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Most of this event only happens if it's not a dummy, but some logic happens regardless at the end of it. The logic depends on the NPCType, ObjectTypes and ActionBehaviors. Consult each's documentation to learn more.

Non Dummy logic

From there, the update logic depends whether the NPCControl is considered active or not. In order to be active, entity.alwaysactive needs to be true or all of the following needs to be true:

  • The entity is incamera
  • The insideid matches the current one
  • From there, there are 3 cases:
    • startlife is less than 50 frames which makes the NPCControl active
    • The entity.campos.z is less than 25 when the map limitbehavior is false which makes the NPCControl active
    • The entity.campos.z is less than 15 when the map limitbehavior is true. In this case, the NPCControl is active only if any of the following are true:
      • The entity is currently in a forcemove
      • The entity.campos.x is between 0.25 and 0.75 exclusive (it means it's centered enough to be within half the viewport horixontally)

If any of the above is violated, the NPCControl is considered inactive and implicates a different logic entirely.

Active updates

There are 2 subsections to this. Up to one of them will apply with the main one taking priority, but it is possible that neither applies. No matter which subsection of the active update that applied (if any), the touchcooldown is updated according to the frame time if it hasn't expired yet at the end of the active update section.

Main active update logic

This Section only applies if any of the following are true:

  • The entity is activeinevents while we are in a minipause or inevent and we aren't trapped
  • The entity is activeonpause
  • We aren't in a pause, minipause, message, the entity isn't an item entity and isn't dead, iskill and we aren't trapped

If this is an Enemy, there are 3 special cases that can override the rest of this section (dizzy, frozen or about to be unfrozen). For more information, check the Enemy NPCType documentation.

We only continue from here if we aren't trapped.

Further Enemy exclusive logic happens here when applicable.

If returntoheight is true, the entity.initialheight is above 0.1, the entity.height is less than entity.initialheight - 0.05 and the disguisecooldown hasn't expired yet, entity.height is set to a lerp from entity.height to entity.initialheight with a factor of the frametime / 10. This also sets the entity.oldfly to false if its entity.height is less then entity.initialheight - 0.2 which forces a sprite update. All of this essentially makes the entity progressively comes back to its original height if applicable smoothly.

If this this is an Object, then perform the Update specific section of the ObjectTypes which also replaces the rest of this section. Otherwise, the non object logic follows.

Further Enemy exclusive logic happens here when applicable.

Some logic specific to the DisguiseOnce behavior occurs here.

Finally, hasenteredrange is set to true and DoBehavior is called if all of the following conditions are true:

  • overridebehavior is false
  • No behaviorroutine is in progress
  • There is at least a default behavior set in behaviors
  • The entity isn't dead or iskill and doesn't have a deathcoroutine in progress
  • One of the following is true:
    • This is an Enemy
    • The entity is alwaysactive
    • The entity.campos.z is less than 20.0 (it isn't too far forward the camera)

As for which behaviors is chosen at which frequency, it depends on 2 conditions:

  • Whether or not forcebehavior is defined. This forces the behavior to use, but not the frequency (see the second condition for how that is selected)
  • Whether the player is present and its entity is digging or its entity.icooldown hasn't expired yet. If this is true, it forces the behavior AND the frequency to be the default one which effectively ignores all inrange behaviors in these conditions. Otherwise, the frequency depends on inrange and the behavior (assuming forcebehavior isn't defined) is also based on it.

Non trapped active item update logic

This subsection applies if the main one didn't and it's an item entity while not being trapped. Most cases involves logic specific to the Item object, but an item entity used as a shelved shop item is also affected, but not in a meaninful way (only calls StopForceMove on the 3rd cycle onward effectively making it fixed in place).

Inative updates

This segment only applies if the entity is considered inactive which means the active update segmenets didn't apply.

If we aren't trapped, the absolute position is set to the entity.lastpos.

If applicable according to the ActionBehaviors, some adjustements happens related to the disguiseobj when it is present as well as the NPCControl and its entity.

For every 3 frames, if the entity is in a forcemove is called on the entity except if it has a SetPath or StealhAI behavior.

Common logic

This segment applies regardless if it's a dummy or not.

In there, some specific ActionBehaviors logic occurs if applicable.