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This is a method that is called on every LateUpdate where the player isn't dashing (if they were, the movement logic would be overriden by DashBehavior).

It handles movement logic using the information gathered from Update's movement inputs processing, but it only does if all of the following conditions are true:

  • We aren't in an instance.pause
  • We aren't in an instance.minipause
  • We aren't in instance.inevent
  • The message lock is released
  • entity.rigid exists

There are 2 possible logic:

  • If the -2 input (any movement input) is held, movement logic happens
  • Otherwise (no movement input are held), the stop logic happens

Movement logic

This only happens when any movement inputs is held:

  • If entity.hitwall is false:
    • The spd value is determined and their x/z components will be set to the entity.rigid x/z velocity (the y velocity is unchanged). The first cases below that applies is selected and its matching spd value will be used:
      • The player is flying: spd is lastdelta * entity.speed / 2.0
      • The player is digging or is in a shield: spd is lastdelta * entity.speed / 1.5
      • MainManager.analog is 0: spd is lastdelta * entity.speed
      • None of the above cases applies: spd is walkdelta
    • If the player isn't flying, entity.animstate is set to 1 (Walk)
  • Otherwise:
    • StopMoving is called on the entity with a targetstate of 1 (Walk)
  • If the down input is held:
    • instance.camspeed is set to a lerp from the existing one to 0.25 with a factor of TieFramerate(0.01)
    • If entity.hitwall is false:
      • instance.camoffset2 is set to a lerp from the existing one to -CamDir.forward.normalized * 1.25 with a factor of TieFramerate(0.025)
    • Otherwise (entity.hitwall is true):
      • ReturnOffset called which sets instance.camoffset2 to a lerp from the existing one to with a factor of TieFramerate(0.01)
  • Otherwise (the down input isn't held):
    • If instance.changecamspeed is false, instance.camspeed is set to 0.1
    • ReturnOffset called which sets instance.camoffset2 to a lerp from the existing one to with a factor of TieFramerate(0.01)

What happens next relate to the movement sound and it depends if the player is in a submarine or not. Only one of the 2 cases applies.

submarine sonar sound

It only applies if digging is true (the player is underwater) and that Sonar isn't playing on entity.sound. If these conditions are fufilled, Sonar is played on entity.sound without loop at 0.75 volume.

No submarine footstep sound

First, entity.sound is set to not loop.

From there, the footstep sound logic only applies if all of the following conditions are fufilled:

  • entity is onground
  • The player isn't digging
  • entity.sound isn't playing

If all of the above are fufilled, footstep is decreased by framestep.

From there, if footstep reached 0.0 or below, the Footstep sound plays on the entity with footstep being set to 7.5. This means that as long as the player keeps moving, there will be a sound every 7.5 frames of movement. This resets when movement is stopped as explained in the stopping logic below.

Stop logic

This only happens when no movement input is held:

  • footstep is reset to 0.0 (reset the timer for the sound when moving)
  • ForceHitWall called on the entity
  • Movement is stopped with a method that depends on if the player is in a submarine:
    • If it is, StopMoving is called on the entity with a targetstate of 0 (Idle)
    • If it's not, entity.rigid velocity is lerped from the existing on to with a factor of TieFramerate(0.025)
  • ReturnOffset called which sets instance.camoffset2 to a lerp from the existing one to with a factor of TieFramerate(0.01)