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A BoardQuests is a task to be done in the game. While most of them are optional, each chapters have one quest reserved to them which are mandatory. The quests are managed by the quests board system which tells which quests are accessible, open, taken or completed. The state of the quest board are saved on the Save File. They are directly mapped to the quest data entry.

BoardQuests table

The following table shows all the BoardQuest enum value and their English names for convenience.

ID Name English Name
0 None No Quests
1 InnQuest Inn Review Required
2 ChuckQuest I Want a New Taste
3 TheaterQuest Theater Help Wanted!
4 ToyQuest Lost Toy
5 LadybugQuest My Brother is Gone!
6 UndergroundBar Requesting Assistance
7 CableCar Cable Car Bodyguard
8 SeedlingKing Bounty: Seedling King
9 FalseMonarch Bounty: False Monarch
10 MotherChomper Bounty: Devourer
11 Prologue Ch. 1: A Dysfunctional Trio
12 Chapter1 Ch. 2: Sacred Golden Hills!
13 Chapter2 Ch. 3: Factory Inspection
14 Chapter3 Ch. 4: Mysterious Lost Sands
15 Chapter4 Ch. 5: The Far Wildlands
16 Chapter5 Ch. 6: Assault at Rubber Prison
17 Chapter6 Ch. 7: The Everlasting Sapling
18 Crisbee I Wanna Get Better!
19 Kut My Specialty
20 Fry A Smiling Dish
21 Sandwyrm Bounty: Tidal Wyrm
22 Butomo Ore Wanted
23 PeacockSpider Bounty: Peacock Spider
24 Tanjerin Huuuuuuuuuu...!!!
25 ZaspDoll Lost Item
26 Leif Leif's Request
27 LibraryantRed Lost Books
28 Madeleine1 Butler Missing!
29 Venus Team Snakemouth...
30 Bee Vi's Request
31 PowerPlant Power Plant Investigation
32 CardGame Card Masters of Bugaria
33 CicadaBook Book Return!
34 Vivi I Want a Souvenir...
35 MenderQuest Helpers Needed At Once!
36 Kali Stolen Item
37 Isau Rare Item Wanted!
38 Bomby Dropped my Hat!
39 Madeleine2 Butler Missing Again!
40 GenEri Explorer Check!
41 Mun Help Me Get it Back!
42 BanditHunt Bandit Hunt
43 ArtBee In Search of Paint...
44 TermiteLunch Lunch Delivery!
45 Alex It's Time...!
46 Mayor Want to Relive Memories...
47 SeedlingHunt Seedling Hunt
48 Layna Best Friend In The Fog!
49 Eetl Parts Delivery
50 Farmer Hydration Crisis!
51 RizSis Sweets from Outside!
52 Wizard Find The Ingredients!
53 Eremi It's Too Hot!
54 MoleCricket In Search of Something
55 Maki Confidential
56 BadBook Awful's Beauty
57 WaspTwins They Took Her...!
58 BlacksmithGuy My Mecha Claw!
59 WorkerTermite Can't Sleep...!
60 Beetle Kabbu's Request
61 Rebecca Loose Ends
62 Roach A New Hope
63 StratosDelilah Getting Bored