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The same than PathPlatform, but path mode will have the nodes be euler angles vectors instead and the platform will rotate through these angles instead of moving. Loop mode is left unchanged, but is considered invalid.

NOTE: While it is possible to use loop mode on an object of this type, this isn't considered valid because on SetUp, the angles of the platform are set to the first node so they can't be position vectors in loop mode. It also excludes the Lilypad exclusive logic on SetUp. Use PathPlatform in loop mode for this instead and only use this type in path mode when rotating is desired instead of movement.

Data Arrays

  • data: The same than PathPlatform
  • vectordata: The nodes the platform will rotate in euler angles
  • dialogues[0].x: In path mode, this isn't used because the starting node is always the first one (0). In loop mode, the same than PathPlatform
  • dialogues[0].y: The same than PathPlatform
  • dialogues[1].x: The same than PathPlatform
  • dialogues[1].y: The same than PathPlatform
  • dialogues[2].x: The same than PathPlatform
  • dialogues[2].y: The same than PathPlatform


  • entity.rigid gets effectively locked by disabling gravity, making it kinematic and freezing all constraints
  • isStatic on the gameObject is set to false
  • nointeract is set to true
  • entity.soundonpause is set to true
  • entity.model angles are set to vectordata[0] (It is assumed to be in path mode)
  • entity.model scale is multiplied by a 1/10 of dialogues[2].x
  • entity.alwaysactive is set to true
  • entity.model tag is set to PlatformNoClock
  • If entity.originalid is the ElectroPlatform AnimID, a GlowTrigger is added on the first child of the model:
    • getactivecolorfromstart is set to true
    • parent is set to this NPCControl
    • glowparts is initialised to a single element corresponding to the MeshRenderer of the first child of the model
    • electime is initialised to 260.0 unless dialogues[2].y exists and isn't 0 where it will take that value instead


If the AnimId is a Lilypad, the boxcol if present is kept enabled, otherwise, its enabled will bet set to the hit value.

From there, the platform can operate in 2 distinct modes: forever move in a loop between the first 2 vectordata or rotate by following a series of nodes defined in vectordata which are angles vectors. The former is done if dialogues[1].x is 1, the latter is done otherwise.

Loop mode

The same logic than PathPlatform occurs here with no changes.

Path mode

The same logic than PathPlatform occurs here, but with one change. If hit is true and bounces isn't currennode then the angles of the platform are lerped instead of its position with a regular lerp (SmoothLerp isn't called even with only 2 nodes). The same parameters are sent to Lerp so the only changes is vectordata are euler angles vector instead of positions.


Unlike PathPlatform, this object will return false which disallows it to stay in collision with the Hazards.

Effects of the Platform and PlatformNoClock

The same then PathPlatform.