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A switch that, when activated, causes a frozen area range to appear or to disappear when deactivated.

Data Arrays

  • data[1]: If this isn't negative, it is a map entity id whose entity is set as this stencil switch's parent. No parent changes occurs otherwise
  • data[2]: If this is 1, hit is set to true on SetUp regardless of the activationflag
  • data[3]: If this is 1, all colliders including the entity.model ones are disabled shortly after setup if the model is present, nothing happens otherwise
  • vectordata[0].x: The the rate at which the radius grows and shrinks when hit is toggled (1.0 being the game's frametime)
  • vectordata[0].y: The radius of the range
  • vectordata[1]: The local position of the stencil switch if data[1] isn't negative

Additional data

  • activationflag: If 0 or above, a flag slot that determines the starting hit value and also the slot whose value will be set to this switch hit value when toggled.
  • regaionalflag: If not negative, the regionalflag slot turned to true when the stencil switch is actuated for the first time


  • entity.rigid gets effectively fixed by placing it in kinematic mode without gravity and all constraints frozen
  • entity.alwaysactive is set to true
  • nointeract is set to true
  • if the activationflag flags slot is true, hit is also set to true.
  • From there some adjustements happens based on the originalid's AnimID(nothing happens if it doesn't match any of them):
    • SwitchCrystal and BigCrystalSwitch: A GlowTrigger is added to the entity's model's first child with its parent set to this object and the glowparts set to a single element corresponding to the MeshRender already attached to the first model child.
    • WoodenSwitch and SteelSwitch: internaldata is initialised to a single element being -60 if it's a WoodenSwitch or -100 if it's a SteelSwitch, Then, the moveobj is set to the entity's model first child and if hit was set to true earlier, its angles are set to (0.0, internaldata[0], 0.0)
  • If the player is present, all collision between the boxcol and the player's wall detector are ignored.
  • If the originalid is not among BigCrystalSwitch, WoodenSwitch or SteelSwitch, AddPushder is called.

If the entity is allowed to exist according to its limit, requires and regionalflag, then some further setup happens, nothing happens otherwise.

Enabled StencilSwitch SetUp

  • entity.alwaysactive is set to true
  • entity.activeonpause is set to true
  • internaltransform is initialised to a single element being a new GameObject named ice radius from followed by this entity name with a tag of IceRadius. It gets a child added as a new instance of the Prefabs/Particles/IceRadius prefab. After that, a trigger SphereCollider is added to it with a radius of 0.8.
  • hit is set to true if data[1] is 1.
  • All collisions between the boxcol and the SphereCollider addeed on the internaltransform[0] are ignored.
  • If data[1] isn't negative, the map entity whose id is this value is resolved and the following occurs:
    • This stencil switch gets childed to the resolved entity.model if it's present or the entity itself if it's not
    • This stencil switch position is set to the resolved entity position + vectordata[1]
    • This stencil switch entity.startpos is set to its position
  • If data[3] is 1 and the entity has a model, the collider on that model if it exist gets disabled and DisableAllColliders is invoked in 0.1 seconds which disables the entity.ccol, the scol, the boxcol and the pusher if any were present
  • internaltransform[0] gets childed to the map and its position is set to this stencil switch position


The scale of internaltransform[0] (the ice radius) is set to a lerp from the existing one to a value that depends on the hit value of this stencil switch. If it's false, it's and if it's true, it's * vectordata[0].y * 2.0 instead. The factor is the game's frametime * vectordata[0].x. This grows and shrinks the the radius depending on the hit value smmoothly.

The position of internaltransform[0] (the ice radius) is set to be offscreen at (0.0, -999.0, 0.0) unless hit is true which will make the position be set to this object's position instead.

If data[1] isn't negative (another map entity is the parent of this stencil switch), the local position of this object is set to vectordata[1].


This method specifically targets any NPCControl of this object type. It is called for any MapControl LateUpdate after the first one.

If any exists in the map where their entity isn't iskill and their hit value is true, it will select the first one. With it, 2 shaders global properties are set:

  • GlobalIceRadius: Half of the magnitude of the internfaltransform[0] (the ice radius object) scale
  • CentralIcePoint: the sencil switch position

It also sets the map's stencilid to the map entity id of the selected stencil switch which has the effect of freezing any IcePlatform in range of the stencil switch which is defined as being less than vectordata[0].y * 1.85 away from the stencil switch.

If no actuated stencil switches are found, the stencilid remains at -1 and the GlobalIceRadius shader property is set to lerp from the existing one to 0.0 with a factor of 1/20 of the game's frametime.


Nothing happens if any of the following is true:

  • We are in a pause or minipause
  • message is grabbed
  • collisionammount is higher than 1 (this is a debounce protection)
  • The other gameObject tag isn't BeetleHorn, BeetleDash, Icefall and Icecle while it's not the player beemerang

The following occurs if we the above is fufilled:

  • collisionammount is incremented
  • A HitPart particle is played at this position + (0.0, 0.5, 0.0)
  • All collisions between the entity.ccol and the SphereCollider of internaltransform[0] (the ice radius) are ignored
  • The Freeze sound is played at this position if hit is false, the IceMelt one is played if it is true
  • hit gets toggled
  • actioncooldown is set to 30.0 (doesn't do anything)
  • If hit is true, the corresponding regionalflag slot of regionalflag when it isn't negative is set to true the corresponding flag slot of activationflag when it isn't negative is set to true
  • DeactivateOtherStencil is called which deactivates all other StencilSwitch in the current map whose entity aren't iskill by having their hit set to false
  • If the other gameObject was the player beemerang, its hit is set to true and the WoodHit sound is played on the entity
  • If the entity originalid isn't -1 (None), SwitchSound is called indicating a press


Due to the IceRadius tag of the ice radius object, any entities that collides with it has their inice set to true which update thier sprites and animation accordingly.