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MapControl update process

The Update process consists of 2 parts:

  • LateUpdate (excluding the first call so only when latestart is strue)
  • FixedUpdate


Nothing happens if the player doesn't exist.

  • If not in a minipause, pause, inevent or message:
    • If autoevent exists, they are processed. Check the autoevent documentation to learn more
    • If hiddenitem isn't null, the detector emote is set with player.entity.emoticonid set to 4 with an emoticoncooldown of 100.0. hiddenitem is set to null after. This sets up the Detector medal emoticon. The sound will be played a bit later
  • CheckStencilSwitch called which finds the first StencilSwitch that's not iskill and is hit:
    • If one is found:
      • GlobalIceRadius shader global property gets set to the StencilSwitch's internaltransform[0] scale magnitude / 2.0
      • CentralIcePoint shader global property gets set to the StencilSwitch's position
      • stencilid gets set to the map entity id of the StencilSwitch
    • Otherwise (none is found):
      • GlobalIceRadius shader global property gets set to a lerp from it to 1/20 of the game's frametime ???
      • stencilid gets set to -1
  • If the detector sound isn't playing, but if the detector emote is playing still (player.entity.emoticonid is 4 and emoticoncooldown hasn't expired yet), Select1 sound is played on sounds[11] with 1.1 pitch and 0.25 volume
  • All digwall's enablement gets updated. See the digwall documentation to learn more

What happens next depends on alivetime since it can prevent some logic to be done.

alivetime is higher than 0

It is decreased by 1.0 and no further logic happens from here. Essentially, it blocks all the logic that would have happened below for a certain amount of frames including the first one.

alivetime is 0

  • Every 2 frames, NPCControl updates happen for any that have their requires, limit and regionalflag condition fufilled to exist:
    • DoorOtherMap: The enablement is updated to be only enabled only if the player is less than 15.0 units away ignoring the y axis (disabled otherwise). If the enablement changes due to this, the emoticon of the entity is disabled
    • NPC (with an originalid defined and only if the map's keepobjectsactive is false): The enablement is updated to be only enabled only if the player is less than the NPC's radius * 2.0 units away ignoring the y axis (disabled otherwise). If the enablement changes due to this and interacttype isn't Talk, the emoticon of the entity is disabled


  • If tieYtoplayer is true while instance.camtarget isn't null (the camera is following a transform):
    • actualcenter is set to centralpoint, but the y is instance.camtarget y position
    • If tetherYLerp.x is higher than 0.0, tetherdistance is set to a lerp from tetherYLerp.x to tetherYLerp.y with a factor of instance.camtarget y position / tetherYLerp.z. NOTE: This feature is complicated, see the tetherYLerp details section in the camera system page for more details
  • If overrideskybox is false and RenderSettings.skybox isn't null:
    • If nocolorchange is false, the UpdateInsideColor logic happens here with a targetalpha of 1.0 if not in an inside or 0.0 if in an inside. Check the documentation to learn more
    • The _Rotation material property of the skybox is set to 180.0 + MainCamera x position
  • If rotatecam is true, there are roundways and we are not in an inside, roundways[0] position is set to ((0.0 - MainCamera's forward x vector) * 3.0, 5.0, (0.0 - MainCamera's forward z vector) * lightoffset). NOTE: This feature is very specific to a the AntTunnels map, check the roundways[0] documentation to learn more. Also, this math is incorrect