its parameters must be enclosed in |. The command name and each of its parameters must be separated by ,. The command text is refered to anything between both | which the command has the ability to replace the text and resume processing at the same position.

Commands also has the ability to perform what's called a redirection which overwrites the input string with a new one and then resumes processing at the start of this new string.

About case sensitivity

While the actual parsing of the command's name is case insensitive, it is strongly recommended to specify it in all lowercase. This is because there are some logic which are only compatible with the name being in all lowercase notably OrganiseLines and some checks such as the commands allowed in testdiag mode. Not putting it in all lowercase can result in commands being misidentified in some special cases.

For that reason, it is best to consider everything to be case sensitive unless specified otherwise.

About the notes column

The notes contain useful information about each commands, here are what they mean:

  • NOT REFERENCED: The enum value exists, but no implementation or references exists, the command name can be parsed without errors, but it will do nothing and so, it does not have a documentation page.
  • UNUSED: The command remains functional and has an implementation, but there are no known usage in the game. Whether the command is useful or not can be found in its details page.
  • DIALOGUE MODE: The command requires Dialogue mode or works incorrectly in non Dialogue mode.
  • REGULAR LETTER RENDERING: The command requires to be using Regular Letter Rendering or works incorrectly in Single Letter Rendering.
  • SINGLE LETTER RENDERING: The command requires to be using Single Letter Rendering or works incorrectly in Regular Letter Rendering.
  • TESTDIAG: The command is supported by Testdiag.
  • BACKTRACK: The command is supported by the Backtracking system and its command text may be accumulated or it may directly interact with the system.
  • REDIRECT: The command may cause a redirect and resume processing at the start of the new input string.
  • REPLACE: The command may replace the command text and resume processing at the same position.
  • PROCESSED IN ORGANISELINES: The command can be processed by OrganiseLines instead of SetText.
  • INFLUENCES ORGANISELINES: The command may influence the logic of OrganiseLines without necessarily being processed by it.

About the enum's backing value

The actual int form of the enum isn't used in any way. Only the enum values's name is used for parsing. This means the backing value isn't relevant and as such, the table presented below will not show them in enum value order, but rather by logical categories. The ID column will show the value still for the sake of completeness. If you wish to only view the commands list sorted by their enum value, consult this page


There are 217 commands as of 1.1.2. Here are the different commands grouped by categories.


ID Name Summary Notes
6 Line Go to a new line below and continue rendering at the start of the new line INFLUENCES ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK, TESTDIAG
14 Halfline An alias of line where linespacing is 0.5 INFLUENCES ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK, TESTDIAG
87 Quarterline An alias of line where linespacing is 0.25 INFLUENCES ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK, TESTDIAG
115 Pauseline An alias of line that is only processed by SetText when the pause menu is active and either in no window or in the following windows: top level window, "Inventory" and "Medals and Stats" INFLUENCES ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK
119 Libraryline An alias of line that is only processed by SetText when the pause menu is active and the active window is "library" INFLUENCES ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK
120 Shopline An alias of line that is only processed by SetText when unpaused and the player has control or an ItemList is getting processed INFLUENCES ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK
145 Backline Does the same task than line, but with a different syntax and it only works in Regular Letter Rendering while line works for both letter rendering method REGULAR RENDERING
167 Unpauseline An alias of line that is only processed by SetText when the pause menu is not active INFLUENCES ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK


ID Name Summary Notes
67 size Set the text size scaling to render from now on with the ability to prevent processing of further size commands temporarily INFLUENCE ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK
173 Librarysize An alias of size where the command is only processed if the pause menu is active on the "Library" window INFLUENCE ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK
193 Unpausesize An alias of size where the command is only processed if the pause menu and the questboardobj for the Quest Board List Type are inactive INFLUENCE ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK
203 Questsize An alias of size where the command is only processed if the questboardobj for the Quest Board List Type is active INFLUENCE ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK
205 Mapsize An alias of size where the command is only processed if the pause menu is active on the Map of Bugaria window INFLUENCE ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK
209 Sizemulti An alias of size in its second syntax INFLUENCE ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK
213 Battlesize An alias of size or sizemulti that is only processed if a battle is in progress BACKTRACK
214 Pausesize An alias of size where the command is only processed if the pause menu is active and the questboardobj for the Quest Board List Type is inactive INFLUENCE ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK
216 Listsize An alias of size or sizemulti that is only processed if a battle is in progress, the pause menu is inactive and we are in an ItemList INFLUENCE ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK

