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PlayerControl FixedUpdate

What's contained here is miscellaneous updates, but there's one of 3 update types that can happen here (the first one is chosen):

  • startdig is true while the player isn't in a submarine meaning the digging state needs to be updated
  • The player is in a submarine and entity.model exists meaning the submarine state needs to be updated
  • Neither of the cases above applies meaning the entity.sprite local position needs to be progressively restored

digging update

  • entity.sprite local y position is lerped from the existing one to -2.0 with a factor of 0.03
  • lockkeys is set to true if the player isn't fully digging yet and to false if it is. This essentially locks most inputs processing from startdig to fully digging
  • If entity.sprite local y position reached -1.5 or lower:
    • digging is set to true
  • Otherwise (still in startdig):
  • If no sound is playing on entity.sound:
    • If the player is fully digging, the Digging sound is played on loop on the entity with a volume of 0.8
  • Otherwise (a sound is already playing on entity.sound):
    • entity.sound.pitch is set to a value that depends on delta.magnitude (meaning if there's enough movement):
      • > 0.1: 1.1 pitch
      • \<= 0.1: 0.95 pitch

submarine update

  • If we're not in instance.inevent, entity.emoticonoffset is set to Vector3.up
  • The entity gets some adjustements:
    • flip is set to false
    • overrideflip set to true
    • sprite angles zeroed out
    • sprite scale set to
    • model local y position set to a lerp from the existing one to Sin(Time.time * 3.0) * 0.15 (unless digging is true where it's -0.5 instead) with a factor of 0.05
    • model.extra[1] (the telescope) local position is set to (0.575, 0.0, Z) where Z is determined by a lerp from the existing local z position to 0.5 (4.0 instead if digging is true) with a factor of 0.025 (0.5 is actually the normal position of where the telescope should be)
    • model.extra[0] (the propeller) is set to rotate in x by 15.0 * entity.rigid velocity magnitude
    • model angles are updated:
      • x: Always -90.0
      • y: LerpAngle from the existing y angle to entity.detect y angle - 90.0 with a factor of 0.1 (1.0 instead if instance.inevent). Essentially, it aligns the y angles to where the player is heading with a bit of delay unless we are instance.inevent where it instantly aligns
      • z: Sin(Time.time * 3.0) * (entity.rigid velocity magnitude / 2.0) which makes the submarine wave slightly periodically

entity.sprite local position restore

The only thing that happens in this update is the entity.sprite local position is lerped from the existing one to with a factor of 0.17.