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Map music system

MapControl extends the management of the Music playback in such a way that maps can predeclare a set of AudioClip and have a way to conditionally select the initial one to play when loaded.

It involves the following configuration fields:

Name Type Description Default
music AudioClip[] The list of AudioClip this map has access to play as background music. If the array is empty, the current music will fade int silence and stop playing Empty array
musicid int The default music index to use as the background music, but it can be overriden if musicflags isn't empty. If musicflags isn't empty, it defaults to -1 before having the value be determined by musicflags (or stays at -1 if no element is selected). Regardless of musicflags, if the value ends up at -1, the current music will fade into silence before it stops playing 0 (-1 if musicflags isn't empty)
keepmusic bool When this is true and instance.inevent is false, Music won't be called by Start which means the current music playing won't change and musicid's value won't be changed. Essentially, it prevents the music that was playing before loading this map from changing when loading this map false
musicflags Vector2Int[] A list of directives to follow regardinig the assignement of musicid in the Music method. When not empty, musicid defaults to -1 followed by each element being processed in reverse order. The first one whose x component is either -1 or a flags slot that is true will be selected. When selected, musicid gets set to the y component's value and it will be used as the current music. If no suitable element is selected, musicid stays at -1 and the current music will fade into silence before it stops playing Empty array

Essentially, music contains the AudioClip to use as the map's musics and they must be assigned from prefab (they also must reside in the Audio/Music/ ressources directory so the game can reconcile its Musics enum value).

musicid dictates the music index to play from the Music method (which is called by Start if keepmusic is false). It can either have its value directly come from prefab or it can be determined by a list of directives contained in musicflags which can conditionally select the musicid depending on flags. It's possible both are left as default in which case, it defaults to music[0].

Changing musicid

This system however doesn't force the music to always be music[musicid], it's possible via 2 of the ChangeMusic overloads to change the music after the fact, but based on the map's music array.

The parameterless overloads will change to music[musicid] if musicid isn't negative or to null (silence, stops playing the current music) if either the map is currently loading or musicid is negative.

There is also the overload that takes a mapid integer parameter. This one allows to change the music to another music element by specifying its index, but without changing musicid. It essentially allows to play an alternative music while still leaving the default one as is.

Additionally, it's possible to call the Music method directly since it is public after setting musicid which would change the default and change the music accordingly.

Another way to play a different music

It's possible to use a MusicRange to have a spherical zone where another music plays using a different value of musicid. Check its documentation to learn more.

About insides transitions

A DoorSameMap can specify a Musics id to change to when entering the inside. In that case, MoveInside will call ChangeMusic appropriately.

However, there is an issue when it comes to exiting the inside. When exiting, as long as music isn't empty (it normally isn't), ChangeMusic is called with music[0]. The problem is this isn't correct: it's possible musicid wasn't 0 when the inside was entered. If this happens, the game will STILL play music[0] when exiting any inside. This happens regardless if the above music transition feature is used or not.

In practice, this issue doesn't do anything because there are no maps with multiple music elements where music[0] wouldn't play when going through a DoorSameMap that have a data[1] defined.