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A spring that makes an entity jump up high via Jump when touched or makes the entity jump straight to a specific point via JumpTo with the option to trigger an inside transition via a DoorSameMap present on the map without physically moving the player.

Data Arrays

  • data[0]: If 1, the spring will make an entity jump to vectordata[1] via JumpTo when an entity touches the spring. Otherwise, the spring will make the entity jump up high when touched via Jump
  • data[1]: If 1, jumps are only performed when the entity touching the spring isn't onground and its rigid y velocity is negative (meaning, the entity must be falling onto the spring from the air above). If 0, this check is disabled, any other value is considered invalid and will prevent any jumps to be performed when touching the spring
  • data[2]: If not negative and data[0] is 1, this is a map entity id corresponding to a DoorSameMap that will be triggered when the spring jump occurs
  • vectordata[0].x: The height of the jump. If data[0] is 0, this must be above 1.0 or it will be overriden to the default jumpheight of the entity that collides with this object
  • vectordata[1]: The position to jump to when touched if data[0] is 1
  • vectordata[2].x: If data[0] is 1, the jump multiplier clamped from 1.0 to 99.0. This is optional, if it doesn't exist, the default is 1.0.

Additional data

  • boxcol: Required to be present with valid data


A few adjustements occurs:

  • The entity.activeonpause is set to true
  • internalvector is initialised to 2 elements with the first being and the second being (0.0, 555.0, 999.0) which is an offscreen position.
  • The entity.alwaysactive is set to true
  • The gameObject's isStatic is set to true
  • The entity.rigid is placed in kinematic mode without gravity and with all constraints frozen
  • nointeract is set to true
  • The layer is set to 0 (default)
  • The scol is disabled


The is set to the first internalvector (the original if the instance's itempicked is false or to the second one (the offscreen position) if it's true. This just places the at an hardcoded offscreen position if we are in the process of a CheckItem.


This does nothing if any of the following are true:

  • We are in a pause
  • The current map is RubberPrisonGym while the other gameObject y position is not higher than this object y position
  • The other gameObject is the player and it is not free (ignoring fly)

The entity.overrideflip is set to true and the other gameObject's entity is obtained.

For an actual jump to be registered on the spring, the following must all be true:

  • The other entity exists
  • The other entity is not iskill
  • data[1] is 0 or data[1] is 1 and the other entity isn't onground and its rigid has a negative y velocity
  • The other entity npcdata doesn't exist or it does, but it's not an Object or the entity is an item entity

Otherwise, if the other gameObject tag is BeetleHorn, BeetleDash or Icecle the logic is limited to redoing a call to BounceAnim (stopping entity.bounceanim if it was in progress, but reassigning it to a new call). The call happens on the entity with a push amount of 1.2, a time of 50.0 frames and a squash speed of 0.2 all done gradually. This visually renders a bouncy spring, but it won't move the entity.

Spring jump logic

If the other gameObject is the player and the distance between it and this object is less than 10.0, the Boing0 sound is played at 0.75 volume.

From there, the logic differs depending on data[0]. At the end of either branch, BounceAnim is called on the entity (stopping entity.bounceanim if it was in progress, but reassigning it to a new call). The call is done with a push amount of 1.2, a time of 50.0 frames and a squash speed of 0.2 all done gradually. It only makes the spring visually jump.

data[0] is 1 (JumpTo logic)

If the other gameObject is the player, nothing happens here if the collisionammount is 100 or above (meaning we already entered this since the last LateUpdate). If it's less than 100 however:

  • The player position is set to this object position + (0.0, 0.75, 0.0)
  • JumpTo is called on the player with the position being vectordata[1], the height being vectordata[0].x and the multiplier being 1.0 unless vectordata[2].x exists which will make it be the multiplier instead clamped from 1.0 to 99.0.
  • If data[2] isn't negative, MoveInside will be called on the map with the NPCControl that resolves to the map entity id of data[2] as the caller without move (this implies that NPCControl is a DoorSameMap)
  • collisionammount is set to 110.0 (which prevents to reenter this branch until the end of the next LateUpdate)

data[0] isn't 1 (Jump logic)

  • The other entity.springcooldown is set to true
  • The other entity.jumpcooldown is set to 30.0
  • If the other gameObject is the player, CancelAction is called on the player keeping the beemerang. On top of this, if itempicked is true (we are in a CheckItem process), the player entity.onground is set to true
  • Unless we set.onground to true earlier, the following occurs:
    • The entity.springcooldown is set to true
    • Jump is called on the other entity with the height being its jumpheight unless vectordata[0].x is above 1.0 and the other doesn't have an npcdata that is a RollingRock where vectordata[0].x is used as the height instead


If the NPCControl passed has this type, it returns true which allows it to stay in collision with the Hazards.