Flag arrays management

ID Name Summary Notes
0 String Replaces the text from this command to a flagstring text with horizontal size clamping support REPLACE
1 Var Replaces the text from this command to the textual representation of a flagvar with left padding support or set a flagvar to a value REPLACE
33 Flag Set a specific flag slot or a one whose id is in a flagvar to a value
66 Discovery Enable a Discoveries entry or enable all Discoveries entry, Bestiary entry, Recipes entry, Records entry and seen Areas
78 Regionalflag Set a Regionalflag slot to a value
92 Flagvalue Replace the text of this command by the string representation of a flag slot or one where the slot is contained in a flagvar slot REPLACE
100 Setvar Set a flagvar to a specific value, or increase/decrease a flagvar by a value or another flagvar
114 Clonestring Copy the value of a flagstring to another
127 Resetregion Reset all Regionalflags slot to false
128 Mapflag Changes a mapflags slot using a specific id directly or one coming from a flagvar slot
133 Optiontovar Set flagvar 0 or a specific slot to the last selected option from a prompt, numberprompt or ItemList
154 Copyvar Set the value of a flagvar slot UNUSED
155 Addvar Perform an arithmetic operation on a flagvar slot using a value as the other operand where the value is directly specified, corresponds to the current amount of berries or contained in another flagvar slot
168 Cberrytotal Replace the text of this command by the amount of crystalbfflags that are set to true REPLACE
185 Itemname Set a flagstring to an Item or Medal's name where the id is specified directly or contained in a flagvar
208 Itemvalue Set a flagvar to an Items or Medal's value (buying price) where the id is specified directly or contained in a flagvar

Dynamic text insertion

ID Name Summary Notes
2 Anstring Replaces the text from this command to a medal or item's prepender string from the game data REPLACE
40 Currency Replaces this command's text with a textual representation of a number followed by a space followed by either the singular form of the game's currency (berry in English) or the plural form (berries in English) depending on a specific amount or an amount contained in a flagvar REPLACE
46 Getstorage Replace the text of this command by the remaining amount of free items space of the storage (this is 35 - amount of items in storage under normal gameplay) REPLACE
58 Common Replace the input string to a parameterless blank command followed by a line in commondialogue and continue processing at the start of it REPLACE
138 Sstring Alias to string if processed by SetText directly, but it can also be processed before on OrganiseLines by replacing the text of this command to a flagstring PROCESSED IN ORGANISELINES
137 Area Replace the text of this command by the current Area's name REPLACE
139 Menu Alias to string if processed by SetText directly where flagstring is a menu text line id instead, but it can also be processed before by OrganiseLines with different behaviours PROCESSED IN ORGANISELINES
157 Call An alias of string where flagstring is a Dialogue line id instead REPLACE, TESTDIAG
169 Medaltotal Replace the text of this command by the amount of Medal in the player's possession REPLACE
178 Lore A helper of string where flagstring 0 is set to the Lore Book's text whose id is in flagvar 0 with additional commands then the same flagstring is sent to string in its fourth syntax REPLACE
212 Maxmedals Replace this command's text by the number of collectible medals in the game (hardcoded to 108) REPLACE
215 GetFromMap Replace the text of this command to a dialogue line that belongs to a specific Map REPLACE
217 Plural Replaces this command's text by one of 2 strings depending on if a value or a flagvar slot containing it is equal to 1 or not REPLACE, UNUSED

Sprite rendering

ID Name Summary Notes
47 Button Renders a ButtonSprite inline of the text and adjust the offset accordingly to resume processing after the sprite REGULAR RENDERING, INFLUENCE ORGANISELINES, BACKTRACK
97 Stars Renders a specific amount of white stars sprites in a row REGULAR RENDERING
111 Icon Render a gui sprite with a configurable size multiplier and sort value REGULAR RENDERING, BACKTRACK, TESTDIAG
174 Mothfly Replace the text of this command to a series of a specific amount of |icon,146,size| commands in a row where size is configurable REPLACE

