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PlayerControl LateUpdate

LateUpdate mostly updates a wide variety of states about the player including abilities usage, cooldowns and the npc interact list.

There's many different tasks done so they will be divided by section and they happen in order.

digicon update

This only happens if digicon exists (should always be the case since it was initialised on Start):

  • digicon[0] (the arrow) gets enabled if the player is digging and keepdig is above 0.0 (it's active). It is otherwise disabled. If it's enabled as a result of this, its color is also set to a lerp from pure white to pure green with a factor of Sin(Time.time * 10.0) which means it will oscillate between white and green periodically
  • digicon[1] (the Beetle's UI icon)'s enablement is set to the digicon[0]'s enablement as determined above

canfly update

This only happens if the entity is onground.

The only meaningful logic is canfly gets set to true. There is logic surrounding setfolloweronground, but this field isn't practically used so the logic never happens since the field needed to be true and it never is.

flying update

This only happens if the player is flying and buttonhold (meaning that the ability input was released after the previous flying):

  • If startheight isn't null and the player y position is less than startheight + 1.0, the y player position is lerped from the existing one to startheight + 1.0 with a factor of 0.05
  • entity.overridejump set to true
  • flycooldown decreases by framestep
  • BeeFly2 sound plays on the entity at 1.05 volume if entity.sound wasn't playing already
  • entity.rigid y velocity is zeroed out
  • If flycooldown reached 0.0 or below (it expired) the flight ends:
    • canfly is set to false
    • CancelAction called
    • entity.overridejump reset to false
    • buttonhold set to true (mark the ability input as being held after a flying which locks several inputs because it places the inputs processing in an inconsistent state until the input is released where this field is reset to false)

bubbleshield update

This only happens if bubbleshield exists (should always be the case since it was initialised on Start):

  • bubbleshield angles are reset to
  • bubbleshield scale is set to a lerp from the existing one. The destination vector and the factor depends on if the player is in a shield (it essentially reveals or hide the shield depnding if the ability is in use or not):
    • true: The lerp is to (3.0, 3.0, 2.0) with a factor of TieFramerate(0.05)
    • false: The lerp is to with a factor of TieFramerate(0.0125)
  • If the player isn't in a shield and bubbleshield scale magnitude is less than 0.15, its scale is snapped back to
  • bubbleshield local x position is set to a new Vector3:
    • x: lerp from the existing one to a value that depends on entity.flip (-0.5 if true, 0.5 if false) with a factor of TieFramerate(0.1)
    • y: 1.25
    • z: 0.0

Beetle's digging animation update

This only happens when not in a minipause and entity.animid is Beetle:

  • If entity.sprite local y position is less than -0.1 (we are going underground):
    • entity.animstate set to 101
    • entity.overrideanim set to true
    • entity's y spin set to 20.0
  • Otherwise, if entity.overrideanim is true (meaning that what was done above previously needs to be undone):
    • entity.overrideanim is reset to false
    • entity.spin is zeroed out

Various unpaused updates

This section includes many updates that only happen when not in an instance.minipause or instance.pause.

Cooldowns and timers update

Several cooldowns are decreased by framestep if they were above 0.0 (not expired yet):

  • boulderbreak (a BreakableRock just broke which prevents getting stopped from hitwall)
  • interactcd (an Event cooldown before interacting with any NPC or SemiNPC)
  • keepdig (a cooldown when in a KeepDig collider)

If idletime is above 250.0, both instance.showmoney and instance.hudcooldown are set to 10.0 which reveals the HUD and the money counter HUD.

