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Map loading

There's only at most 1 MapControl that can be loaded at once and it will be the current map assigned to

It means that in order to go to another map, the current one needs to be destroyed before instantiating the new one. Since this game doesn't involve traditional Unity scene loading, all of this is done through code. This implies the game is entirely managing the map loading system by itself.

There's only one way to safely change the current map: via the LoadMap method. This method however only does the map unloading/loading part. To have the complete transition done when using the transfer SetText command or when going through a DoorOtherMap, the TransferMap coroutine is used which ends up calling LoadMap, but with scripted party movement and fading transitions.

Basically, to have the complete map loading transition, the TransferMap coroutine is used and for any kinds of scripted map loading, LoadMap is called directly. It is very common for events to prefer the latter option because they can control the game so they can do the loading transition by themselves and simply call LoadMap directly. Both LoadMap and TransferMap are in MainManager.


There are 3 overloads, but all of them ends up at the first one:

(1) The main method that all overloads and TransferMap ends up using. The id parameter is the int representation of the new map value to change the current map to. If this value is the current map's id, it will be reloaded.

public static void LoadMap(int id)

(2) which calls (1) where id is which should always be the matching maps of the current map. Effectively, it reloads the current map to the same map.

public static void LoadMap()

(3) This calls (1), but before doing so, if recreateplayers is true, all playerdata entity gets destroyed and the player is set to null. This will have the (1) overload recreate the player and the playerdata entities from scratch.

public static void LoadMap(int id, bool recreateplayers)

Here's what the method does:


  • The camera angling logic is reset by setting changecamspeed and camanglechange to false and setting camanglespeed to 0.1
  • flag 400 (temporary global flag) is reset to false

Current map destruction

This section only happens if isn't null and it involves its destruction:

  • All playerdata (if they exists) gets rooted to the scene and their followedby reset to null. Effectively, it breaks the follow chain and makes sure they not childed to anyone in the map
  • All of the gets destroyed
  • gets destroyed
  • If not inevent, the existing ressources are cleaned up by doing the following:
    • GC.Collect is called. NOTE: This doesn't actually do anything useful because of the method call right after this
    • Ressources.UnloadUnusedAssets is called. Since this ends up calling GC.Collect, the above call didn't do anything useful

New map load

This section always happen:

  • The new map gets instantiated using the prefab located at Ressources/Prefabs/Maps/X where X is the string representation of the map value whose int representation is the id parameter of the method
  • map gets set to the MapControl of the newly instantiated GameObject and its name is set to the string representation of the id parameter (it means the GameObject's name is an integer string representing the map value)

playerdata recreation

If player is null which can only happen if overload (3) was used with true as recreateplayer, SetPlayers will be called since the playerdata needs to be created as they just got destroyed by this point. This is what the method does on each playerdata:

  • entity is set to a new entity created vis CreateNewEntity with name being Player X where X is the playerdata index
  • entity's animid is set to the playerdata's animid which is actually the fixed party order id, but they are aligned here to match the animids
  • entity's alwaysactive is set to true since it's a player entity that shouldn't be inactive
  • entity's conditions is reset to a new empty list
  • If it's the first playerdata, it's the main player:
    • A PlayerControl is added to the entity's GameObject
    • instance.camtarget is set to the entity's transform so the camera follows it
    • entity's tag is set to Player
  • Otherwise, it's a player follower:
    • entity's following is set to playerdata[0].entity if it's the second or to playerdata[1].entity if it's the third so it setups the follow chain where playerdata[2] follows playerdata[1] which follows playerdata[0] (the main player)
    • entity.followoffset is set to the index * 0.2 to prevent z fighting
    • entity's GameObject layer is set to 9 (Follower)
    • The z position of the entity is incremented y its followoffset which further prevents z fighting
    • entity tag is set to PFollower
    • entity becomes part of the mainparty
    • The previous playerdata's entity.followedby is set to this entity which resolves the follow chain in reverse order


This section always happen:

  • ForceLoadSprites is called which starts a coroutine called FLS which will doe the following in paralel(assuming the map.entities isn't null):
    • All the map.entities.sprite.sprite gets assigned to new dummy GameObjects's SpriteRenderer created just for this. They are childed to the map and positioned at the player
    • A fame gets yielded
    • All the dummy GameObjects created earlier gets destroyed

player cleanup

This section only happens if player isn't null meaning that the overload (3) wasn't used (while the playerdata are recreated by this point, the PlayerControl hasn't started yet so player is still null here):

  • player's entity.sound is set to stop looping and stops playing
  • player.pausecooldown is set to 120.0 so no pausing is allowed for the next 120.0 frames


There are 3 overloads, but all of them ends up at the first one:

(1) The main method that all overloads ends up using. Here are the parameters:

  • targetmap: The int representation of the maps value corresponding to the new map to change to
  • moveto: The position the party will go towards before laoding the map
  • tppos: The position the party will be placed after loading the map
  • othermovepos: The position the party will go towards after loading the map and after they were placed at tpppos
  • caller: The DoorOtherMap that is configuring this map transfer. This is optional, if it's null, no configuration from one will happen
public static IEnumerator TransferMap(int targetmap, Vector3 moveto, Vector3 tppos, Vector3 othermovepos, NPCControl caller)

(2) Starts a coroutine with (1) where caller is null then yield null. This is only used by the transfer SetText command which simulates a transfer, but there's no DoorOtherMap involved.

public static IEnumerator TransferMap(int targetmap, Vector3 moveto, Vector3 tppos, Vector3 othermovepos)

(3) Starts a coroutine with (1) where moveto is the player position, both tppos and othermovepos are the sent targetpos and caller is null, then yield null. This overload is UNUSED.

public static IEnumerator TransferMap(int targetmap, Vector3 targetpos)

What follows is what the coroutine does.


