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PlayerControl Start

PlayerControl's start contains minimal initialisation logic:

  • MainManager.player is set to this which assigns the PlayerControl singleton for the rest of the game to use
  • entity is set to the EntityControl of this GameObject
  • tag is set to Player with a layer of 11 (Player)
  • flycooldown set to 240.0
  • entity gets CreateDetector called which adds a wall detector using a BoxCollider with size (0.35, 0.6, 0.1) and center (0.0, 0.75, ccol radius + 0.1)
  • entity.speed set to basespeed which should always be 5
  • entity.rigid mass is set to 0.01
  • npc is reset to a new empty list
  • entity.overridejump is set to false
  • bubbleshield is initialised to be an instance of Prefabs/Objects/BubbleShield childed to the entity.rotater with a local position of (0.5, 1.25, 0.0) and scale of
  • digicon is set to 2 elements to form the UI when digging (either are initially disabled using the spritedefaultunity material on layer 15 which is 3DUI):
    • 0: A new sprite object childed to this GameObject locally positioned at 0.5 in y using the guisprites[3] sprite (down arrow) with a scale of (0.35, 2.0, 1.0)
    • 1: A new sprite object childed to digicon[0] locally positioned at 1.5 in y using the guisprites[6] sprite (Beetle's gui icon) with a scale of (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)