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PlayerControl Update

There are 4 types of Update, only the first one that applies will be done:


This update type happens if all of the following conditions are fufilled:

  • Not in a pause
  • Not in a minipause
  • The message lock is released
  • The player is dashing

The only thing that happens in this update type is a call to DashBehavior which will override the entire inputs processing.

Regular inputs processing

This update type happens if all of the following conditions are fufilled:

  • Not in a pause
  • Not in a minipause
  • The message lock is released
  • The player isn't dashing

In this update type, all movements inputs are processed to among other things assigns the delta fields.

Here's what happens in this update type in order.


  • delta is set to (no movement for now as it will get accumulated later)
  • lastaxis is set to a new Vector3 where the x component is Joystick 0 (horizontal) and the z component is Joystick 1 (vertical). The y component is left at 0.0

Movement inputs

This is where the main movements inputs are processed. It only happens if lockkeys is false.

The way it works is 2 pairs of inputs are processed in a mutually exclusive way. 2 and 3 (left/right) goes first and they will have at most 1 of the 2 inputs processed with the former taking priority if both are detected. After left or right is processed, 0 and 1 (up/down) goes after in the same manner with up taking priority. Also note that an input must be held here in order to be detected: one frame tap inputs aren't processed.

By the end of this process, it ends up doing the following depending on the inputs processed:

  • delta gets increased by a vector
  • entity.flip and trueflip gets updated
  • entity.backsprite gets updated

The delta and entity.flip updates depends on if we are processing digital or analogue inputs. The latter is done when lastaxis's matching component (x for left/right, z for up/down) isn't 0.0 meaning there is analogue inputs to process and they will take precedence if detected. Here's what changes if processing analogue inputs (they don't happen for digital inputs):

  • The vector delta is increased by gets multiplied by the absolute value of lastaxis's matching component so it can scale it down depending on how much the analogue input is pushed
  • For left or right input, entity.flip only gets updated if any of the following conditions are fufilled (the value depends on the input, also, it doesn't affect trueflip which always gets updated to the same value matching the input):
    • The player is flying
    • The player is in shield
    • The absolute value of lastaxis.x is higher than 0.1
  • For the up input specifically, entity.backsprite update logic changes, see the tables notes below for details

Here's what the inputs does in regards to all of the above:

Input delta vector added New entity.flip and trueflip New entity.backsprite
2 (left) -CamDir.right.normalized false false
3 (right) CamDir.right.normalized true false
0 (up) CamDir.forward.normalized Left unchanged Depends on conditions1
3 (down) -CamDir.forward.normalized Left unchanged false

1: The update logic gets more complex in specific conditions. The value only gets updated if any of the following conditions are fufilled (left unchanged if none applies):

Condition Value set if fufilled
The player is flying false
The player is in shield false
lastaxis.z is 0.0 (digitial up input) true
The absolute value of lastaxis.z is higher than 0.1 (analogue up input that is pushed hard enough) true

This is done like this because it should be possible to very slightly push the up analogue input such that it should be enough to slowly move forward, but not enough to have the player's backsprite be rendered.

idletime updates

idletime gets updated depending on the conditions below:

  • delta is (no movement)
  • Input.anykey is false (no inputs is being pressed)
  • canpause is true

If all of them are fufilled, then the value is increased by framestep unless it has reached 1000.0 or more where it's left unchanged.

Otherwise, the value is set to 0.0 since the player isn't idling anymore.

walkdelta computation

walkdelta gets set to a value depending on MainManager.analog.

  • 0 (OFF): Set to delta.normalized * entity.speed
  • 1 (LOW): Set to delta.normalized * entity.speed * a number that depends on the absolute value of the magnitude of delta. If it's less than 0.4, then this number is 0.6 (so it's decreased by 40%) and 1.0 otherwise (so the number doesn't change the vector)
  • 2 (FULL): Set to delta magnitude clamped to 1.0 * entity.speed. The difference with OFF is that any magnitude below 1.0 is kept while on OFF, the vector is rescaled to 1.0

delta, lastdelata and movecd updates

These 3 fields are set in the following ways:

  • delta: Set to its normalized version * entity.speed
  • lastdelta:
    • If delta is not (there is movement), the value is set to delta.normalized
    • Otherwise, it's left unchanged
  • movecd:
    • If delta isn't (there is movement), the value is increased by framestep except if it's 10.0 or above where it's left unchanged
    • Otherwise, it's set to 0.0 (since there's no movement)

detect alignement

The entity's detect is set to LookAt its position + lastdelta so it becomes aligned to where the entity is going.

Other inputs

Finally, if lockkeys is false, GetInput is called which processes any other inputs than movement.

Message locked update

This update type only happens if the message lock is grabbed.

The only thing that happens is StopMoving is called on the entity with targetstate being its current animstate. Essentially, it forces the x/z velocity to be zeroed out constantly during a message lock.

pause update

This update type only happens if all of the following conditions are fufilled:

  • We are in a pause
  • The entity of this PlayerControl's animid is 1 (Beetle)
  • The animstate of the entity is 100 (this is the animation when using the Horn Slash field skill)

The only thing that happens is CancelAction is called.