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Maps can define specific locations within the map called an "inside".

An inside is a portion of the game (defined by its root GameObject) that should only be accessible through a DoorSameMap where the inside can be "entered" or "exited" through those NPCControl. It shouldn't in practice be possible to access the inside or getting out of it without passing through a DoorSameMap because the current inside the player is in greatly impacts entities's Update logic meaning violating this rule will cause unexpected behaviors. Essentially, most entities aren't considered active when the current inside doesn't match the inside an entity is defined in. There's also transitions that happens when entering or exiting an inside. They are also treated differently visually where entering an inside will cause the outside to be faded and this is only reversed when exiting the inside.

It should be noted that a DoorSameMap acts as both an entry and an exit point, but an inside may have multiple DoorSameMaps leading in and out of it. As long as it's not possible to access the inside or to get out of it without going through a DoorSameMap, it will behave as expected.

Additionally, it's possible to configure a JumpSpring to use an existing DoorSameMap when jumped on, but in that case, it still ends up doing the same procedure than the player going through a DoorSameMap directly, it's just performed programmaically by the JumpSpring.

At the most basic level, an inside can be considered very close to the concept of "interior", but what makes them special is they are managed in a particular way by the game where it treats the insides differently than anything else (or the "outside").

This system involves multiple configuration fields to define the insides and to configure their behaviors:

Name Type Description Default
insides GameObject[] The list of GameObject in this map that is considered an interior part and will get special treatment during rendering and include special transition managed by DoorSameMap map entities Empty array
insidetypes InsideType[] This is meant to be a matching array for insides and each matching element corresponds to the sound that will play when entering or exiting the inside. This field's string value is the prefix to the sound's name: when entering the inside, the name of the sound that will play ends with DoorEnter and when exiting it, it will end with DoorExit. Concatenating this field's string value as the prefix gives the full sound name to play when entering or exiting the inside Empty array, but if the length doesn't match insides on Start, it is reset to be an array with the same length, but with all values left to Stretch
tieinsidedoorentities bool If this is true when entering an inside, every DoorSameMap in the map has their vectordata[4] and vectordata[5] set to the current camoffset / camangleoffset which means no matter how the inside is exited, the camera values will be restored consistently to the values when it was entered false
hideinsides bool If this is true, all insides that doesn't match the current one will be disabled. This will also disable any entity with hideinside set to true whose insideid doesn't match the current one. This is only used in the AntTunnels map to hide the break room part of the map false
setinsidecenter bool If this is true, whenener RefreshInsides is called, instance.camtarget will be set to the current inside's transform after entering one and set back to MainManager.player's transform when exiting one false
fadingspeed float The fraction of TieFramerate to use in FixedUpdate when updating fadeammount when entering or exiting an inside 0.2

Defining an inside

In order to define an inside, the following must be done on the map's prefab:

  • The root GameObject of the inside must be listed in the insides configuration field. An inside can only contain a single root GameObject that will also includes its children. This means that if multiple GameObject needs to be part of the inside, they must share a common root GameObject even if it's an empty one. This GameObject must NOT be be located under the mainmesh's GameObject because those are what the outside fading will affect so the inside can't be there. It has to sit outside of the mainmesh's tree (it can be a sibling to it which is usually what's done)
  • The index matched of the insidetypes configuration field of the insides element mentioned above must exists. The type of the value is a special enum called InsideType which informs the game which enter and exit sound should play when entering or exiting the inside. It's possible to leave the array empty or to not have its length match insides, but doing this will cause all applicable elements to be created and default to Stretch. The possible values for this enum are as follows as well as their enter/exit sound they refer to (they are named Ressources/audio/sounds/XDoorEnter and Ressources/audio/sounds/XDoorExit where X is the string representation of the enum value):
    • Stretch: StretchDoorEnter and StretchDoorExit
    • Slide: SlideDoorEnter and SlideDoorExit
    • Twist: TwistDoorEnter and TwistDoorExit

This is all that's needed to define the inside, but to actually leverage it, at least 1 DoorSameMap must exist whose data[0] is bound to the inside's id. This id corresponds to its insides / insidestypes index. Also, as mentioned earlier, the inside shouldn't be able to be reached or escaped physically without going through a DoorSameMap so the colliders needs to be setup appropriately.

