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PlayerControl fields

This page documents every class fields of PlayerControl.

It features a mix of public and private fields.


Since there are many public fields, they will be split into categories.


Name Type Description
entity EntityControl The EntityControl attached to the same GameObject as the PlayerControl, set by Start. In practice, it should always be playerdata[0].entity

Field abilities specifics

Name Type Description
beemerang NPCControl The current Beemerang of the player if it exists which is only created during Bee's DoActionTap
flycooldown float The amount of frames left during a flight before the action gets cancelled on its own. Reset to 240.0 on Start and once the action is cancelled and counted down during LateUpdate while flying
startdig bool This is set to true the moment a DoActionHold was detected to start the digging process, but it won't be completely registered until the entity.sprite local y position reaches -1.5 or below. When this is true, it prevents various logic to happen
digging bool Tells if the player is underground which means that entity.sprite local y position reached -1.5 or below, checked in FixedUpdate. If the player is in a submarine, the semantic changes: this field now tells if the player is underwater or not, but all of the effects of digging applies
uproot bool If true, it indicates that a DigSpot will let the object hidden within to reveal itself on its OnTriggerStay with the player. It is set to true on GetInput when stopping to hold the ability input when digging was true (so undigging) and it is set to false in 0.1 seconds by CancelUproot which is invoked immediately when the field is set to true
shield bool Tells if the player is being shielded by using Moth's hold action which implicates that the bubbleshield should be visible as enforced by LateUpdate
dashing bool Tells if the player is using Beetle's tap action to dash (after a double tap)
flying bool Tells if the player is flying using Bee's hold action
icecle Transform An instance of Prefabs/Objects/icecle when the double tap action of Moth is used as it will be dropped, then destroyed
iceclesize float The scale of the icicle. It is only used and updated during Moth double tap action when it progressively goes from 0.0 to 1.0 in the course of ~20.0 frames to reveal the icicle


Name Type Description
movecd float The amount of frames in a row where delta wasn't updated in Update. The value won't go higher when it reaches 10.0 or above. It is only used as part of a failsafe in Hazard's HazardAction where if more than 3 respawnretries happened and the value is 10.0 or above (so it's maxed), all playerdata will have their position set to the lastloadzone + MainCamera's forward vector * 0.1 * the playerdata index (this prevents z fighting)
basespeed int The default entity.speed when converted to float. This defaults to 5 and is never set again under normal gameplay
lastdelta Vector3 The last normalized, but unscaled direction the movement inputs leads to relative to the camera. This is computed on Update when regular movement input processing happens, but it is only assigned when delta didn't compute to a value of so it's effectively the last direction the movement inputs were leading when they lead to somewhere. This is reset to be the camera's right or left vector normalized after processing a tap action
delta Vector3 The last normalized and entity.speed scaled direction the movement inputs leads to relative to the camera. This is computed on every Update when regular movement input processing happens. It is effectively lastdelta, but constantly up to date and contains the actual magnitude as it is scaled by entity.speed
spd Vector3 The last x/z velocity value to assign to the entity.rigid (the y component is ignored). This is both computed and used in Movement (called by LateUpdate)
walkdelta Vector3 This is the x/z velocity values to assign to spd on the next Movement call (called by LateUpdate). It only applies when MainManager.analog isn't 0 (analog sensitivity isn't OFF) and is computed based on delta during Update
lastaxis Vector3 The last x/z normalized direction that the analog horizontal + vertical inputs were observed to lead to (the y component is always assigned to 0.0). This is computed on Update during regular movement inputs processing or by DashBehavior when it is processing those inputs
dashdelta Vector3 The last movement vector used to move Beetle during a DashBehavior. This is computed by a lerp from the existing value to dashtarget.normalized * 4.0 which is determined by reading movement inputs (the lerp factor is framestep * 0.025)
forceclosemove bool If this is true, it forces the CloseMove logic to apply to every follower when the player isn't dashing. This is only set to true when colliding with a TempPlatform

