A Skills
is an enum value that represent an ability that a player party member can use in battle if permitted by its skills data and RefreshSkills.
Skills table¶
The following table shows all the Skills
enum value and their English names for convenience.
For the order in which they are displayed in battle, consult the RefreshSkills documentation.
ID | Name | English Name |
2 | BeeRangMultiHit | Tornado Toss |
3 | BeetleTaunt | Taunt |
4 | Icefall | Icefall |
5 | BeeFly | Fly Drop |
6 | BeetleDig | Under Strike |
7 | BubbleShield | Bubble Shield |
8 | Empower | Charge Up |
9 | PeebleToss | Pebble Toss |
10 | HornDash | Dash Through |
11 | SecretStash | Secret Stash |
12 | DefenseBreak1 | Break |
13 | DefenseBreakAll | Break+ |
14 | AttackUp | Empower |
15 | DefenseUp | Fortify |
16 | NeedleToss | Needle Toss |
17 | BubbleShieldLite | Bubble Shield Lite |
18 | HurricaneBeemerang | Hurricane Toss |
19 | PebbleTossPlus | Boulder Toss |
20 | RevivalMassage | Revival Massage |
21 | FrigidCoffin | Frigid Coffin |
22 | ChargeUpPlus | Charge Up+ |
23 | EmpowerPlus | Empower+ |
24 | NeedlePincer | Needle Pincer |
25 | IceRain | Ice Rain |
26 | IceBeemerang | Frost Relay |
27 | IceDrill | Frozen Drill |
28 | AttackDown | Enfeeble |
29 | AttackDownPlus | Enfeeble+ |
30 | DefenseUpPlus | Fortify+ |
31 | IceSphere | Frost Bowling |
32 | HeavyStrike | Heavy Strike |
33 | Sturdy | Sturdy |
34 | FieldBeemerang | Beemerang Toss |
35 | FieldHalt | Beemerang Halt |
36 | FieldFly | Bee Fly |
37 | FieldHorn | Horn Slash |
38 | FieldDash | Horn Dash |
39 | FieldDig | Beetle Dig |
40 | FieldFreeze | Freeze |
41 | FieldIcecle | Icicle |
42 | FieldShield | Shield |
43 | PepTalk | Pep Talk |
44 | HeavyThrow | Heavy Throw |
45 | SharingStash | Sharing Stash |
46 | RoyalDecree | Royal Decree |
47 | Cleanse | Cleanse |
48 | HardCharge | Hard Charge |
49 | FirstDash | Dash |