Multiple DoorSameMaps may be defined for the same insides, but if this is the case for at least one inside in the map, it is recommended to also set the tieinsidedoorentities configuration field to true because it allows the camoffset / camangleoffset restore function when exiting the inside to be consistent regardless of how the inside was entered. See the section below for more details.


This field allows to make the camoffset / camangleoffset restore feature when exiting an inside to work consistently even if the inside has multiple DoorSameMape bound to it.

If it's true when entering an inside, every DoorSameMap in the map has their vectordata[4] and vectordata[5] set to the current camoffset / camangleoffset which means no matter how the inside is exited, the camera values will be restored consistently to the values when it was entered


If this field is true, all insides that doesn't match the current one will be disabled. This will also disable any entity with hideinside set to true whose insideid doesn't match the current one.

This is only used in the AntTunnels map to hide the break room part of the map


If this is true, it overrides the camera system more by setting instance.camtarget to the insides's transform when entering it. It will be reset to the player's transform when exiting the inside

Outside fading

During the course of entering or exiting an inside, FixedUpdate can fade in or out RenderSettings.skybox and all render who will also end up being disabled using a tracking field called fadeammount. It is contained in a method called UpdateInsideColor which receives a targetalpha parameter which is the opacity targetted depending if inside or outside (1.0 if outside, 0.0 if inside).

Normally, none of the render should be in any inside so it's effectively fading in and out the "outside". This involves the fadingspeed configuration field which is the fraction of TieFramerate to use in FixedUpdate when updating fadeammount when entering or exiting an inside.

This fading logic is relatively complex because it doesn't always happen and is incorrectly intertwined with other unrelated graphical features. For the fading to happen in general, all the following conditions must be fufilled (they don't do anything in practice however because the maps in which these would apply don't have any insides defined):

  • nocolorchange is false. This is only set to true as part of AreaSpecific in the following areas:
    • BanditHideout
    • ChomperCaves
    • SandCastle
  • overrideskybox is false. This is unrelated because it's supposed to only prevent the skybox's _Rotation to change, but it's still required to be false for inside fading
  • RenderSettings.skybox must exists. This is required because the skybox needs to be faded alongside the render objects

Assuming all the above are fufilled (normally always the case when it matters), there are 2 parts to the fading logic:

  • The actual update of the fading (when entering or exiting)
  • The cleanup of the fading when fully outside after exiting

Also, render's GameObjects can have tags that changes the behavior of the fading:

  • NoMapColor: The render's materials's colors won't change when entering an inside and its sharedMaterials won't be restored to ogmats when during the cleanup part. However, the materials's enablement will still be updated depending on fadeammount
  • AlwaysShow: The render will never have its materials's colors changed and it will always remain enabled during the fading, but its sharedMaterials will still be restored to ogmats during the cleanup part

Fading update

The fading only updates whenever fadeammount gets further than 0.025 away from the value it should be which is 0.0 if in an inside and 1.0 if not (the targetalpha of UpdateInsideColor).

Essentially, fadeammount is what controls the materials's color to fade in or out. Everytime fadeammount changes, the materials's colors will be set to a color where all r, g and b components will be set to fadeammount (except for the skybox where it's clamped from 0.0 to 0.5).

It effectively means that the colors will change to pure black when entering the inside and back to pure white (which is normal coloring) when exiting the inside (except the skybox where it goes to pure gray).

The destination value (0.0 or 1.0) is constantly updated, but whether any changes happen depens on if fadeammount gets further away then 0.025 from it. It means that the moment instance.insideid changes, FixedUpdate will have the fading happen accordingly on its own.

