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An AnimIDs is an int or enum value that represents the ID used to identify the animation controller of a certain Entity. They are used mostly for identification purposes because it turns out that the controller's name is a very good way to know what entity we are dealing with.

About the int format vs the enum format

There are 2 formats to AnimIDs: the int format and the enum format. The later is an enum defined in the game while the former is mostly defined by convention: it is assumed this format is respected throughout the codebase. The only difference is the enum format has everything shifted up by 1 because the value 0 represents None in the enum format while it represents the first AnimIDs Bee in the int format. The int format does not have a concept of a None value.

The table below shows the int format as it is the most common, but it is important to mention not everything uses this format and there are often conversions done in game to work with either.

AnimIDs table

The following table shows all the AnimIDs enum values:

ID Name
0 Bee
1 Beetle
2 Moth
3 LadybugKnight
4 ButterflyGirl
5 MessengerAnt
6 MinerAnt1
7 SleepyMinerAnt
8 OverseerMinerAnt
9 BeeMinerAnt
10 Mothiva
11 FuzzyMoth
12 MaskedMoth
13 CordycepsAnt
14 Mushroom
15 TestCube
16 TestButton
17 OldBoringBeetle
18 FlyChef
19 Jaune
20 Zasp
21 DrNeolith
22 Cactus
23 TestSign
24 SavePoint
25 DigMound
26 AntInnkeeper
27 AntKid
28 MothKid
29 Pillbug
30 OGBeetle
31 GenericAnt
32 AntSoldier1
33 Samira
34 BadgeBeetle
35 BounceShroom
36 SwitchCrystal
37 SodaCap
38 Armorpillar
39 AncientPressurePlate
40 PushRock
41 CoilyVine
42 Spuder
43 CrystalBerry
44 Seedling
45 Kina
46 Maki
47 Gen
48 Eri
49 ShielderAnt
50 TrappedMoth
51 MantisAccountant
52 AncientPlatform
53 LongAncientPlatform
54 BigCrystalSwitch
55 SmallAncientPlatform
56 Chubee
57 Thief
58 Bandit
59 SneilEnemy
60 Crickerly
61 CaravanSmolBug
62 LadybugGirl
63 LadybugBoy
64 Mar
65 Genow
66 Trist
67 OrangeBeetle
68 Acornling
69 Weevil
70 FlyTrapPlatform
71 CommonSticcBug
72 KungFuMantis
73 MrTester
74 AngryPlant
75 OmaBug
76 Madeleine
77 FlyTrap
78 MantisAcolyte
79 CurledVineGround
80 Venus
81 Bae
82 Barkeeper
83 EdgeBeetle
84 OrangeBarBug
85 Shades
86 RoyalGuard
87 MosquitoGal
88 StickShopkeeper
89 BeetleInnkeeper
90 ShyBee
91 ArrogantBee
92 BeeKid
93 ContestBee
94 AntSoldier2
95 AntCapitain
96 AntQueen
97 Libraryant1
98 Libraryant2
99 WaspTrooper
100 ScrewSwitch
101 Aphid
102 WoolyAphid
103 Cochinael
104 FatMinerAnt
105 WoodenSwitch
106 WoodenPlatform
107 MantisBarkeeper
108 SticcGirl
109 LadybugGHRed
110 LadybugGHOrange
111 SleepyStickBug
112 MantisChef
113 FarmerAnt1
114 FarmerAnt2
115 FarmerAnt3
116 BeeGuard
117 ProfHoneycomb
118 Hawk
119 Mayor
120 Midge
121 VenusGuardian
122 OldAnt
123 GenericAnt2
124 ButterflyGuy
125 FortuneTeller
126 Stratos
127 Delilah
128 BlackStickBug
129 OfferingAltar
130 Underling
131 Scarlet
132 Tanjerin
133 TanjerinHorn
134 GoldenSeedling
135 Pseudoscorp
136 Sandworm
137 Carmina
138 Burglar
139 MotherChomper
140 Sirfy
141 Isau
142 CricketShopkeeper
143 FakeLegStickBug
144 DragonflyGuy
145 CricketGuy1
146 CricketGuy2
147 FortuneSister
148 BeetleMerchantBag
149 MothMerchantBag
150 ButterflyGuyDR
151 StickBugDR
152 TermiteGirl
153 WaspInnkeeper
154 MuseumMoth
155 BumbleBarkeeper
156 CoolMosquito
157 RoachShaman
158 QueenBee
159 DocHB
160 HBAssistant
161 FashionBee
162 ToughBee
163 SmugBeeKid
164 TolBee
165 EdgeArtBee
166 FashionMoth
167 GuideBee
168 GiftShopBee
169 ChompyChan
170 BeeOverseer
171 WorkerBee1
172 WorkerBee2