Conditional rediction and flow

ID Name Summary Notes
34 Checkmoney Check that the berry count is less than a specific value or a value contained in a flagvar. If it is, redirect to another dialogue line REDIRECT
35 Checkinvqtd Check that the quantity of items in an inventory is equal or higher than a specific quantity or the maximum amount allowed by the game for this specific inventory. If it is, replaces the input string by another dialogue line REDIRECT
39 Goto Redirect to a particular dialogue line or a randomly selected one from a list. This has support for appending commands and to not blank the textbox before the replacement REDIRECT, BACKTRACK, TESTDIAG
44 Checktrue Check a flagvar for NOT being a specific integer, a single flag for being true or a set of flags for a specific state and either do nothing if all conditions are satisfied or redirect to a different line if they aren't REDIRECT
59 Checkvar Compare a flagvar against a value or another flagvar for a condition and redirect if this condition ends up being true or do nothing if it ends up being false REDIRECT
76 Checkregional Redirect to another dialogue line using a Dialogue line id if a Regionalflag slot is false or if it is in a specific state REDIRECT
77 Checkflag A variation of checktrue where the only difference is the flag condition are inverted REDIRECT
129 Checkmapflag Redirect to a Dialogue line id if a specific mapflags slot is true or continue processing as normal if it is false REDIRECT
143 Checkpos Redirect to a different line by a Dialogue line id if the current player's position on a specific axis isn't at least a specific value or do nothing otherwise REDIRECT
148 Battlewon Do nothing if the last battle or card battle was won, but redirect to a different dialogue line if it was lost or fled from REDIRECT
163 Checkanim Redirect to a different dialogue line if an Entity's animstate is a specific value REDIRECT
191 Termacadecheck A goto helper where the Dialogue line id can be one of 2 values depending if both high scores at the Termacade games were beaten or not from their default one REDIRECT, BACKTRACK
198 Checkallquests Redirect if 60 or more BoardQuests are in the completed board or do nothing otherwise REDIRECT
202 Checksum Process a goto in its first syntax if 2 values or flagvar slots added together is strictly bigger than another value or flagvar slot or do nothing otherwise REDIRECT, BACKTRACK
206 Caravanmedal Process a goto in syntax (2) if there are more than 1 prize Medal set to be available through the Caravan shop or do nothing otherwise REDIRECT, BACKTRACK

Dialogue flow

ID Name Summary Notes
7 Next Signals the game that the current textbox is over and wait for a confirmation input before resuming with a fresh textbox BACKTRACK, TESTDIAG, INFLUENCES ORGANISELINES
8 End Signal to SetText to not wait for a confirmation input at the end after the input string has been fully processed DIALOGUE MODE
9 Break Wait for a confirmation input before resuming
10 Blank Clears the current textbox by freeing all letter slots and go at the start of the first line BACKTRACK, INFLUENCES ORGANISELINES
11 Lock Force a grab on the message and the minipause locks UNUSED, DIALOGUE MODE
15 Stopskip Forces a stop on the text skip if one was in progress DIALOGUE MODE
16 Noskip Forces a stop on the text skip if one was in progress and also prevents any text skip to occur from this point until it is allowed again DIALOGUE MODE
25 Spd Set the wait time in seconds between letters
26 Speed An alias of spd
31 Parent Change the caller to an Entity's NPCControl
32 Tail Set the tailtarget to an Entity and optionally change the animation state of the new target Entity with a hide/unhide of the textbox DIALOGUE MODE, BACKTRACK, TESTDIAG
42 Boxstyle Sets the textbox's sprite or disable its rendering from now on and optionally specify its sortingOrder DIALOGUE MODE
50 Forcewait Yields for a certain amount of seconds if unpaused and stop a Text advance skiptext if one was in progress
51 Wait Yields for a certain amount of seconds if a Text advance skiptext isn't in progress
60 Fwait An alias of forcewait
99 Tailextra An alias of tail where the int form of entity refers to a temporary follower index instead of an Entity id DIALOGUE MODE, BACKTRACK, TESTDIAG
101 Gettail An alias of tail where the int form of entity refers to the AnimID of the entity to set the tailtarget instead of its Entity id DIALOGUE MODE, BACKTRACK
104 Hidespeed Set the rate of the shrink/grow animation of the textbox when it is hidden/revealed DIALOGUE MODE
105 Breakflag Set end to true if a specific flag slot is false UNUSED
106 Bleep Change the current dialogue bleep sound and its pitch from an AnimID data, Entity field or specified directly DIALOGUE MODE
147 Boxspeed An alias of hidespeed DIALOGUE MODE
151 Breakend Replace the text of this command by |break||destroyminibubble||end| TESTDIAG
165 Waitcn Yield until the chapter intro coroutine is over UNUSED
166 Faketail Hide/shrink then reveal/grow the current textbox with a 0.15 seconds yield between after either operation TESTDIAG
177 Testdiag Enables the dialogue test mode until the end of SetText processing UNUSED
195 Lockbacktrack Prevent any Backtracking from happening during the rest of the SetText call BACKTRACK