Inputs and state processing

Name Type Description
npc List<NPCControl> The list of map entities that the player is in interact range ordered by their distance to the player (ordering is updated by RefreshNPCs which is called by LateUpdate). The actual interact range check and appending of the map entities in the list is done by NPCControl's LateUpdate
lockkeys bool If this is true, it prevents most form of inputs processing. Notably, GetInput, Movement and most of Update's regular movement inputs processing won't happen anymore except for DashBehavior and the assignement of lastaxis where these still can happen (delta stays to
canpause bool Defaults to true. Being false prevents GetInput from processing any pause or HUD toggle inputs as well as prevent updates to pausecooldown, idletime and prevents any NPC to have CheckEmoteFlag called on them to update their emote
switchcooldown float The amount of frames left before the current party switching concludes updated by LateUpdate. Set to 15.0 when SwitchOrder is called when a switch is initiated. When this reaches below 0.0, the switch is finalised and the value is set to -99999.0 to mark it as such. When this is above 0.0, it prevents some logic to happen such as some inputs processing in GetInput
actioncooldown float The amount of frames left before tattiling or ability inputs can be processed again. This is set when these inputs shouldn't be processed for a certain amount of time by GetInput. Updated by LateUpdate
action bool If this is true, it indicates that a DoActionTap is in progress when the player isn't a submarine and is only set to false when the action ends or when CancelAction is called. This field being true prevents the switch, jump/interact and abiliy inputs from being processed by GetInput
pausecooldown float The amount of frames left before the pause inputs can be processed again, updated by LateUpdate when canpause is true. This can be set to prevent pausing for a certain amount of frames
actionhold float The amount of frames since the ability input was detected as being held. This is used to detect which action to use between DoActionTap and DoActionHold. The latter applies if this field reaches 20.0 and the former applies if not, but still was held for at least a frame
canfly bool If true, it allows the Bee's DoActionHold input to be processed. It is set to true on LateUpdate when the entity is onground
interactcd float The amount of frames left before Interact can be called again as a result of GetInput's input processing. This is only set to 15.0 on EndEvent when lastevent wasn't 3 (the cooking event). The cooldown is updated on every LateUpdate cycle that's not in a pause or minipause
candig bool If true, it allows Beetle's DoActionHold to happen if all other requirements are fufilled and this being true is required to use the AntCompass item. It is set to true on the player's GroundDetector's OnTriggerStay when colliding with anything other than layer 13 (NoDigGround) or to false when colliding with anything on that layer. It is reset to false on the player's GroundDetector's OnTriggerExit
buttonhold bool If this is true, it means that the ability input is still being held after the end of a flying which occurs once flyingcooldown expires. This circumstance places the inputs processing in an inconsistent state so it will lock most inputs until the ability input is released where this field gets reset to false
submarine bool Tells if the player is currently in a submarine which affects many logic in the rest of the game including in PlayerControl such as entity rendering
tattling bool If true, it means that the player initiated the SetText call to obtain help on npc[0] or the current map. It is set to false on LateUpdate when the message locks gets released
trueflip bool A value that is assigned during Update's regular movement inputs processing. It is assigned to false for holding input 2 (left) and to true for holding input 3 (right). The value is set to entity.flip when processing any tap action
boulderbreak float The amount of frames where during DashBehavior, even if entity.hitwall gets true or we enter a pause, the dash won't be stopped. This is only set to 5.0 when breaking a BreakableRock which prevents the wall detector from ending the dash as the rock that was in the way was just destroyed. The cooldown is updated on every LateUpdate cycle that's not in a pause or minipause

Respawn tracking

Name Type Description
lastloadzone Vector3 The position to warp each playerdata (after adding MainCamera's forward vector * 0.1 * playerdata index to prevent z fighting) during a Hazard's HazardAction when called for the 4th time while movecd is 10.0 or above. This is only set at the end of a TransferMap and in some events to the player's position
lastpos Vector3 A position to respawn the player under certain conditions such as a Hazard's HazardAction, getting below the map's ylimit in the y position, a TempPlatform that calls RespawnPlayer or a failsafe during CheckItem when staying in the air for 300.0 frames or more

Collision tracking

Name Type Description
conveyor StaticModelAnim The StaticModelAnim of the GameObject with a Conveyor that was last collided with via OnTriggerStay, set to null on OnTriggerExit. This not being null will move the player by adding the StaticModelAnim's conveyor * framestep to the position on OnTriggerStay when colliding with the same StaticModelAnim as this field. This not being null also prevents the usage of the AntCompass key item This has HideInInspector, but since it's never assigned from prefab, it doesn't do anyting
standingon Collider The last collider the player's GroundDetector detected via the GroundDetector's OnTriggerStay, set to null on OnTriggerExit. It is used to see if additional logic needs to be done when standing on top of an active NPCControl's entity.icecube before calling BreakIce. It is reset to null on the player's GroundDetector's OnTriggerExit


Name Type Description
jumproutine Coroutine A way for the game to store a JumpTo coroutine as this field is set to null when it is done so the game can yield on this field being null to wait that the coroutine is done


