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A collectable item, medal or crystal berry bound to a crystalbfflags slot whose item id is the entity.animid field. This extends the logic of an item entity.

Data Arrays

  • data[0]: The item type. NOTE: if the animid is a money item id (MoneySmall, MoneyMedium or MoneyBig), this should always be 0 or 1 (standard or key item) because if it's not, the collection logic won't work as expected
  • data[1]: If it's not negative, an event id that will be processed in an event command at the end of the input string when collecting the item. This is optional, nothing happens if it doesn't exist
  • data[2]: If it's not 0, the item cannot be caught using the player beemerang. This is optional, the item can be caught if it doesn't exist.
  • data[3]: The crystalbfflags slot if applicable (the animid is 3)

Additional data

  • activationflag: If data[0] isn't 3 (it's not a Crystal Berry) and the value is above 0, the flag whose slot is the value will be set to true when collecting the item
  • regaionalflag: If data[0] isn't 3 (it's not a Crystal Berry) and the value isn't negative, the regionalflag whose slot is the value will be set to true when collecting the item


For an entity.animid of 1 or 2 (key item or medal), the return value is the activationflag being positive and the coresponding flag slot being false.


  • entity.animstate is set to the entity.animid
  • entity.animid is set to data[0]
  • entity.item is set to true (this makes it an item entity)
  • entity.sprite local position is set to (0.0, 0.5, 0.0)


This is a special way to create an EntityControl that will also give it this object type and set it as an item entity. It's a public static method on EntityControl meaning it can be called by anyone to create an item object out of thin air. It returns the newly created NPCControl and it takes in the starting position, the item type, the item id, the starting velocity and the amount of time in frames this should be collectable.

The very first thing this does is call CreateNewEntity with the name tempitem and add an NPCControl to it.

The rest is logic specific to CreateItem:

  • objecttype is set to Item
  • entitytype is set to Object
  • entity.item is set to true making it an item entity
  • entity.animid is set to the item type
  • entity.animstate, entity.itemstate and entity.basestate are all set to the item id
  • touchcooldown is set to 30.0 (prevents to pickup the item in the first 30.0 frames)
  • All collisions between entity.ccol and player.entity.ccol are ignored (the item will rely on the secondcoll created later)
  • The position and entity.startpos are set to the starting position
  • The NPCControl gets childed to the map
  • insideid is set to the current one
  • timer is set to the timer sent
  • tempobject is set to true (prevents the Crystal Berry SetUp logic from applying as this method already does it partially and EntityControl's startup will do the rest via CheckSpecialID)
  • data[0] is set to the item type
  • bounces is set to 0
  • entity.onground is set to true
  • entity.startvelocity is set to the starting velocity
  • If the item type is 3 (Crystal Berry), data[0] is overriden to be the item id instead (which simulates how this happens normally with data[3]) and entity.animid is set to 43 (CrystalBerry)


Normally, any objects has their entity.ccol disabled on Start, but this one is an exception: it remains enabled.

Also, just like SemiNPC items, no changes to the entity.rigid mass happens so it is left to 1.0.


  • entity.onground is set to false
  • entity.alwaysactive is set to true
  • entity.ccol bounciness is set to 0.75
  • The layer is set to 0 (default)
  • All collisions between entity.ccol and these entity's ccol are ignored:
    • Objects with tag PFollower
    • Any other Item objects (excludes SemiNPC)
    • Any playerdata except the first one

If the entity.animid is 3 (which means it's a crystal berry) and tempobject is false, then this is setup as a crystal berry which starts by setting data[0] to data[3] (meaning data[0] is now the Crystal Berry id which is fine because entity.animid already tells it's a Crystal Berry). If it was obtained (the id is contained in data[3]), then the entity.iskill is set to true. Otherwise, adjustements on the entity are performed:

  • entity.animstate is set to the regionaflag NOTE: this is likely an error, but it doesn't matter because the crystalbfflags slot is already saved in data[0] and it is that value that will be used
  • entity.sprite local position is set to
  • AddModel is called with path Prefabs/Objects/CrystalBerry without offset
  • entity.spin is set to (0.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  • entity.item is set to true which makes it an item entity
  • entity.rigid gravity is enabled

AddPlayerTrigger is called which will initialise secondcoll to a new trigger CapsuleCollider with the same properties than the entity.ccol and ignores all collisions between the player.entity.ccol and the entity.ccol.

Just like SemiNPC items, the colliderheight is set to 1.0 and the entity.ccol center to (0.0, 0.5, 0.0). This reduces the height of the collider to more snuggly fit the item shape.

Update (active and not trapped)

This section applies for any item entity, but it effectively apply to this object type. Unlike SemiNPC items however, this gets the full version of the logic.

If the beerang isn't null (meaning the beemerang caught this item), the following occurs:

  • The timer is set to 300.0 if it was -1
  • The absolute position is set to the beerang one + Vector3.Up
  • The entity's Unifx gets called if it was a fixedentity

All collisions gets ignored between the secondcoll and the player.entity.ccol if the player is present and the touchcooldown hasn't expired yet. Otherwise, if the touchcooldown isn't exactly -9999.0, the collisions gets unignored and toochcooldown gets set to -9999.0 (so it doesn't unignore again). If neither happened, the entity.ccol is enabled.