Entity control

ID Name Summary Notes
23 Overfollower Toggles or set an override on followers to stop following their followee
28 Anim Change the animstate of the party or a specific Entity
41 Kill Kills an Entity by calling Death (with activatekill true) on it
48 Movewait Yield until a specific Entity's forcemove lock is released
49 Move Instruct the game to start a forcemove on an Entity to a specific position with a configurable speed, start and stop state
52 Face Instruct the party or an Entity to face towards another one and optionally have that Entity also face towards back
54 Flip Toggle or set the flip state of an Entity or the party
102 Jump Make an Entity jump up with a configurable velocity
116 Addfollower Add the caller as a follower to a new entity or add a new one via an AnimID or a flagvar slot containing it
161 Define Add a name that can be used to resolve an Entity id for this SetText call DIALOGUE MODE
179 Follow An shorthand of addfollower in its second syntax
181 Moveahead Instruct the game to start a forcemove on an Entity where the destination is relative to its current position with a configurable speed, start and stop state
184 Particle Play a particle effect at an Entity's position + a specific offset
187 Entityalive Redirect if an Entity id resolves to not null and enabled, otherwise, this will not do anything and continue processing REDIRECT
194 Alwaysactive Set the alwaysactive field of an Entity to a value
197 Updateanim Call UpdateAnimSepecifc on an Entity
200 Deathsmoke Emit 20 particles at the parent or an Entity's position with configurable size
201 Emoticon Show an emoticon above an Entity for a given amount of frames

Party and player control

ID Name Summary Notes
12 Cancelaction Cancel the player's current field action UNUSED
65 Align Move the party and Chompy's Entity if present to be aligned in a row to the right or left of the caller via a forcemove
89 Heal Heals the party fully or only heal the party's TP
90 Lockmovement Lock any rotation and movement to the player's entity's RigidBody with the exception of Y movement
91 Teleportparty Teleports the party's entities near the player's Entity which optionally includes any temporary non party follower or teleport just the party entities at a specified distance and direction from the player's Entity
110 Exp Set, add or remove Exploration Points to the party by a value or by a value stored in a flagvar slot
141 Removestat Remove a stat bonus by its index or a flagvar slot containing it and optionally recalculate the party's stats after the removal
113 Level Set, add or remove ranks to the party by a value or by a value stored in a flagvar slot
130 Kinematicplayer Set the isKinematic property of the player's entity's RigidBody to a value or turn it on temporarily for the rest of this SetText call
131 Removefollower Remove a follower from the extrafollowers list by AnimID or remove all followers from it
142 Addstat Add a stat bonus by specifying its properties directly or by specifying flagvar slots containing them and optionally recalculate the party's stats after the removal
158 Igcolmove Ignore all collision with the player to a specific Entity during this SetText call DIALOGUE MODE
196 Fixchompy Set Chompy's following to the last party's Entity

Text rendering

ID Name Summary Notes
13 Center Toggle the text centering during rendering
17 Hide Hide or unhide the current textbox DIALOGUE MODE
18 Rainbow Toggles the rainbow FontEffects that will be effective from this point REGULAR LETTER RENDERING, BACKTRACK, TESTDIAG
19 Shaky Toggles the shaky FontEffects that will be effective from this point REGULAR LETTER RENDERING, BACKTRACK, TESTDIAG
20 Wavy Toggles the wavy FontEffects that will be effective from this point REGULAR LETTER RENDERING, BACKTRACK, TESTDIAG
21 Glitchy Toggles the glitchy FontEffects that will be effective from this point REGULAR LETTER RENDERING, BACKTRACK, TESTDIAG
24 Choicewave Enable a PromptAnim on the textholder that will highlight the text with a wave visual effect if it is hovered on during a prompt
27 Color Set the text color to one of the game's text color palette for every letter from now on REGULAR LETTER RENDERING, TESTDIAG
29 Sort Changes the sorting order of every letter rendered from now on REGULAR LETTER RENDERING
103 Position Set the vertical position of the textholder relative to its parent UNUSED
109 Font Change the current fonttype used by SetText from now on
112 Dropshadow Set the text's drop shadow offset vector or turn off the effect
117 Fadeletter Toggle the fade letter font effect from inactive to active or from active to inactive REGULAR RENDERING
135 Setbreak Changes the OrganiseLines's linebreak value with the option to run OrganiseLines again after the change
144 Triui Toggle the camera used to render each letters to 3DGUI instead of GUICamara (main camera in tridimensional) REGULAR RENDERING
170 Single Toggle or set whether to render in Single Letter Rendering
171 Tab Set the tabsize of the current letter slot in Single Letter Rendering SINGLE LETTER RENDERING
172 Singlebreak Instruct OrganiseLines to use the specialized line breaks handling for Single Letter Rendering INFLUENCES ORGANISELINES, SINGLE LETTER RENDERING
176 Backbox Render a box behind the text with 40% transparency using one of the text colors
183 Textangle Reset or set the angles of the textholder
190 Limit Changes the OrganiseLines's linebreak value UNUSED, INFLUENCES ORGANISELINES
218 Layer Changes the current layer to render from now on instead of the default layer which is 5 (UI)