173 Maldibee
174 GlassesMantis
175 BeeBot
176 SmallMothGuy
177 Abomihoney
178 Turret
179 Denmuki
180 BeeBoss
181 WaspScout
182 BigSailorGuy
183 SmallSailorGuy
184 SailorGirl
185 PierMantisCook
186 FatScubaAnt
187 ThinScubaAnt
188 Ahoneynation
189 Menderbot
190 ElectroPlatform
191 HoneyGrate
192 MadeleineButler
194 NerdyCicada
195 Astotheles
196 Eophi
197 SmallMinerAnt
198 FarmerMinerAnt
199 ButterflyCMaster
200 ArcadeTermite
201 Scorpion
202 BankerAnt
203 Bulkbee
204 MantisMerchant
205 Krawler
206 Cape
207 CursedSkull
208 IcePillarObj
209 OldMoth
210 PinkMoth
211 Watcher
212 icepillar
213 SandPillar
214 WaspKing
215 Eremi
216 RollingRock
217 Abombhoney
218 WormBeetle
219 SnailBeetle
220 Kali
221 Bomby
222 DragonflyLady
223 CardGuard
224 HotelRecep
225 MIMosquito
226 Alex
227 Butomo
228 HaughtyAnt
229 SeedlingKing
230 Yin
231 Flowering
232 Plumpling
233 JumpingSpider
234 LeafbugNinja
235 LeafbugArcher
236 LeafbugClubber
237 Patton
238 MimicSpider
239 SkullCaterpillar
240 LongLegs
241 Centipede
242 Lilypad
243 ChomperBrute
244 WoodenPPlate
245 RopePlatform
246 Mantidfly
247 WaspDriller
248 WaspBomber
249 Jayde
250 WaspGeneral
251 WaspQueen
252 Futes
253 HungryAnt
254 TraitorWasp
255 WildChomper
256 Submarine
257 TermiteScientist
258 GazingTermite
259 EdgeTermite
260 SwordTermite
261 TermiteInnkeeper
262 TermiteSoldier
263 TermiteNasute
264 Zombee
265 Zombeetle
266 Bloatshroom
267 TermiteShopkeeper
268 TermiteBarkeeper
269 TermiteQuestgiver
270 TermiteKing
271 TermiteQueen
272 ButterflyGirl2
273 TiredLadybug
274 StickBug2
275 WeirdTermite
276 ShortTermite
277 ShortTermite2
278 TermiteGirl2
279 BandanaTermite
280 CherryMerchant
281 WorkingTermite
282 PierTermite
283 PoorTermite
284 PoorTermiteSister
285 ScarfTermite
286 TermiteCashier
287 TrialRoach
288 ScientistRoach
289 PrimalWeevil
290 TangySeller
291 ToyMerchant
292 Wizard
293 ColiseumTermite
294 RoyalTermiteWorker
295 SittingAnt
296 TermiteOwner
297 TermiteScientist2
298 Gachapon
299 MaskedMF1
300 MaskedMF2
301 MaskedMF3
302 MaskedMF4
303 FalseMonarch
304 Mothfly
305 MothflyCluster
306 Ironclad
307 ToeBiter
308 MidgeBroodmother
309 FLMinerAnt
310 FGMinerAnt
311 RPMinerAnt
312 CloakAnt
313 CicadaGuy2
314 StickbugGuy2
315 VeilBee
316 BumblebeeGirl
317 SmallBeetleGuy
318 LeafAnt
319 BookAnt
320 SmugWeakGuy
321 Layna
322 LaynaPet
323 BrotherTermite
324 SeedlingTermite
325 JojoTermite
326 WrappedTermite
327 Strider
328 DivingSpider
329 Cenn
330 Pisci
331 Ruffian
332 SandWyrm
333 SandWyrmTail
334 StagBeetle
335 PisciWall
336 Riz
337 RizSister
338 RizGrandpa
339 BackerStickBug
340 Zommoth
341 FitTermite
342 TermiteNasuteSmol
343 PeacockSpider
344 PrisonGate
345 PrisonGateLocal
346 SteelSwitch
347 MoleCricketGuy
348 MoleCricketGirl
349 UltimaxTank
350 Kenny
351 DeadLanderA
352 DeadLanderB
353 DeadLanderC
354 RoachElder
355 BuffRoachGuy
356 WalkingRoachGuy
357 BeeButler
358 BigBeetle
359 CowboyStickbug
360 RichAnt
361 RichKid
362 ShadyLadybug
363 RichMoth
364 TeaMoth
365 MaskStickbug
366 WindUp
367 PierGirl
368 KeyR
369 KeyL
370 Tablet
371 EverlastingKing
372 YinMoth
373 Pitcher
374 PitcherSummon
375 Poppy
376 BookWaspGuy
377 CardBumblebee
378 Effo
379 DragonflyBlacksmith
380 WaspTwinA
381 WaspTwinB
382 WaspBoyfriend
383 BombMaster
384 BombFanatic
385 OldSailorMantis
386 CardWasp
387 CardBumble
388 CardBee
389 CardJudge
390 Comfy
391 Soto
392 RoachGirl
393 RichMantis
394 RichStagBeetle
395 RichRhinoBeetle
396 CardStickbug
397 MasterSlice
398 BounceShroom2
399 FireKrawler
400 FireCape
401 FireWarden
402 TermiteGirl3
403 Cerise
404 WoodenPPlate2
405 RecipeGuy
406 Roy