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Stat Bonuses List Type

Display the list of all the stat bonuses applied.

Options generation

listvar has one element being -1 if there are no statbonus in the array.

Otherwise, listvar is all the bonus types of the statbonus in order. The amount and target are stored in a separate local 2 dimensional array where each element contains the amount and type respectively.

Option's SetText input string

If the option is -1, the text is |color,1| followed by MenuText line 20 which is "No Items" in English and flagvar 0 is set to -1.

Otherwise, the text is set to the text representation of the StatBonus's name followed by x followed by the amount stored locally followed by to followed by the target's name stored locally. The target name is determined like the following: if it's -1, it's All and if it isn't, it's MenuText line 46 + the target which are Team Snakemouth's names in order. flagvar 1 is also set to option.

The x position of the text is overridden to -2.65.

Description box rendering

It uses the default rendering scheme described in Description box rendering where the text is empty.

Confirmation handling

Confirmation is handled by MainManager's Update. First, the flagvar of the storeid is set to the selected option (bug?). Then, the list gets destroyed which ends this list's processing and resets the ItemList State Machine.


This list is not available under normal gameplay because it is only used in the TestRoom.