As for the actual fading, it is done like the following:

  • fadeammount is set to a lerp from the existing one to the destination value with a factor of TieFramerate(fadingSpeed)
  • RenderSettings.skybox has its _Tint set to a color where r, g and b are fadeammount clamped from 0.0 to 0.5
  • If insidedum is null, it is created as a new MaterialPropertyBlock
  • Each render that isn't null and have an AlwaysShow tag will be enabled, but their materials color won't change
  • Each render that isn't null and don't have a AlwaysShow tag will have the following happen:
    • The render enablement is set depending on fadeammount. It's enabled if it's higher than 0.15 and disabled otherwise
    • If the render doesn't have a NoMapColor tag and fufills other conditions, insidedim will have its _Color set to a color where r, g and b are fadeammount (the a is the sharedMaterial's color.a) followed by insidedim being set on the render's porperty block. Here are the conditions for a render material to have its color changed:
      • The shader isn't emptymat's shader
      • The shader isn't outlinemain's shader
      • The shader isn't fakelight
      • The material has a property named _Color

Inside transition

The procedure involved in entering or exiting the inside is done in 3 ways:

  • By a DoorSameMap's trigger collider
  • By a JumpSpring configured to change insides using an existing DoorSameMap in the map
  • Manually by the game (usually done through events)

The first 2 leads to the same path: a coroutine called MoveInside. This method is meant to manage the entire inside transition and it also calls another method called RefreshInsides which is meant to handle the change of instance.insideid. It requires a DoorSameMap to function because it performs the transition using the configuration the DoorSameMap defines.

However, the third way doesn't have to involve MoveInisde. It's possible for the game to take control of the transition such that it can manually set instance.insideid without going through MoveInside. This is because it might not be necessary to involve any DoorSameMap which MoveInside requires. To do this, RefreshInsides needs to be called right after instance.insideid is changed.

The sections below outlines the 2 methods as they are responsible for handling entering or exiting an inside.


A coroutine that handles entering or exiting an inside via a DoorSameMap.

public IEnumerator MoveInside(NPCControl caller, bool move)

There's an overload without the move parameter where it default to false. The behavior is the same as it simply start a coroutine with the other one and then yield breaks immediately.

The caller parameter tells the DoorSameMap that causes this inside transition (it cannot be null otherwise, an excpetion will be thrown) and the move parameter tells if the party and its followers should move during the transition or not.

Here's what the coroutine does:

  • If samira exists, SamiraStop is called on using samira with instant followed by samira being set to null
  • player entity's emoticon is removed by playing the -1 clip on it with emotioncooldown set to 0.0
  • player's npc list is reset to a new list
  • dynamicFriction of the player's cool material is set to 0.0 (the old value is saved for restore later)
  • CancelAction called on player
  • Enter a minipause

If we aren't in an inside, it means we are entering an inside, otherwise, we are existing it. What happens next depends if we are entering or exiting an inside (the cleanup section happens regardless at the end).

Entering an inside

  • If we aren't inevent, the corresponding sound is played which has the name XDoorEnter where X is the string value of the matching insidetypes (the inside id is fetched from the caller's data[0])
  • If move is true:
    • TeleportFollowers called with 2.0 distance, Center direction and the player as the caller
    • Every playerdata entity gets rooted and their rigid velocity zeroed out
    • If chompy exists, they are childed to this map and their rigid velocity is zeroed out
  • If the caller's data[1] exists (a Music id is set to play while in this inside):
    • ChangeMusic is called with the string value of the matching Music with 0.2 fadespeed
    • If the music is not among the following list, CheckSamira is called with the Music's string value (this adds the Music to instance.samiramusics if it wasn't in it already):
      • Calm
      • Title
      • Wind
      • Water
      • MachineHum
      • Breathing
  • The matching insides's Animator gets the Open clip played on it if it exists
  • MainManager.lastinside is set to -1 (this field is UNUSED)
  • instance.insideid is set to the inside we are entering which is the caller's data[0]
  • RefreshInsides called with inside and with the caller
  • If move is true, player's entity MoveTowards the caller's vectordata[0] with 1.0 speed, 1 (walk) state and 0 (Idle) stopstate
  • The caller's vectordata[4] and vectordata[5] are set to instance.camoffset and instance.camangleoffset respectively
  • If the caller's vectordata[2] magnitude is above 0.1, instance.camoffset is set to it (set to defaultcamoffset otherwise)
  • If the caller's vectordata[3] magnitude is above 0.1, instance.camangleoffset is set to it (set to defaultcamangle otherwise)
  • If tieinsidedoorentities is true, all other DoorSameMap in entities other than the caller have their vectordata[4] and vectordata[5] set to the caller's
  • Yield all frames until the player's entity's forcemoove is done
  • Every playerdata entity gets rooted and their rigid velocity zeroed out
  • If chompy exists, they are childed to this map and their rigid velocity is zeroed out

