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Settings list type

Display the list of the game settings which is platform specific.

Options generation

listvar contains the indexes of the settingsindex array field. Here's a table that shows which settings is which in the exact order of the list options and under what conditions they are available:

listvar value settingsindex value Description Restrictions
0 33 Music Volume None
1 34 Sound Volume None
2 160 Dialogue Volume None
21 261 Audio (Stero/Mono) PC platforms only
19 239 Music After Battle (Resume/Restart) None
20 245 Mash Action Commands None
3 28 Resolution PC platforms only
4 29 Fullscreen PC platforms only
6 116 Anti-Aliasing PC platforms only
7 30 Shadow Quality PC platforms only
8 31 Texture Quality PC platforms only
9 147 3D Outlines None
11 156 Advanced Particles PC platforms only
10 140 Wind Effects PC platforms only
16 183 Vsync PC platforms only
12 80 Framerate PC platforms only, only when Vsync is OFF
23 255 Pause When Unfocused PC platforms only
13 157 Use Controller PC platforms only
17 222 Controller to Use PC platforms only, only if Use Controller is CHOOSE MANUALLY or PRE-CONFIGURED
22 270 Analog Sensitivity Only if Use Controller isn't DISABLED
25 282 Beemerang 8 Dir. Snap None
18 231 Controller Bindings PC platforms only, only if Use Controller is CUSTOM BINDINGS
14 35 Key Bindings PC platforms only
15 36 Return to Main Menu / Exit Game None on PC platforms, only available after save load on console platforms
24 256 Reset Control. Bindings** DISABLED ON ALL PLATFORMS

*: Downsampling was intended to alleviate the load of the game on the hardware by scaling down the final render by a percentage before it gets to the screen. It had the options OFF, 90%, 80%, 75%, 60%, 50% and 40% available. While it is disabled in the setting, its feature is still present and is actually used on any of the Termacade screens at 80% downsampling.

**: This setting was intended to unbind every input from the rebinder, but it was deemed redundant of simply using the keyboard to remedy binding problems as well as being known to have introduced bugs during the 1.1.0 beta.

listredirect is overridden to null.

Option's SetText input string

The text string is rendered on the left side of the bar and it corresponds to the MenuText line id of the settingindex value of the option prepended with |single|. Unless otherwise specified, all option will render 2 arrows on the left and right side of the value selection that is located towards the right side of the bar. All SetText calls done on the right side of the bar are done in non Dialogue mode where the position is (6.25, -0.15), the bar is the parent and the input string is prepended with |center||size,0.75|. Here are the text and UI details per settings option:

listvar value settingsindex value Description UI rendering (right side of the bar)
0 33 Music Volume Render a bar slider by rendering 10 sprites next to each other left to right using an index from 0 to 9. If the index is lower then pausemenu.mvolume * 10.0, the sprite is a white circle, yellow hexagon otherwise
1 34 Sound Volume Render a bar slider by rendering 10 sprites next to each other left to right using an index from 0 to 9. If the index is lower then pausemenu.svolume * 10.0, the sprite is a white circle, yellow hexagon otherwise
2 160 Dialogue Volume Render a bar slider by rendering 10 sprites next to each other left to right using an index from 0 to 9. If the index is lower then pausemenu.dvolume * 10.0, the sprite is a white circle, yellow hexagon otherwise
21 261 Audio Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 263 (STEREO) when monoaudio is false and 262 (MONO) when it is true
19 239 Music After Battle Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 241 (RESTART) when keepmusicafterbattle is false and 240 (RESUME) when it is true
20 245 Mash Action Commands Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 246 (FILL BAR) when pausemenu.mash is false and 247 (SEQUENTIAL KEYS) when it is true
3 28 Resolution Calls SetText where the input string is the floored x and y component of the vector2 among the MainManager.resolution array where the index is pausemenu.resolutionid and where both component is separated by x
4 29 Fullscreen Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 39 (OFF) when pausemenu.fulls is false and 38 (ON) when it is true
5 32 Downsampling Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 39 (OFF) when downsample is zero. Otherwise, the text is the number in the downsamples array * 100 whose index is downsample followed by %
6 116 Anti-Aliasing Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 39 (OFF) when the FXAA component on the MainCamera is disabled and 38 (ON) when it is enabled
7 30 Shadow Quality Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 40 (LOW) when pausemenu.lowshadow is true and 41 (FULL) when it is false
8 31 Texture Quality Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 40 (LOW) when pausemenu.lowtex is true and 41 (FULL) when it is false
9 147 3D Outlines Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 39 (OFF) when enableoutline is 0, 40 (LOW) when it is 1 and 41 (FULL) when it is 2
11 156 Advanced Particles Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 39 (OFF) when particlelevel is 0, 40 (LOW) when it is 1 and 41 (FULL) when it is 2
10 140 Wind Effects Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 39 (OFF) when nowindeffect is true and 38 (ON) when it is false
16 183 Vsync Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 39 (OFF) when pausemenu.vsync is zero and 38 (ON) when it is not
12 80 Framerate Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 81 (30 FPS) when pausemenu.fps is 0, 82 (60 FPS) when it is 1 and 107 (Unlimited) when it is 2
23 255 Pause When Unfocused Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 39 (OFF) when pausemenu.pauseunfocus is false and 38 (ON) when it is true
13 157 Use Controller Calls SetText where the input string depends on pausemenu.joystick*
17 222 Controller to Use If Use Controller is set to PRE-CONFIGURED, Calls SetText where the input string depends on pausemenu.joystickid**. Otherwise, if pausemenu.joystickid is higher than -1, Calls SetText with `
22 270 Analog Sensitivity First, if pausemenu.analog is higher than 2, it is set to 0. Then, SetText is called where the input string is MenuText line id 39 (OFF) when pausemenu.analog is 0, 40 (LOW) when it is 1 and 41 (FULL) when it is 2
25 282 Beemerang 8 Dir. Snap Calls SetText where the input string is MenuText line id 39 (OFF) when pausemenu.snap is false and 38 (ON) when it is true
18 231 Controller Bindings Does not render anything including the arrows
14 35 Key Bindings Does not render anything including the arrows
15 36 Return to Main Menu / Exit Game*** Does not render anything including the arrows
24 256 Reset Control. Bindings Does not render anything including the arrows

*: Here are all the pausemenu.joystick values with their corresponding text:

joystick MenuText line id Description

**: Here are all the pausemenu.joystickid values with their corresponding text when pausemenu.joystick is set to PRE-CONFIGURED:

joystickid MenuText line id Description
0 225 Xbox 360
1 226 Dualshock 4
2 227 Switch Pro Controller
3 232 Switch Joy-Con L
4 233 Switch Joy-Con R
5 228 Generic Controller 1
6 229 Generic Controller 2
7 242 Fight Pad Pro for Switch
8 269 Xbox Linux

***: An exception to the MenuText line id rule is the return to main menu option: the line id is the settingindex value only if it wasn't called from the StartMenu, but if it was, the line id is 37 instead.

Description box rendering

It uses the default rendering scheme described in Description box rendering where the text is MenuText line id 0 which is berry in English. It should be noted that under normal gameplay, this list type is not called with showdescription set to true.

Input handling

The Input handling of the list is done by PauseMenu's Update instead of MainManager's.