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A save crystal that can be hit using field abilities. It can be blue which only prompts to save the game, yellow which also heals the party and red which alerts a DeadLanderOmega, but doesn't prompt for saving and can optionally heal the party.

Data Arrays

  • data[0]: If 1, a Prefabs/Objects/PolySphere will be rendered as illumination, it won't otherwise
  • data[1]: If it's 10 or above, this is a red save crystal that will force a DeadLanderOmega to look somewhere whose thisid is this value -10.
  • data[2]: If 0, this is a yellow save crystal (unless data[1] is 10 or above making it render red) which will also heal the party, this a blue save crystal otherwise unless.
  • vectordata[0]: if data[1] is 10 or above, this is the position the DeadLanderOmega will be forced to look at

Additional data


  • The object's isStatic is set to true
  • The scol is disabled.
  • The colliderheight is set to 3.0.
  • The entity.ccol is enabled with a radius set to 1.0
  • overrideanim is set to true
  • The entity.rigid is effectively fixed by putting it in kinematic mode without gravity and with all constraints frozen
  • The interacttype is overriden to SavePoint.

internaltransform is initialised to be 2 elements and the first one is set as the entity.model's second child (the crystal GameObject) and the second is left default for now.

If data[0] is 1, the PolySphere is setup from a Prefabs/Objects/PolySphere prefab:

  • childed to to internaltransform[0]
  • local position of (0.0, 0.0, 0.01)
  • Local scale of (8.0, 8.0, 5.0)
  • internaltransform[1] is set to it
  • internalrender is set as all child MeshRenderer of the Polysphere and for each of them, the renderQueue is set to 3000 + the absolute z position of the PolySphere * 100.0. Additionally, if data[2] is 0, each of their color is set to pure yellow without changing the existing transparency.

If data[1] is 10 or above, the crystal's color and the _Emission color property of the shader is set to pure red.

Otherwise, if data[2] is 0, the crystal's color and the _Emission color property of the shader is set to pure yellow (this overrides data[1] if it was red already).


The only thing that occurs here is the internaltransform[0] (the crystal game object) is rotated 0.3 degrees in the z axis. This actually rotates it on the world's y axis because the pivot point of the crystal is rotated.


This does nothing when any of the following are true:

  • We are in a pause or minipause
  • The message lock is grabbed
  • The other gameObject tag isn't BeetleHorn, BeetleDash or Icecle while it's also not the player beemerang

If the other gameObject tag was Icecle and it has a DestroyOnLayer Kill is called on it. This component normally destroys the object attached when another trigger collider of a specific layer collides to it, but Kill allows it to do it manually.

The BounceUp animation is played on the entity.anim followed by playing the Save sound on the entity at 0.5 volume.

If data[2] is 0, Heal is called.

From there, a HitPart particle is played at this position + (0.5, 0.5, 0.5).

If the other gameObject is the player.beemerang, its hit is set to true.

If data[1] is 10 or above and hit is false, the game will find a DeadLanderOmega whose thisid is data[1] - 10 and call ForceLook on it using vectordata[0] as the vector. After, hit is set to true making it a one time event.

Otherwise, if we aren't in a timeddemo (we never are under normal gameplay) and the square distance between this and the player is 30.0 or less, Interact("save") is called.