Finally, if the player isn't in a submarine and entity.icooldown expired (no longer invulnerable), entity.sprite gets enabled if digging is false, disabled if it's true. This hides the sprite when fully underground and it makes the distinction that digging has to apply when not in a submarine

Pushable emoticon update

This happens only if all of the following are true:

  • The player isn't digging (or startdig)
  • The player isn't flying
  • The player isn't in a shield
  • The player isn't in a submarine
  • entity.emoticoncooldown is 0.0 or below (it expired)
  • flag 17 is true (got Horn Slash)
  • There is a GameObject with a Hornable tag that exists within a distance of less than 2.5 from the player

If all of the above are fufilled, Emoticon is called on the entity with the Pushable emoticon (green ! mark) with a time of 5.

npc interact list update

This only happens if all of the following conditions are true:

  • npc isn't empty
  • The message lock is released
  • The player isn't digging (or startdig)
  • The player isn't flying
  • The player isn't in a shield

Here's what happens if all of the above are fufilled:

  • Every 3 frames, if there's more than 1 npc, the list is reordered in ascending distance order from the player position
  • If npc[0] is dead or iskill, it is removed from npc. Otherwise, its NPCControl is collected for potential adjustements:
    • If the NPCControl is an NPC or SemiNPC, their emoticonid and emoticoncooldown may change depending on their Interaction (otherwise, if the NPCControl is an Object or Enemy, it is removed from npc):
    • If the NPCControl has a Shop or CaravanBadge Interaction, instance.showmoney changes depending on their shopkeeper.dialogues[1] being 1:
      • If it's 1 (the shop system accepts crystal berries), it's set to 0.0 which hides the berry count HUD
      • If it's not 1 (the shop system only takes regular berries), it's set to 10.0 which reveals the berry count HUD

Party switch update

What happens here depends on switchcooldown (nothing happens if it's -99999.0 which means no switch is happening and the one that last happened was finalised):

  • Higher than 0.0 (a switch is ongoing):
    • switchcooldown is decreased by framestep
    • Every playerdata entity has their y spin set to -20.0 if their flip is false or to 20.0 if their flip is true
  • 0.0 or below, but not equal to -99999.0 (the switch needs to be finalised):
    • All playerdata entities have their spin zeroed out and SetDialogueBleep called on them
    • MainManager.RefreshEntities is called with onlyplayer which will update each playerdata's entity.animid to their BattleData's animid and reset their hitwall to false
    • switchcooldown is set to -99999.0 which finalises the switch so these switch updates can't happen anymore

pausecooldown update

This only happens if pausecooldown is above 0.0 (it hasn't expired) while the player canpause.

The only thing that happens is pausecooldown is decreased by framestep.

map.ylimi update

This only happens when the map.ylimit constraint is violated on the player which is the case if the player y position is lower than the map.ylimit:

  • Player position set to lastpos which teleports them to the last recorded respawn point
  • entity.rigid velocity zeroed out

Movement update

This only happens when the player isn't dashing as the movement there is entirely handled by DashBehavior.

The only thing that happens here is a call to Movement which is what handles all the movement logic from what Update last gathered when processing the movement inputs.

actioncooldown update

This only happens when actioncooldown is above 0.0 (it hasn't expired).

The only thing that happens is actioncooldown is decreased by framestep

entity.speed update

This always happen and it involves a call to RefreshSpeed which is a method that sets entity.speed depending on the player's state. The new value is determined by looking through the cases below and the first case that applies below will be chosen:

  • If the player is in a submarine, the new speed is basespeed / 1.8 (should always be 2.7777777778)
  • If the player is dashing, the new speed is basespeed * 2.5 (should always be 12.5)
  • If neither of the cases above applies, the new speed is (basespeed + entity.ccol.material.dynamicFriction) * 1.3. In practice, because basespeed is always 5.0 and the ccol dynamic friction is always either 0.0 or 1.0, it means that the new speed is always 6.5 or 7.8

tattling end update

This only happens when the player was tattling, but the message just released which means the tattling needs to end:

  • If we aren't instance.inevent or in an instance.minipause, the entity.rigid is placed out of kinematic mode (this is because the tattling had its SetText called prefixed with kinematicplayer which placed it in kinematic mode)
  • tattling is set to false

submarine sound update

This is always done:

  • If the player is in a submarine and isn't digging (meaning the player isn't underwater)
    • The Submarine sound is played on the entity on loop if entity.sound wasn't looping already
    • entity.sound.pitch is set to entity.rigid velocity's magnitude clamped from 0.65 to 1.0
  • If the player isn't in a submarine, but entity.sound is still looping, it stops looping