Name Type Description
flyheight float This is UNUSED
frozencube Transform This is UNUSED
ceiling bool This is practically UNUSED because it only has an effect when it is set to true by GroundDetector, but it requires ceilingdetector to be true and that field is also UNUSED. It would have indicated that the ceiling's GroundDetector collided with something through OnTriggerStay and it would have prevented any flying or jumping, but it would also override any other logic done in OnTriggerStay and OnTriggerExit to ignore the regular colliding logic
setfolloweronground bool This is UNUSED because it is never set to true and it would only have an effect if it was set to true. If it had been true, it would have cycled the follow chain such that playerdata[1] follows playerdata[0] and playerdata[2] follows playerdata[1] followed by the field being set to false. This follow chain cycling which would have caused unexpected behaviors, but it is unused under normal gameplay


The following fields are all private so they are for internal trackings only:

Name Type Description
dashtarget Vector3 The normalized version of the heading direction during dashing as compouted by DashBehavior during inputs processing. It is used to compute dashdelta which is the real movement vector used that combines the current direction with the new one and does a lerp between the 2 to give slightly delayed turns
digicon SpriteRenderer[] Should always contain 2 elements where both elements represents the UI icons to display when digging (first is the red arrow, second is Beetle's icon). Both elements are initialised on Start
tunnelpart GameObject A Digging particle used during Beetle's hold action (dig). On CancelAction, this object is moved offscreen then destroyed in 1.0 seconds
diggingpart GameObject Either a DirtFlying particle when using Beetle's hold action (dig) or assigned to smoke when using Beetles double tap action (dash). In the case of a dig, on the second DoActionHold call or CancelAction, this object is moved offscreen then destroyed in 1.0 seconds
bubbleshield GameObject An instance of Prefabs/Objects/BubbleShield childed to the entity.rotater with a local position of (0.5, 1.25, 0.0) with an initial scale of so it's not seen initially. All of this is initialised on Start and the visibility is done by adjusting its scale towards (3.0, 3.0, 2.0) or on LateUpdate depending on the shield field
tbox BoxCollider The BoxCollider of a GameObject named cut that is used during Beetle's DoActionTap. Depending on if flag 39 is true or not (obtained upgraded dash), the tag of cut will be BeetleHorn or BeetleDash with the latter being the upgraded version. It is destroyed on StopDash and CancelAction. These tags differientiate 2 different Beetle field abilities
smoke ParticleSystem An instance of Prefabs/Particles/WalkDust used during a dash. It is moved offscreen and destroyed in 1.5 seconds in StopDash
keepdig float The amount of frames left to indicate PlayerControl that they should continue digging if one was initiated so it prevents to undig even if the ability input is released. This is set to 5.0 when in a KeepDig tagged collider (constantly renewed from OnTriggerStay) and set to 0.0 when leaving the collider
idletime float The amount of frames in a row since delta had a value of updated on Update. The value won't go higher when it reaches 1000.0 or above and it only has an effect once it gets above 250.0 where LateUpdate may reveal the main HUD and the money HUD
lastactionid int This is set to 0 at the start of DoActionHold and DoActionTap (except if Beetle is the leader while not being in a submarine where it's set to 1). This is only used in ActionCooldown to set actioncooldown to 5.0 frames instead of 17.0 frames if the value is 1 (meaning that Beetle was doing their tap action)
actionroutine Coroutine The DoActionTap coroutine if one is in progress, null otherwise
footstep float The cooldown in frames used during Movement that when expired, the Footstep sound will play. It is set to 7.5 everytime the sound is played or to 0.0 when not moving. The cooldown is updated by the Movement method
startheight float? This is the y position modifier used during a Bee's DoActionHold (fly). It is null when the y position shouldn't be changed. When it's not null and the y position hasn't reached this field's value + 1.0, the y position is set to a lerp from the existing one to this field's value + 1.0 with a factor of 0.05. On DoActionHold, the value gets set to the current y position when it wasn't set so it's effectively capping the height to be the starting y position + 1.0 during the fly
respawncount float A frame counter that counts the amount of frames that the player was colliding with a Respawn tagged collider that isn't a SetPlayerRespawn (or it is one, but its vectordata[0] magnitude doesn't exceed 0.1) and was onground. Once this counter reaches above 15.0, lastpos is set to the current player position and this counter resets to 0.0. It is also reset to 0.0 when leaving the collider. More information can be found in the Respawn documentation

Unused private fields

Name Type Description
tempcamoffset Vector3? This is practically UNUSED because while its value would be used to set instance.camoffset on CancelAction if the value isn't null, the value is never set to any other value than null so it stays at null under normal gameplay and doesn't do anything
ceildetect GroundDetector This is practically UNUSED because while it is the GroundDetector of a new Prefabs/GroundDetector GameObject created in the Ceiling method, that method is UNUSED under normal gameplay