Camera control

ID Name Summary Notes
53 Camtarget Set the camera to target an Entity, target a specific position or remove any existing targets
82 Camangle Changes the main camera's angle
83 Camoffset Changes the main camera's base position
86 Resetcamera Resets the camera to a default state
94 Savecamera Saves the current camera's configuration and limits for retrieval later using loadcamera
95 Loadcamera Loads the saved camera's configuration and limits saved by savecamera
96 Camspeed Set the camera's movement speed's multiplier
121 Shakecamera Shakes the camera's position by a configurable amount, time and whether or not to return to the initial position
122 Removemaplimits Remove the position bound limits of the camera with the option to save the current ones to restore later using resetmaplimits
123 Resetmaplimits Restore the position bound limits of the camera from their original one when the map was loaded or from the ones saved using removemaplimits if they were saved to the temporary fields
164 Camlimit Set the camera's positional lower bound limits (this command is likely broken, see its documentation for details) UNUSED

Minibubble management

ID Name Summary Notes
68 Minibubble Show some text inside a Minibubble by a Dialogue line id or by directly specifying the text which will have its tail set to a specified entity. The Minibubble's lifecycle can then be controlled from the same SetText call using waitminibubble and destroyminibubble
69 Destroyminibubble Force the destruction of all or a specific minibubble by its index in the bubbles list if it wasn't destroyed yet
70 Halt Completely stall SetText via an infinite loop that yields a frame (useful with minibubble)
71 Waitminibubble Yield until all or a specific minibubble by its index in the bubbles list is destroyed
150 Checkminibubble Redirect if any minibubble are present to a different dialogue line or do nothing if none are present REDIRECT


ID Name Summary Notes
4 Prompt Display a prompt offering multiple options with cancellation support, then wait that an option has been chosen and process it in the same SetText call DIALOGUE MODE, REDIRECT
43 Pickitem Setup an ItemList using ShowItemList with the parameters sent which can get handled by SetText after the ItemList goes inactive DIALOGUE MODE, REDIRECT
57 NumberPrompt Displays a prompt where an integer number can be entered by entering each digits and redirects upon confirmation or cancellation. The result is stored in a flagvar slot upon confirmation DIALOGUE MODE, REDIRECT
160 LetterPrompt Displays a prompt where a flagstring can be edited by changing each letter and redirects upon confirmation DIALOGUE MODE, REDIRECT

BoardQuest control

ID Name Summary Notes
80 Addboard Add a BoardQuest to the open board UNUSED
84 Completequest Sets a BoardQuest as completed which removes it from the taken board and add it to the completed board
85 Activateselectedquest Mark a specific BoardQuest or the one whose id is in flagvar 0 as taken which removes it from the open board and adds it to the taken board
88 Questprompt Sets the last prompt as a quest prompt which needs specific handling
182 Addquest Add a BoardQuest to the open board or move an existing BoardQuest to another board
199 Takeopenquests Move all BoardQuests in the open board to the taken board with the exception of the 5 bounty ones
204 Questbreak Signal the char loop that processing is completed once this iteration ends under certain conditions (this command is broken, see its documentation section for details) UNUSED