If the entity.onground is true, Jump is called on it with the absolute value of its current rigid y velocity. It will also increment bounces if it hasn't reached 3 yet on top of playing the ItemBounce0 sound effect (or ItemBounce1 if it's a Crystal Berry) if the startlife is above 15 frames.

If by then, bounces has reached 3, StopForceMove is called on the entity.

If the entity.sprite is present, then the timer logic proceeds:

  • If the timer has yet to expire and we aren't in a minipause or pause, the timer is decremented according to the frametime, but it is clamped from 0.0 to infinity. Otherwise, if the timer expired, this GameObject gets destroyed
  • If the timer is between -1.0 and 100.0 exclusive and we aren't in a minipause or inevent, the entity.sprite enablement gets toggled. Otherwise, the entity.sprite is enabled. This logic blinks the sprite when less than 100 frames are left on the timer

OnTriggerEnter if the other collider is the player

If we aren't in a pause or minipause, the insideid matches the current one and the timer is exactly -1.0 or above 1.0, a CheckItem coroutine is started and collisionammount is incremented.

OnTriggerEnter main segment

The beerang is set to the other transform if all of the following are true (this makes the Beemerang catch the item):

  • The other gameObject tag is BeeRang (meaning the other collider is the Beemerang)
  • data[2] is either not present or it is and it's value is 0 (meaning it's a standard item)
  • beerang was null (the Beemerang didn't already caught an item)
  • We aren't in a pause, or minipause and message is released
  • The player beemerang is present and its hit is false (it's on the first half of its path)
  • insideid matches the current one

OnTriggerStay (when the NPCControl is a JumpSpring)

If the other collider is an item entity and is an Object (which can only happen with this object type under normal gameplay), the item is allowed to move upward using the spring if its data[0] is 0 or its data[1] is 1 and the additional check it provides is fufilled.


This is a private coroutine that is only involved with this object type. Its job is to setup and confirm that the item can be collected followed by a bunch of logic performing the actual collection of the item.

  • The game determines if this is a special currency item. This is the case if entity.animstate (the item id) is 6 (MoneySmall), 7 (MoneyMedium) or 186 (MoneyBig). This will be used for many checks later
  • All frames are yielded while we are in a pause or minipause and hit is false (the item isn't collected). This never happens under normal gameplay because the caller (OnTriggerEnter) already makes sure that we aren't in a pause or minipause
  • CancelAction is called on the player for anything other than standard money items
  • instance.itempicked is set to true (controls some logic related to JumpSpring objects and Shop / CaravanBadge interactions)
  • If it's not a money item, player.entity.icooldown is set to 0.0 (removes any invicibily frames)
  • hit is set to true (indicating the item is being collected)
  • tossed is set to false
  • The current player.entity.flip is saved locally as it may be restored later
  • All collisions between the item entity and the player.entity are ignored for any colliders
  • The item collection occurs if the touchcooldown expired, the item isn't trapped and we aren't in a minipause. NOTE: this seems like a bug because if we don't collect here, the colliders aren't unignored, but in practice, MainManager.IgnoreColliders doesn't work correctly meaning this isn't an issue in practice. See the sections below for more details. The collection logic depends on if the item is a standard or key money item.
  • instance.itempicked is set to false

Standard or key money items collection

  • The regionaflag whose slot is regionalflag is set to true if it wasn't negative
  • The flag whose slot is activationflag is set to true if it was above 0
  • touchcooldown is set to 999999.0
  • is incremented by the amount the item is worth in currency (1 for MoneySmall, 5 for MoneyMedium and 20 for MoneyBig)
  • instance.showmoney is set to 150.0 frames which shows the berry count HUD temporarily
  • The Money sound is played
  • entity.spin is set to (0.0, 30.0, 0.0)
  • A BerryBounce coroutine is started. This just renders the visual effect of collecting the berry by making its sprite go up and scale down
  • dummy is set to true (disables most update cycles logic as BerryBounce needs some time before destroying the item so most updates needs to not run while this happens)
  • is clamped from 0 to 999
  • entity.iskill is set to true

Any non money items collection

This logic is quite complex and has different behaviors depending on the entity.animid and entity.animsate.