Exiting an inside

  • If we aren't inevent, the corresponding sound is played which has the name XDoorExit where X is the string value of the matching insidetypes (the inside id is fetched from the caller's data[0])
  • If music isn't empty, ChangeMusic is called with music[0] using a 0.2 fadespeed
  • The matching insides's Animator gets the Close clip played on it if it exists
  • instance.insideid is set to -1 marking that we aren't in an inside anymore
  • RefreshInsides called without inside and with the caller
  • If move is true, player's entity MoveTowards the caller's vectordata[1] with 1.0 speed, 1 (walk) state and 0 (Idle) stopstate
  • instance.camoffset and instance.camangleoffset are restored using the caller's vectordata[4] and vectordata[5] respectively
  • Yield all frames until the player's entity's forcemoove is done


This happens regardless if we entered or exited an inside:

  • Yield for a frame
  • player's lastpos and its entity's lastpost both set to its position
  • dynamicFriction of the player's cool material is set to the value it had before this coroutine
  • DetectIgnoreSphere called on the player's entity which makes their detect collider ignore all NPCControl's scol
  • If a Caravan exists, Refresh is called on the first one found (it plays the Sleep or Idle animation on the Caravan's snail depending on the value of issleep)
  • Yield all frames until MainManager.musiccoroutine is null (in case entering the inside caused a music change)
  • The minipause is ended


A method that handles updating the map's state after instance.insideid changes. It should always and only be called once that value changes. It is involved in MoveInside described above, but the game can call it manually to perform custom inside transitions.

public void RefreshInsides(bool inside, NPCControl caller)

The inside parameter tells if we are entering an inside (true) or exiting one (false). The caller parameter is optional, but it tells the DoorSameMap being used if applicable.

Here's what the method does:

  • All GameObjects with DelAftBtl tag are destroyed. This is only to destroy BeetleGrass that are in the process of being faded and desatroyed
  • If the player's beemerang exists, it is destroyed

inside is true (entering an inside)

  • If there is a caller:
    • All entities whose npcdata.insideid isn't -2 have their enability changed:
      • Disabled if thier npcdata.inisdeid doesn't match the caller's data[0] (the inside we are entering)
      • Otherwise, enabled if hideinside is true and thier npcdata.inisdeid match the caller's data[0] (the inside we are entering)
      • If none of the above applies, the enability doesn't change
    • If the caller's vectordata contains at least 6 elements (assumed to contain 8 if true), it means the caller wants to set camera limits when entering the inside:
      • If vectordata[6] magnitude is above 0.1, camlimitpos is set to it (value saved in tcpos for restore later)
      • If vectordata[7] magnitude is above 0.1, camlimitneg is set to it (value saved in tcneg for restore later)
  • Otherwise (there's no caller):
    • All entities whose npcdata.insideid doesn't match the current inside are disabled
  • If hideinsides, all insides's enability changes to enable only the inside we are entering, the rest gets disabled
  • If there's a caller:
    • All insides has the following happen to them:
      • If the inside doesn't match the caller's data[0] (inside we are entering), it is disabled
      • Otherwise, if the inside has a Fader, it is disabled
  • If setinsidecenter is true, instance.camtarget is set to to the current insides's transform

inside is false (exiting an inside)

  • canlimipos is restored to tcpos (defaults to originallimitpos if it's null)
  • camlimitneg is restored to tcneg (defaults to originallimitneg if it's null)
  • What happends here depends on hideinsides:
    • If it's true:
      • All entities except DoorSameMap and DoorOtherMap have their enabilitiy changed to be enabled only when their hideinside is false and their npcdata.insideid is -1 (not bound to an inside)
      • All insides are disabled
    • Otherwise, if it's false:
      • All entities that aren't iskill have their enabilitiy changed to be enabled only when their hideinside is false and their oldstate set to -1 (if they have an anim, its speed is reset to 1.0)
      • All insides are enabled and if they have a Fader, it is enabled too
  • If setinsidecenter is true, instance.camtarget is set to the player


This happens regardless if we entered or exited an inside:

  • player's pausecooldown is set to 7.0
  • RefreshEntities called without forceanim and with refreshmap