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Trigger colliders handing

PlayerControl has an OnTriggerStay and OnTriggerExit. They only react to collision whose GameObject have a specific tag.


What happens here depends on the collider's tag (if it's not mentioned here, nothing happens).

Pusher or PPusher

Only applies if the player isn't flying otherwise, nothing happens:

  • entity.onground is set to false
  • If entity.rigid y velocity is above 0.0, it is set to 0.0
  • MainManager.PushAway is called to push the player away from the collider's transform by 0.05 with the direction being from the collider's transform to the player


  • If the collider's GameOject has an NPCControl with a vectordata[0].magnitude above 0.1 (meaning this is a SetPlayerRespawn and its respawn position is defined):
    • lastpos is set to the NPCControl's vectordata[0] which is the respawn point
  • Otherwise (this is a respawner, but not a SetPlayerRespawn), if entity is onground:
    • respawncount is increased by framestep
    • If respawncount reaches above 15.0 (so more than 15.0 frames in that collider), it is reset to 0.0 with lastpos set to the current player position


  • If the conveyor is the other collider's transform:
    • If MainManager.FreePlayer is true (not in a pause, minipause, inevent, the message lock is released and the player isn't digging or flying), the player position is increased by the conveyor's StaticModelAnim's conveyor * framestep. Basically, the player will move towards the direction set in the StaticModelAnim as long as it keeps colliding with it
  • Otherwise (conveyor is null):
    • conveyor is set to the other collider's GameObject's StaticModelAnim


The only thing that happens is keepdig is set to 5.0.


What happens here depends on the collider's tag (if it's not part of the following, nothing happens):

  • Conveyor: conveyor is set to null
  • KeepDig: keepdig is reset to 0.0
  • Respawn: respawncount is reset to 0.0