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Merged mesh

There is a feature MapControl has that is normally only enabled for the BugariaResidential map and it involes merging all the meshes (including their MeshCollider) under every GameObject with the Merge tag. This process is done in CombineMesh which is invoked by Start in 0.1 seconds, but only if mapid is BugariaResidential. The feature should be functional for other maps, but it won't be used.

This feature is in place for performance reasons as having less individual meshes can help rendering performance. Here is what CombineMesh does:

  • Gather all GameObjects with tag Merge, if none exists, the method does nothing
  • Build an array of CombineInstance where each mesh is each Merge GameObject's MeshFilter and each transform is the GameObject's world transform. During the course of building the array, all Merge GameObject are destroyed except the first one, but it will have its MeshRenderer destroyed (its materials will be stored)
  • Create a new GameObject named merged mesh with a MeshFilter containing a new Mesh then having CombineMeshes called on it with that new mesh using the CombineInstance array built earlier. The GameObject is childed to the first Merge GameObject with angles (-90.0, 180.0, 0.0) and uses layer 8 (Ground). It has a MeshRenderer using the materials stored from the first Merge GameObject. Fionally, it has a MeshCollider with a sharedMesh set to the MeshFilter's mesh
  • The MeshRenderer just added is added to render