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An Items enum value represents an item in the game which can be collected in the overworld. The items in possessions are saved in the Save File in 3 arrays corresponding to regular inventory, key items and stored items respectively. They are mapped directly to each item data entry.

Items table

The following table shows all the Items enum value and their English names for convenience. NOTE: The "None" entry is a placeholder used to identify the lack of item which is only used for the fishing minigame to identify the lack of a bait.

ID Name English Name
-1 None
0 CrunchyLeaf Crunchy Leaf
1 HoneyDrop Honey Drop
2 VitalitySeed Spicy Berry
3 GenerousSeed Burly Berry
4 VigorousSeed Super Pepper
5 BurlySeed Iron Seed
6 MoneySmall RESERVED
7 MoneyMedium RESERVED
8 Mistake Mistake
9 CookedLeaf Leaf Omelet
10 HoneydLeaf Honey'd Leaf
11 MagicDrops Magic Seed
12 ClearWater Clear Water
13 Mushroom Mushroom
14 CookedShroom Cooked Shroom
15 GlazedShroom Mushroom Salad
16 LeafSalad Leaf Salad
17 AphidEgg Aphid Egg
18 Omelet Fried Egg
19 HeartyBreakfast Hearty Breakfast
20 GlazedHoney Glazed Honey
21 HoneyShroom Sweet Shroom
22 HoneyDanger Sweet Danger
23 HardSeed Hard Seed
24 DotBall Dotted Ball
25 GBugRangerPlushie Bug Ranger Plushie
26 DangerShroom Danger Shroom
27 ExplorerPermit Explorer Permit
28 CookedDanger Cooked Danger
29 SweetCrystal Coal Crystal
30 SpicyBomb Spicy Bomb
31 PoisonBomb Poison Bomb
32 KingDinner Queen's Dinner
33 MushroomStick Mushroom Skewer
34 RoastBerry Roasted Berries
35 Abomihoney Abomihoney
36 ClearBomb Clear Bomb
37 AntCompass Ant Compass
38 ChomperSeed Chomper Seed
39 BerryJuice Berry Juice
40 NumbDart Numbnail Dart
41 Map Map of Bugaria
42 Ice Magic Ice
43 Battery Shock Berry
44 FrostBomb Frost Bomb
45 NumbBomb Numb Bomb
46 SleepBomb Sleep Bomb
47 ShavedIce Shaved Ice
48 AphidMilk Aphid Dew
49 HoneyIceCream Honey Ice Cream
50 HoneyMilk Sweet Dew
51 IceCream Ice Cream
52 LoreBook Lore Book
53 FrozenSalad Cold Salad
54 FlowerKey Flower Key
55 OfferingA Sun Offering
56 OfferingB Moon Offering
57 MothivaDoll Mothiva Doll
58 GHCrank Wooden Crank
59 CrankHalfA Big Crank Top Half
60 MainCrank Big Crank
61 CrankHalfB Big Crank Bottom Half
62 Abombhoney Abombination
63 SpyData Spy Data
64 PoisonSpud Danger Spud
65 BakedYam Baked Yam
66 FrenchFries Spicy Fries
67 BurlyChips Burly Chips
68 FlourBag Bag of Flour
69 YamBread Yam Bread
70 SpicyCandy Spicy Candy
71 BurlyCandy Burly Candy
72 DryBread Dry Bread
73 NutCake Nutty Cake
74 PoisonCake Poison Cake
75 ShockCandy Shock Candy
76 PlainTea Plain Tea
77 TangyBerry Tangy Berry
78 TangyJam Tangy Jam
79 TangyJuice Tangy Juice
80 SpicyTea Spicy Tea
81 BurlyTea Burly Tea
82 FrostPie Frost Pie
83 HeartBerry Heart Berry
84 BellBerry Bond Berry