Hold the player until they get onground

The logic first starts to handle the case where the player is still in the air:

  • player.lockkeys is set to true (disable most input processing on PlayerControl)
  • As long as player.entity.onground is false:
    • player.entity.rigid x/z velocity is zeroed out
    • instance.minipause is set to true
    • The position of the item is set to offscreen at (0.0, 999.0, 0.0)
    • If we have been on this yield loop for 300.0 frames or more, we force exit it by setting the player position to its lastpos with DeathSmoke particle playing at the player position
    • A local framecounter is incremented by framestep which only takes effect once it reaches 300.0 as outlined in the step above
    • A frame is yielded
  • player.lockkeys is set to false (unlocks most input processing of PlayerControl)

Item collection perparation

From there, the actual item collection can now take place:

  • beerang is set to null (detaches the item off the Beemerang if it was attached)
  • entity.spin gets zeroed out
  • entity.sprite angles gets set to
  • CancelAction is called on the player
  • entity.ccol gets disabled
  • entity.rigid gets its gravity disabled with all constraints frozen
  • The item gets childed to the player.entity.sprite with a local position of (0.0, 2.25, -0.1)
  • flagvar 0 gets set to entity.animstate (the item id)
  • A guisprites[85] (star shaped back icon) gets created with name back childed to entity.sprite with the same material as entity.sprite without angles with local position (0.0, 0.0, 0.2) with scale of with a DialogueAnim and layer 14 (Sprite)
  • flagstring 1 gets set to menutext[125] (a).

Item type specifics

What happens next depends on entity.animid (the item type) and it mainly sets the back material color, sets flagstring 0, flagstring 1 and other exclusive logic to an item type:

  • 0 or 1 (standard or key item):
    • flagstring 0 is set to the name and flagstring 1 to the prepender of the corresponding item defined in items data using the entity.animstate as the item id.
    • It also sets the back's material color to 00B2B2 (cyan) if it's a standard item, FF4C66 (bright red) if it's a key item
  • 2 (medal):
    • If flags 681 (MYSTERY? is enabled) and entity.animstate isn't 59 (it's not Extra Freeze) or it is, but flags 696 (MYSTERY? file started on 1.1.x) is false:
      • The next mystery medal id is obtained and the value is set to entity.basestate, entity.itemstate, entity.animstate and flagvar 0
      • entity.overridemovesmoke is set to true and UpdateItem is called on the entity (to ensure the actual sprite gets updated)
    • The back material color gets set to FF7F00 (bright orange)
    • flagstring 0 is set to a string obtained from taking menutext[268] and replacing i by the corresponding medal name from medal data using entity.animstate as the medal id and by replacing m by menutext[159] (Medal)
    • flagstring 1 is set to the corresponding prepander from medal data using entity.animstate as the medal id
  • 3 (Crystal Berry):
    • The back local position is set to (0.0, 0.5, 0.0) and its material color to cyan
    • entity.model y scale is set to 0.1
    • crystalbfflags whose slot is data[0] (used to be data[3] which is the slot number) is set to true
    • flagstring 0 is set to menutext[112] (Crystal Berry)
    • flagvar 14 (amount of Crystal Berries obtained) gets incremented

After this, for any type other than Crystal Berry, CreateDescWindow without shop is called.

For any type, the ItemGetX sound is played where X is the entity.animid (the item type).

SetText call

The next portion setups a SetText call to actually receive the item. The SetText string is built with the following concatenated in order:

  • |lockmovement||boxstyle,4||halfline||spd,0||anim,-1,4||center|
  • menutext[2] (You found |string,1| |color,1||string,0||color,1|!)
  • |stopskip||fwait,0.45||break|
  • If it's not a Crystal Berry and activationflag is above 0, |flag,activationflag,true| is appended
  • If it's not a Crystal Berry and regionalflag is not negative, |regionalflag,regionalflag,true| is appended
  • |additemtoss,
  • entity.animid (the item type)
  • ,var,0|
  • If flags 31 is false and it's a medal (haven't received the medal tutorial while getting one), |flag,31,true||tail,null||center,true||destroydescbox||goto,-32,break,end| is appended
  • If flags 108 is false and it's a Crystal Berry (haven't received the Crystal Berry tutorial while getting one), |flag,108,true||tail,null||center,true||destroydescbox||goto,-88,break,end| is appended
  • If data[1] exists and isn't negative, |event, + data[1] + | is appended (a break command appears before the event one if any of the tutorial strings were appended)

SetText is called with the generated string in dialogue mode:

  • fonttype of BubblegumSans
  • linebreak of instance.messagebreak
  • No tridimensional
  • No position offset
  • No camera offset
  • Size of
  • No parent
  • This NPCControl as the caller

SetText yield

This is the final part part of the collection phase:

  • timer is set to -1 (so it never times out)
  • entity.overrideflip is set to true
  • As long as the message lock is active:
    • player.entity.flip is set to the value it had before this entire collection phase at the start of CheckItem
    • player.entity.animsate is set to 4 (ItemGet)
    • A frame is yielded
  • If the item isn't tossed (it is only when additemtoss concluded the player wanted to toss the item), this gameObject is destroyed


Any object of this type will have CreateFeet called which gives the entity a ground detector in the feet field.


If the NPCControl passed has this type, it returns true which allows it to stay in collision with the Hazards.


This object type affects SetText if it's the caller:

  • In an end command, if the caller is an Item, Death is called on the entity
  • In the cleanup phase, if the caller is an object of this type and its hit is true (meaning it's been collected), its gameObject is destroyed.