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A switch with 2 states to control the vertical position of a child of the map's main mesh GameObject between 2 points (the lower one when not actuated and the upper one when actuated). The child index, the bounds of the y position to set and the amount of frames to spread the movement are configurable.

Data Arrays

  • data[0]: A child index of the map's main mesh object that will be moved vertically
  • data[4]: If it's 1, the switch isn't allowed to be actuated using Kabbu's abilities
  • vectordata[0].x: The amount of frames to wait between full y position change
  • vectordata[0].y: The upper bound of the y position of the child pointed by data[0]
  • vectordata[0].z: The lower bound of the y position of the child pointed by data[0]

Additional data

  • activationflag: If 0 or above, a flag slot that determines the starting hit value and also the slot whose value will be set to this switch hit value when toggled.


  • entity.rigid gets effectively fixed by placing it in kinematic mode without gravity and all constraints frozen
  • entity.alwaysactive is set to true
  • nointeract is set to true
  • if the activationflag flags slot is true, hit is also set to true.
  • From there some adjustements happens based on the originalid's AnimID(nothing happens if it doesn't match any of them):
    • SwitchCrystal and BigCrystalSwitch: A GlowTrigger is added to the entity's model's first child with its parent set to this object and the glowparts set to a single element corresponding to the MeshRender already attached to the first model child.
    • WoodenSwitch and SteelSwitch: internaldata is initialised to a single element being -60 if it's a WoodenSwitch or -100 if it's a SteelSwitch, Then, the moveobj is set to the entity's model first child and if hit was set to true earlier, its angles are set to (0.0, internaldata[0], 0.0)
  • If the player is present, all collision between the boxcol and the player's wall detector are ignored.
  • If the originalid is not among BigCrystalSwitch, WoodenSwitch or SteelSwitch, AddPushder is called.
  • internaltransform is initialised to a single element being the child of the map's main object at index data[0] which is the object that will be moved vertically.
  • data[0] is then overriden to vectordata[0].x (the amount of frames to wait between full y position changes)
  • vectordata is completely overriden to a new array of 4 elements:
    • 0: The loaded vectordata[0] before this override
    • 1: The absolute position of internaltransform[0], but the y component is the loaded vectordata[0].z (the lower position to have the object move towards)
    • 2: The absolute position of internaltransform[0], but the y component is the loaded vectordata[0].y (the higher position to have the object move towards)
    • 3: (The loaded vectordata[0].x before this override, 0.0, 0.0)
  • internaltransform[0]'s isStatic is set to false
  • If hit is true, vectordata[0].x is set to the loaded value (which will have the object move to its upper bound position). Otherwise, vectordata[0] is set to (which will have the object move to its lower bound position).
  • The y component of the position of internaltransform[0] is set to the loaded vectordata[0].y if hit is true or to the loaded vectordata[0].z if it's false. This sets the starting y position according to the switch hit value.


The y position of internaltransform[0] (the object to vertically move) is set via a SmoothLerp from vectordata[1] (the lower bound position) to vectordata[2] (the higher bound position) with a factor of vectordata[0].x / vectordata[3].x. There is a special case where if the startlife is less than 20.0 frames, the factor is 1.0 which makes the upper bound be the position to set.

After, this is where vectordata[0].x is incremented or decremented by the game's frametime. It is incremented when hit is true and when vectordata[0].x hasn't reached vectordata[3].x yet (meaning it hasn't yet completed its upward travel). It is decremented if hit is false and vectordata[0].x is above 0.0 (meaning it hasn't yet completed its downward traval). This essentially adjusts the SmoothLerp factor up if hit is true and down if hit is false as long as it respects the range boundaries from 0.0 to vectordata[3].x.


Nothing happens if any of the following is true:

  • We are in a pause or minipause
  • message is grabbed
  • collisionammount is higher than 1 (this is a debounce protection)
  • The other gameObject tag isn't BeetleHorn, BeetleDash, Icefall and Icecle while it's not the player beemerang
  • data[4] is not present or it is and its value is 1 while the other gameObject tag is BeetleHorn or BeetleDash (This basically enforces that data[4] being 1 means that only Kabbu's horn can actuate the switch)

The following occurs if we the above is fufilled:

  • collisionammount is incremented
  • A HitPart particle is played at this position + (0.0, 0.5, 0.0)
  • hit gets toggled
  • The WaterFill sound is played if hit is now true or the WaterFill2 is played if it is now false.
  • If activationflag isn't negative, the corresponding flag slot is set to hit
  • actioncooldown is then set to 30.0
  • If the other gameObject was the player beemerang, its hit is set to true and the WoodHit sound is played on the entity
  • If the entity originalid isn't -1 (None), SwitchSound is called indicating a press