85 TangyPie Tangy Pie
86 Donut Crisbee Donut
87 TangyCarpaccio Tangy Carpaccio
88 PoisonDart Poison Dart
89 BedBug Bed Bug
90 JellyBean Succulent Berry
91 CookedJellyBean Succulent Platter
92 DesertKey Desert Key
93 QuestBook Overdue Book
94 ChomperRibbon Pretty Ribbon
95 BeeCard Factory Pass
96 ShockShroom Agaric Shroom
97 ShellOil Shell Ointment
98 CrimsonOre Crimson Ore
99 BeeHat Bee Hat
100 BlankCard Blank Card
101 SpadeCard 1-Suit Card
102 DualCard 2-Suit Card
103 TriadCard 3-Suit Card
104 FullCard Full Suit Card
105 YinKey Heaven Key
106 YangKey Earth Key
107 LonglegSummoner Longleg Summoner
108 StolenSilk Stolen Silk
109 TrialKey Mysterious Piece
110 GameToken Game Tokens
111 HideoutKey Rusty Key
112 TanjerinHorn Orange Horn
113 SandCastleKey Sand Castle Key
114 SandCastleSmallKey Ancient Key
115 SandCastleBossKey Big Ancient Key
116 SnakemouthKey Peculiar Gem
117 BombyHat Top Hat
118 SeedlingCrystal Crystal Fruit
119 WaspKey Wasp Key
120 JaydeStew Jayde's Stew
121 BlackCherry Dark Cherries
122 CherryPie Cherry Pie
123 MiracleShake Miracle Shake
124 BerrySmoothie Berry Smoothie
125 Squash Squash
126 SquashCandy Squash Candy
127 SophiePetal Sophie Petal
128 SucculentCookie Succulent Cookies
129 Pudding Sweet Pudding
130 SquashSoda Mega-Rushâ„¢
131 HPPotion HP Potion
132 ATKPotion ATK Potion
133 DEFPotion DEF Potion
134 TPPotion TP Potion
135 SuperHPPotion Super HP Potion
136 SuperTPPotion Super TP Potion
137 MPPotion MP Potion
138 ShadyNote Shady Note
139 BlackPaint Blackest Paint
140 RedPaint Red Paint
141 DefRootCloak Root Cloth
142 AntToy Ant Doll
143 MIToy Eastern Doll
144 MushroomCandy Mushroom Gummies
145 TermiteLunch Wrapped Lunch
146 CrownCrystal Crystal Crown
147 DrowsyCake Drowsy Cake
148 LeafCroisant Leaf Croissant
149 Package Package
150 RainbowCrystal Crystal Feather
151 FangCrystal Crystal Fang
152 CherryBomb Cherry Bombs
153 SquashPuree Squash Puree
154 MiteBurg Mite Burger
155 ProteinShake Aphid Shake
156 Guarana Mystery Berry
157 SmallGear Small Gear
158 MedGear Medium Gear
159 BigGear Big Gear
160 LabCard Lab Card
161 PrisonKey Prison Key
162 HustleSeed Hustle Berry
163 PrisonBookA History Book
164 PrisonBookB History Book
165 PrisonBookC History Book
166 PrisonBookD History Book
167 LeafUmbrella Leaf Umbrella
168 PoisonRibbon Venom Ribbon
169 NumbRibbon Shocking Ribbon
170 SleepRibbon Drowsy Ribbon
171 BigMistake Big Mistake
172 BurlyBomb Burly Bomb
173 BerryShake Berry Jam
174 BadBook Bad Book
175 MechArm Mechanical Claw
176 PlatinumCard Platinum Card
177 Coffee Hot Drink
178 CoffeeCandy Hustle Candy
179 SquashPie Squash Tart
180 PlumplingPie Plumpling Pie
181 DangerDish Danger Dish
182 HoneyPancake Honey Pancakes
183 FlameRock Flame Rock
184 CardTrophy Card Trophy
185 RedRibbon Team Ribbon
186 MoneyBig RESERVED