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Map camera system

The camera system is greatly influenced by MapControl and it can be configured with the following configuration fields:

Name Type Description Default
camoffset Vector3 The initial instance.camoffset of the camera while on this map and the value set when ResetCamera is called while on this map MainManager.defaultcamoffset if the magnitude is 0.2 or lower which is normally (0.0, 2.25, -8.25)
camangle Vector3 The initial instance.camangleoffset of the camera while on this map and the value set when ResetCamera is called while on this map MainManager.defaultcamangle if the magnitude is 0.2 or lower which is normally (10.0, 0.0, 0.0)
camlimitneg Vector3 The lower limit of the camera's position for this map expressed in each axises (-999.0, 0.0, -999.0)
camlimitpos Vector3 The upper limit of the camera's position for this map expressed in each axises (999.0, 999.0, 999.0)
rotatecam bool If true, it changes the camera movement to look at the actualcenter when RefreshCamera is called which overrides the normal movement logic false
centralpoint Vector3 The initial value of actualcenter which is the center point of the radius limit. If tieYtoplayer is false or camtarget is null, this is effectively equivalent to actualcenter. Otherwise, the x and z components of actualcenter are equivalent to this field, but the y component gets overriden to the camtarget y position. Additionally, this field is the center of a Wind if its owncenter is false on its Start
tieYtoplayer bool When true, it causes the y component of actualcenter to be overriden in FixedUpdate to the camtarget y position if it's not null which effectively lets the camera follow its target in the y axis. If this field and rotatecam are true on RefreshCamera, the camera x angle is always set to 0.0 which fixes the x rotation in place false
tetherdistance float If above 0, this becomes the max radius from actualcenter the camera can be positioned at during RefreshCamera via the radius limit -1.0, but it is overriden if tetherYLerp x component is above 0.0
tetherYLerp Vector3 Only applies if tieYtoplayer is true and camtarget isn't null. This field contains the 3 parameters to a lerp operation to do on FixedUpdate to update tetherdistance if the x component is above 0. The lerp will be done from the x component to the y component with a factor of camtarget y position / the z component. NOTE: This feature is complicated, see the section below for details
roundways Transform[] Only the first element matters. If the first element exists, rotatecam is true and we aren't in an inside, the corresponding Transform will be positioned relative to the camera's forward vector on FixedUpdate in x and z (the y component is always 5.0). The position is multiplied by lightoffset before being set. NOTE: This is very specific to the AntTunnels map Empty array
lightoffset float If roundways[0] exists, rotatecam is true and we aren't in an inside, this field will be a multiplier applied to the position to set roundways[0] in FixedUpdate. NOTE: This is very specific to the AntTunnels map 5.0

Most of the camera system is actually managed by MainManager via some fields that act as a state machine. More information can be found on the general camera system documentation.

However, the current map is what has the biggest influence on the camera initially so the parts that are specific to MapControl will be documented here.

Main Camera system influence

There are several parts MapControl influences of the main camera system.

Initial position and angles

The initial values of instance.camoffset and instance.camangleoffset are dictated by the MapControl's camoffset and camangle fields. This gives a starting default position, but they will default to their respective values if the prefab didn't had values set for them. It should be noted that these are only initial values: the game can override them and in the case of a DoorOtherMap, it's possible they get overriden very early during map loading

Camera limits

MapControl also allows to restrict the camera's positioning during RefreshCamera. The only requirement to make use of this feature is the current MapControl isn't null (which is only the case when loading a map).

There are 2 types of limits that can be enforced. They stack and are applied in the order mentioned (this doesn't include the local position displacement which is done after both of these):

  • Hard positional limit: This limits the camera to have a position that always falls between camlimitneg and camlimitpos. It's a very hard limit: the camera will never be allowed to go beyond this range. It should be noted that these fields only initial values: the game can override them and in the case of a DoorOtherMap, it's possible they get overriden very early during map loading
  • Radius limit: This limits only applies if tetherdistance is above 0.0 (it has a value set) and we aren't in an inside. This limits the camera position to fall inside a circle where the center is actualcenter and the radius is tetherdistance

More details on the radius limit

About actualcenter, while the initial value of actualcenter is centralpoint which is a configuration field, its y component can get overriden by FixedUpdate to instance.camtarget y position if tieYtoplayer is true and camtarget isn't null.

