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Battles configuration in map

Battles can be configured from the MapControl which dictates how they will be done.

Here are the configuration fields involved:

Name Type Init Description Default
battlemap MainManager.BattleMaps From prefab The default BattleMaps to use when BattleControl.StartBattle is called on this map with a stageid of -1. This is also the default BattleMaps used for a CardBattle started with a mapid of -1 Grasslands1 (should be assigned to the logically accurate value)
battleleaftype BattleLeafType From prefab The type of transition to use on this map when StartBattle is called which differs visually. If the value is Bee, the BattleStart3 sound will play instead of BattleStart0 Common
expmulti float From prefab An EXP amount multiplier that affects the EXP scaling of MainManager.GetEXP while called on this map. This should NEVER be negative or unexpected behaviors can occur 1.0
battleleafcolor Color From prefab The default color of the visual transition of battleleaftype when StartBattle is called and adv isn't 3 (not an enemy party advantage) Pure green
nobattlemusic bool From prefab If this is true, it will prevent StartBattle from changing the music. This is a way for a map to keep the music the game was already playing during the battle without interruption. NOTE: This field is involved in the music playback issue false

StartBattle influence

The map has the following influences on the battle's start:

  • If stage is -1, the BattleMap will be the battlemap field
  • The battle transition can be specified with the battleleaftype field (the color can be specified with battleleafcolor if adv isn't 3 meaning it's not an enemy first strike)
  • It's possible to configure battles to not change the music if nobattlemusic is true. NOTE: This field is involved in the music playback issue


This field only takes into effect when either awarding EXP or estimating it (for the purpose of the BumpAttack medal). It has an influence on the complex exp logic by acting as a multiplier that is applied right before rank scaling applied. It's a way for the map to scale all EXP values. For this reasons, this MUST NOT be negative or unexpected behaviours will occur.

This field has no effects on MainManage.GetEXP for any of the following conditions:

  • The noexp parameter is true
  • partylevel is 27 or more (max rank)
  • The enemy data's fixedexp field is true (it needs to not be scaled)