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This method is only called during Start and it contains most of the logic of the startup process. The logic depends on the NPCType, ObjectTypes, ActionBehaviors and Interaction. Consult each's documentation to learn more as only the end part of the method is shared.

Common startup

At the end of the method, this phase happens regardless of the logic performed prior.

CheckHidden is invoked in 1 second which setups the logic to check if the NPCControl should be considered a hidden item. This happens if HasHiddenItem returns true and CheckIfCanExist returns false according to the requires, limit and regional. This will cause the Detector medal to beep and the correct emoticon (id 4) to be set on the player entity for 100.0 frames, but this part is done by MapControl's LateUpdate.

After, the entity.rigid gets frozen on all constraints if the entity.fixedentity or freezeconstraints is true.

Finally, the entity.initialcolliderdata is set back to (entity.ccol.height, entity.ccol.radius).