Basically, by setting tieYtoplayer to true, it also configures the radius limit to ignore the y component if the camera is set to move towards instance.camtarget since they'll be the same in this limit check so only the x and z component matters.

As for tetherdistance, while a constant value can be set in the prefab, it can get overriden by FixedUpdate and leave its management to tetherYlerp if its x component is above 0.0. How it works is on each FixedUpdate where tieYtoplayer is true and instance.camtarget isn't null, tetherdistance is set to a lerp from tetherYLerp.x to tetherYLerp.y with a factor of instance.camtarget y position / tetherYLerp.z.

tetherYLerp however is a relatively complicated features that warrants more explanation of what it tries to do.

More details on tetherYLerp

This configuration field essentially is an attempt to address a simple problem that technically was already solved. In a rotatecam map with tieYtoplayer enabled, the camera will want to LookAt the actualcenter of the map, but it will do so once its position and offsetting were updated. This means all of this happens AFTER the camlimitneg, camlimitpos and tetherdistance constraints were processed.

The problem comes with a map that fits those conditions, but is also layed out vertically. This is the case particularily with the WizardTowerStairs map which fits all of the above to run into this problem.

The problem involves the tetherdistance constraints as the camtarget (usually the player)'s y position. As it increases, it means the camtarget is going further and further away from the map's actualcenter so it means that the distance eventually gets larger than tetherdistance which will block the camera from going upward as the player goes up. The result is the camera will be forced the look downward because it still has to follow its camtarget, but is forced to look down towards the map's actualcenter instead of having its y follow its target.

However, this problem would have already been solved: the game does actually updates actualcenter's y to match the camtarget's y in FixedUpdate when tieYtoplayer is enabled which it is in this case. The reason this fix doesn't work is because for some reason, the camlimitneg's y and camlimitpos's y of this map are set to 0.0. This forces the camera's y to be 0.0 and unfortunately, this limit applies BEFORE the tetherdistance one. Please note that this is separate from camoffset which is free to be applied after all limits so camoffset ignores those limits.

Since the camera is forbidden to go up, but the actualcenter's y follow the player, this creates the exact same y difference that will incorrectly impact the tetherdistance check. Effectively, due to the map's misconfiguration, it has unfixed the problem's fix.

Instead of correctly configuring the map, what was done was apply a workaround which is what tetherYLerp is. What this feature does is to allow tetherdistance to progressively change from a value to another as the camtarget's y changes. All of this is done with a lerp between the 2 desired values (x and y components) where the factor is the camtarget's y / a third configurable number (the z component).

This essentially allows to compensate this issue by increasing tetherdistance as the camtarget's y increases. It is an improper way to perform this workaround because it now allows the camera to go beyond the desired bounds in x and z, but in practice, this doesn't happen because the tetherYLerp configured for this map happens to tuned well enough to not let the camera go too far as well as keeping the default camoffset.

Other than WizardTowerStairs, the only other map that technically uses this feature is MysteryIsland, but this one has it missconfigured because the y and z components are left at 0.0. This leads to unexpected behaviors such as the lerp factor being a division by 0.0, but in practice, this feature doesn't do anything because the tetherYLerp.x is too high to be impactful and even if it was disabled entirely, it wouldn't have restricted the camera in a meaningful way.

In the end, it is not recommended to use this feature and to instead configure the map properly. The actualcenter's y value already correctly follows the camtarget's y so it is not necessary to apply such a questionable workaround.


This configuration field is not really a feature, but more a specific implementation of a moving light present in the AntTunnels map.

It only cares about the first element of the array and it only positions it in a way that make sense specifically on this map. This implies it's not a feature meant to be used on any other map. In that map, roundways[0] is a point light that needs to move such that it is aligned with the MainCamera's forward vector such that it is positioned towards it from the origin in x/z (the y is hardcoded to be 5.0). This also involved another specific field to this map: lightoffset which scales the whole vector.

The math is incorrect and wrong, but it does overall achieve the effect of moving alongside the camera in a relatively aligned fashion. It allows the map to have this moving light effect.

However, it is not meant to be used on any other map and it also assumes the map it is used is a rotatecam one which AntTunnel happens to be. Using this feature on any other map can have unintended consequences.