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This is a coroutine that makes all playerdata and map.tempfollowers entities go to a certain position starting from the player position using a scripted jump animation procedure using a height and multiplier parameters. It is meant to be stored in jumproutine as it is set to null when completed so the caller can yield on it.

There are 2 overloads available:

This one performs the whole logic:

public IEnumerator JumpTo(Vector3 position, float height, float multiplier)

This one calls the above where multiplier is 1.0, but the call is stored in jumproutine so the caller doesn't need to set it and after the call, a frame is yielded:

public IEnumerator JumpTo(Vector3 position, float height)


  • position: The position to place the player by the end of the jump animation
  • height: The ymax of the BeizierCurve3 used for the jump animation
  • multiplier: A factor that can tune how long the animation takes. See below for details on how its value changes the amount of frames as it's complex


This will be described by sections.


  • CancelAction called
  • We enter an instance.minipause
  • instance.overridefollower set to true
  • The player position, instance.camoffset, MainCam position and instance.camspeed are saved as they will be used later
  • If we're not instance.inevent, the camera will be fixed in place:
    • instance.camspeed set to 0.075
    • instance.camtarget set to null
    • instance.camtargetpos set to null
  • All playerdata have their entity.rigid velocity zeroed out and their position set to the player + (0.0, 0.0, 0.1 * their index). The z offset is to prevent z fighting
  • All map.tempfollowers have their entity.rigid velocity zeroed out and their position set to the player + (0.0, 0.0, 0.1 * their index). The z offset is to prevent z fighting
  • All playerdata and map.tempfollowers are selected the be the entities moved during the animations and are stored in a local list
  • All selected entities have their rigid gravity disabled and placed in kinematic mode

Jumping animation

This section contains the animation logic. However, it should be noted that it contains a significant amount of arbitrary and illogical math.

First, a number is calculated that will be used to scale the animation through time:

(45.0 * X - (Y)) / multiplier


  • X: The amount selected entities
  • Y: Depends on X:
    • > 2: The value is Y ^ 3.0
    • <= 2: The value is -20.0
  • multiplier: The parameter sent to the coroutine

We'll call the result "scaler". The total amount of frames the animation will take is scaler - 10.0. Each frames is yielded and counted locally. We'll call this frame counter "t".

Before each frame yield, this is what happens:

  • If we're not instance.inevent:
    • MainCam position is lerped from the value before this coroutine to the sent position parameter with a factor of t / (scaler / 1.5)
    • instance.camoffset is set to the value before this coroutine + -CamDir.forward.normalized * X + (0.0, X, 0.0) where X is (0.5 - Abs(t / scaler - 0.5)) * 2.0 clamped from 0.0 to 0.75
  • For each selected entity (their index in the local list will be refered to as "i"):
    • local position set to a BeizierCurve3:
      • From: The player position before this coroutine
      • To: The position parameter + CamDir.forward * (i / 10.0) which prevents z fighting
      • ymax: The height parameter
      • Factor: t / (scaler / 2.0) - i * (1.0 / the amount of selected entities) clamped from 0.0 to 1.0
    • An AnimationClip plays on the entity's anim depending if they are onground:
      • If they are, the clip is Idle
      • If they aren't, the clip is Fall


  • All selected entities have the following happen to their rigid:
    • velocity zeroed out
    • gravity enabled
    • placed out of kinematic mode
  • Yield for a frame
  • If we're not instance.inevent, the camera and game state is restored:
    • instance.camoffset set to the value before this coroutine
    • instance.camtarget set to the player
    • instance.camtargetpos set to null
    • instance.camspeed set to the value before this coroutine
    • We exit the instance.minipause
    • instance.overridefollower set to false
  • jumproutine is set to null