Items, Medals and currency control

ID Name Summary Notes
36 Additemtoss Give an Item or medal based on its id or a flagvar containing it. If it's an item and the item inventory is full, prompt to toss an item REDIRECT
37 Additem Give an Item based on its id or a flagvar containing it or transfer all the items selected to or from the storage if the last ItemList had a multi selection
38 Money Add or remove a certain amount of berries from the berries count which can optionally come from a flagvar
45 Removeitem Remove a medal by its id or an item by its index from a specific inventory type where the item index or medal id is specified directly or is contained into a specified flagvar slot. This can also remove all items that was multi selected in the last ItemList if it was a listsell
79 Createitem Create an item Entity of a specific Item, Medal or a Crystal Berry with configurable position and timer before disappearing
93 Removebadgeshop Removes a medal from a medal shop by its medal id or by a flagvar containing it
98 Giveitem Give an item, Medal, Crystal Berry or berries to the player where its identification or amount is specified directly or is retrieved from a flagvar with proper animations, presentations and checks that this action does not exceed the maximum amount of standard items if it is one REDIRECT
118 Setprize Mark a Caravan prize medal as obtained via its Medal id or the caller's animstate which also removes it from the caravan list. This can also mark any prize medal as obtained via its prize id
132 Shoppool Add a medal to a medal shop's pool by Medal id or one coming from a flagvar, remove all medals from a specific shop's pool using a store id or one coming from a flagvar or remove all medals from all shop pools
186 Addprize Mark a Caravan prize medal as available via its prize id
192 Removeitemat Remove an Item by its inventory type and its index in that inventory which may come from ItemList's listoption
211 Rerollshops Refresh all the shops and randomnise their available pool from their stock pool which changes which ones are on display

Transition and cutscenes

ID Name Summary Notes
61 FadeIn Play a fade in visual transition with options to specify the speed, color and the ability to destroy the caller after a fadeout done right after this one
62 FadeOut Play a fade out visual transition with options to specify the speed after a fadein
74 Innsleep Play the inn sleeping cutscene with configurable final positions and camera controls then yield until it is over
75 Event Start an Event or set if we are in an event or not
175 Chapterintro Play a chapter into and yield until it is done playing
180 Transitionsort Change the sortingOrder of the current sprite used for transitions


ID Name Summary Notes
140 Battle Starts an inescapable enemy battle with all or a specific list of Enemies with configurable battle map and music; then yield until the battle is over
146 Cardbattle Start a Spy Card battle with an opponent or the caller with a configurable map and deck; then yield until the battle is over


ID Name Summary Notes
152 DungeonGame Start a game of Mite Knight (aka MazeGame) and yield until it is over
153 BeeGame Start a game of Flower Journey (aka FlappyBee) and yield until it is over
159 PartyGame This command will cause an exception to be thrown (see its documentation for more details), do not use UNUSED
188 Scorecheck Render the Termacade's games high scores and yield until Confirm or Cancel is pressed

Audio control

ID Name Summary Notes
124 Music Change the current music from its filename with a configurable fade speed or fade the current music to silence
125 Sound Play a sound effect music from its file path with a configurable pitch and volume with the option to loop it at the first free AudioSource or a specific one by its id
189 Fademusic Fade the music to silence with a configurable fading speed

HUD visibility

ID Name Summary Notes
72 Showmoney Show the currency count HUD element
73 Hidemoney Hide the currency count HUD element
156 Showtokens Create or destroy a Game Tokens counter HUD element

Global game functions

ID Name Summary Notes
30 Save Attempts to save the game and continue processing with an output message REPLACE
107 Exitgame Immediately stops the game's execution if called from the StartMenu's settings or reset the game's scene after a transition if called from the pause menu after loading a file UNUSED
108 Openpause Change the active window of the existing pause menu

Map load

ID Name Summary Notes
55 Warp Setup a map transfer to either a specific map id or one that is contained in a flagvar with the optional ability to set where to move the party after the new map is loaded
56 Transfer An alias of warp
162 Loadmap Reload the current Map or load another one

Char loop control

ID Name Summary Notes
210 Ignorenext Signal SetText to not process the next n commands where n is configurable UNUSED


ID Name Summary Notes
126 Destroydescbox Destroy the caller's description window if it exist no matter what or only do it if the caller's interaction type isn't Shop or CaravanBadge
136 Librarybook Signal the game that a Lore Book has been acquired and refresh the LibraryShelf
149 Switch Toggle or set the hit field of an Entity's NPCControl (this is meant to toggle or set the state of an Entity of type switch)

Not referenced

ID Name Summary Notes
134 Librarybreak N/A (This is processed by PauseMenu) NOT REFERENCED