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An Areas enum value represents a group of Maps that belongs to a certain location in the game. Each map must belong to one Areas and they are important in determining the scope of any Regionalflags.

The current area is saved on the Save File.

Remarks about librarystuff

Each area is bound to a bool value stored in a 2 dimensional jagged array located at index 4 of the MainManager.instance.librarystuff array that indicates whether or not the area was seen. This allows the game to track which areas to show on the world map. The subarray of librarystuff contains 256 elements (most are not used as the array is overprosioned in size).

The entire librarystuff two dimensional array is saved on the Save File.

Areas table

The following table shows all the Areas enum value and their English names for convenience.

ID Name English Name
0 BugariaOutskirts Bugaria Outskirts
1 BugariaCity Ant Kingdom City
2 Snakemouth Snakemouth Den
3 Desert Lost Sands
4 GoldenHills Golden Hills
5 GoldenWay Golden Path
6 GoldenSettlement Golden Settlement
7 BarrenLands Forsaken Lands
8 FarGrasslands Far Grasslands
9 WildGrasslands Wild Swamplands
10 DefiantRoot Defiant Root
11 SandCastle Ancient Castle
12 Beehive Bee Kingdom Hive
13 HoneyFactory Honey Factory
14 RubberPrison Rubber Prison
15 GiantLair Giant's Lair
16 MetalLake Metal Lake
17 MetalIsland Metal Island
18 TermiteCity Termite Capitol
19 WaspKingdom Wasp Kingdom Hive
20 BanditHideout Bandit Hideout
21 StreamMountain Stream Mountain
22 ChomperCaves Chomper Caves
23 FishingVillage Fishing Village
24 UpperSnakemouth Upper Snakemouth