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inlist issue

The ItemList system has a complex issue with inlist as it is not always properly cleared after an ItemList is processed which can lead to issues when using the Pickitem command from SetText. This issue has, as of 1.1.2, 2 known reproduction under normal gameplay, but there used to have 3 known reproduction as the first known one was patched in 1.1.0. It is however affecting SetText and ItemList as a whole and its complexity is worth to be thoroughly explained.

The intent of inlist

inlist is used alongside ItemList to determine if an ItemList is currently being processed, but inlist is a boolean intended to be true as long as the ItemList is being processed while ItemList is the game object of the current ItemList which is intended to tell if a list is active. This is an important distinction because a Pickitem command relies on inlist staying true after ItemList goes to null to know that an ItemList has been confirmed or cancelled. When this happens, the ItemList gets destroyed, but the handling of the choice has yet to the handled by SetText.

In other words, inlist should remain true as long as an ItemList is being processed and go to false once it has been processed even if the actual ItemList might no longer be active.

The issue with inlist

The problem lies with inlist not having a guarantee to be set to false once processing is completed. While most situations such as any Pickitem command offers this guarantee, the same cannot be said for direct calls to ShowItemList and the situations that do offer such guarantees are done because a workaround was applied by having the caller set it to false. The only guarantee offered by inlist is that it will be set to false once done at the end of a Pickitem command.

This creates an issue where the following occurs in order:

  • ShowItemList is called directly which will set inlist to true
  • The ItemList is done processing, but inlist remains true
  • Any SetText calls in Dialogue mode occurs whose input string starts with anything except Pickitem
  • The first char loop iteration gets done and now we are in SetText Life Cycle > Dialogue post-processing while ItemList is null and inlist is true which is treated as if an ItemList is ready to be handled while no such ItemList happened during the course of this SetText call
  • If listredirect was set from a previous Pickitem command, SetText will redirect to it which leads to undefined behaviors depending on what value it had before

Mitigations in place

While this is a global issue affecting the interactions between both systems, there are some mitigations put in place that workarounds the issue in most situations.

The first one is setting inlist to false at specific points such as when pausing or doing any actions in battle that isn't an item usage. There is also a workaround applied in the case an abomination is used leading to a game over where listredirect is set to -1 before the SetText call is done. This workaround was applied in 1.1.0.

Known reproductions

Despite all those measures, there are 2 known cases to reproduce this issue:

  1. Have all turns in battle be item usage and use Chompy's change ribbon's function. This one is special as it is possible to reproduce the issue completely inside a battle because Chompy's change ribbons uses a Pickitem with the Chompy Ribbons List Type.
  2. Have all turns in battle be item usage until an EventDialogue is triggered with a SetText call in Dialogue mode. If the trigger requires to damage the enemy, all damages must be from items uses.

Possible fixes

While it is possible to apply workarounds as reproductions are found by the caller or after the ItemList is fully handled, it is possible to permanently fix this issue.

The first way would be to guarantee that inlist is set to false during the SetText Life Cycle > Dialogue setup of SetText. This can work because it is not possible to make use of the value until a Pickitem is processed in which case, it is dangerous to leave it dangling at a false value. While it would still leave the value dangling in the end, any potential problems will be negated immediately by the next SetText call in Dialogue mode.

The second way would be to clear listredirect right after a redirection is performed if any. This wouldn't entirely fix the problem, but it will neuter the potential problems to a safer level.