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A Skills is an enum value that represent an ability that a player party member can use in battle if permitted by its skills data and RefreshSkills.

Skills table

The following table shows all the Skills enum value and their English names for convenience.

For the order in which they are displayed in battle, consult the RefreshSkills documentation.

ID Name English Name
2 BeeRangMultiHit Tornado Toss
3 BeetleTaunt Taunt
4 Icefall Icefall
5 BeeFly Fly Drop
6 BeetleDig Under Strike
7 BubbleShield Bubble Shield
8 Empower Charge Up
9 PeebleToss Pebble Toss
10 HornDash Dash Through
11 SecretStash Secret Stash
12 DefenseBreak1 Break
13 DefenseBreakAll Break+
14 AttackUp Empower
15 DefenseUp Fortify
16 NeedleToss Needle Toss
17 BubbleShieldLite Bubble Shield Lite
18 HurricaneBeemerang Hurricane Toss
19 PebbleTossPlus Boulder Toss
20 RevivalMassage Revival Massage
21 FrigidCoffin Frigid Coffin
22 ChargeUpPlus Charge Up+
23 EmpowerPlus Empower+
24 NeedlePincer Needle Pincer
25 IceRain Ice Rain
26 IceBeemerang Frost Relay
27 IceDrill Frozen Drill
28 AttackDown Enfeeble
29 AttackDownPlus Enfeeble+
30 DefenseUpPlus Fortify+
31 IceSphere Frost Bowling
32 HeavyStrike Heavy Strike
33 Sturdy Sturdy
34 FieldBeemerang Beemerang Toss
35 FieldHalt Beemerang Halt
36 FieldFly Bee Fly
37 FieldHorn Horn Slash
38 FieldDash Horn Dash
39 FieldDig Beetle Dig
40 FieldFreeze Freeze
41 FieldIcecle Icicle
42 FieldShield Shield
43 PepTalk Pep Talk
44 HeavyThrow Heavy Throw
45 SharingStash Sharing Stash
46 RoyalDecree Royal Decree
47 Cleanse Cleanse
48 HardCharge Hard Charge
49 FirstDash Dash