  • roomtransition is set to true which prevents DoClock from cleaning up unused ressources
  • If there is a caller DoorOtherMap, its data, emoticonoffset.x and vectordata[3] through vectordata[6] are saved locally since they are the data fields that configures this map transfer
  • All of the current map's entities has BreakIce called on them and their npcdata's boxcol disabled if it exists
  • We enter a minipause
  • CancelAction is called on the player
  • Yield all frames until pausemenu gets null (meaning the game is unpaused)

Move out and fade in

  • PlayTransition is called with id and data set to 0 (fade out) at a speed of 0.1 and a color of pure black
  • If there is a caller DoorOtherMap and its data[4] isn't 1, it means the movement during the fade in will happen:
    • player MoveTowards moveto at 1.0 speed using 1 (Walk) as state and 0 (Idle) as stopstate with ignore_y
    • instance.camtargetpos is set to the player and instance.camtarget is set to null so it fixes the camera in place to where the player is
    • Yield all frames until the player's forcemove is done
  • Otherwise (the caller's data[4] is 1), no movment will happen and instead, all playerdata has their rigid gravity disabled and put in isKinematic followed by a frame yield
  • Yield all frames until the color of the transitionobj[0]'s SpriteRender gets to 0.9 or above (it basically yields until the fade out is 90% done)
  • transitionobj[0]'s SpriteRender's color alpha is set to 1.0 (fully opaque). This forces the end of the PlayTransition call from earlier because it's been waiting for that to happen
  • Yield for a frame

Map load and move in preparation

  • LoadMap is called with the targetmap as new map id
  • If we aren't instance.inevent, instance.insideid is set to -1 which marks the player not being in any inside
  • instance.globalcooldown set to 30.0 which prevents most inputs for 30.0 frames
  • instance.inmusicrange is set to -1 which clears any MusicRange from the previous map if it existed
  • Yield for a frame
  • MainCamera position is manually set to playerdata[0] position + instance.camoffset
  • instance.camspeed is set to 1.0, but its existing value is saved for restoring it later
  • Yield for a frame
  • All playerdata's entity has the following happen on them:
    • position set to tppos + MainCamera's forward vector * the playerdata index / 10.0 (this essentially prevents z fightings)
    • rigid velocity zeroed out with gravity and without isKinematic
    • onground set to false (forces an animation update)
  • Yield for a frame
  • All map's entities (the new map as it's loaded by this point) has CheckNear called on them
  • Yield for a frame
  • ForceLoadSprite is called which does the same than what was already done in LoadMap so this doesn't do anything useful
  • Yield for 0.1 seconds
  • All playerdata FaceTowards othermovepos
  • instance.camtarget is set to the player so the camera is back to following the player
  • If there was a caller DoorOtherMap, this is where its configuration fields are used to configure the camera which will override the ones used for the new map camera system:
    • If data[1] is 1, instance.camoffset is set to vectordata[3]
    • If data[2] is 1, instance.camangleoffset is set to vectordata[4]
    • If data[3] is 1, map.camlimitpos is set to vectordata[5] and map.camlimitneg is set to vectordata[6]
  • Yield for 0.3 seconds
  • instance.camspeed is reset to its value saved earlier
  • Yield for a frame

Fade in and move in

  • PlayTransition is called with id and data set to 1 (fade in) at a speed of 0.1 and a color of pure black
  • Yield for a frame
  • If there was a caller DoorOtherMap and its emoticonoffset.x was above 0.1, the player party needs to be moved via a jump:
    • player's jumproutine is set to a new JumpTo call towards othermovepos with a height of the caller's emoticonoffset.x
    • Yield until the player's jumproutine is done. Before each frame yield, all playerdata's entity's animstate is set to 3 (Jump) and their onground to false (force an animation update)
  • Otherwise (normal movement without jump):
    • player's entity MoveTowards othermovepos at a speed of 1.0 using 1 (Walk) as state, 0 (Idle) as stopstate and with ignore_y
    • Yield all frames until the player's forcemove is done


  • player's entity has DetectIgnoreSphere called with ignore meaning the player entity's detect is set to ignore all collision with any NPCControl's scol
  • We exit the minipause
  • player's lastpos and lastloadzone are set to their current position
  • Yield for a frame
  • player's entity.hitwall is set to false forcing its wall detector off
  • player's npc is reset to a new empty list
  • player's pausecolldown is set to 7.0 so no pausing can happen for the next 7.0 frames
  • roomtransition is reset to false which allows DoClock to cleanup unused ressources again