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A water or honey geizer that can be frozen using Leif's Freeze and it can elevate a Dropplet ice cube. The oscillation and time to stay frozen are configurable with the option to conditionally activate it when another NPCControl hit is true.

Data Arrays

  • data[0]: The optional suffix to append to the path when loading the Geizer prefab after converting the number to string, defaults to empty string if not present or if it's <= 0 which is the normal water looking one. NOTE: only a value of 1 is allowed under normal gameplay because it's the only one that gives a valid path (the honey looking geizer), an exception will be thrown if the path is invalid
  • data[1]: The map entity id whose NPCControl's hit should be true for the geizer to be active. This is optional, it can be ommitted or be -1 to have the geizer always be active.
  • data[2]: If 1 and the map.lastwater exists (the water Hazards), the spout of the main geizer object will continually be set to the map.lastwater y position every updates where the geizer isn't frozen
  • data[3]: If it's not 0, the MeshRenderer of the frozen geizer spout doesn't get enabled when frozen. If it's 1, the geizer position will be set to be entity.startpos + the geizer up vector * 10.0 on the first LateUpdate where it is incamera and startlife is below 20.0 (this means the geizer will start under the floor or inside its wall instead of slowly retracting when the map is done loading). This is optional, it remains enabled if it doesn't exists and nothing special will happen on LateUpdate.
  • data[4]: If it's not 0, the geizer won't be frozen when it collides with an IceRadius. This is optional, it will be frozen if it doesn't exist
  • vectordata[0].x: 1/6 of the geizer's oscillation's curve frequency in htz
  • vectordata[0].y: The geizer's oscillation's curve magnitude
  • vectordata[0].z: The amount of time in frames to keep the geizer frozen when it collides with an ice collider (this is trippled if the Extra Freeze medal is equipped)
  • dialogues[2].x: The local scale of the entity.model will be multiplied by the 1/10 of this, but this is optional and the scale will not change if it is 0.1 or below
  • dialogues[2].y: If not 0, the electime of the GlowTrigger when the entity.originalid is the ElectroPlatform AnimID. This is optional and the value defaults is 260.0


  • entity.rigid gets effectively locked by disabling gravity, making it kinematic and freezing all constraints
  • isStatic on the gameObject is set to false
  • nointeract is set to true
  • entity.soundonpause is set to true
  • The gameObject layer to 0 (Default).
  • The scol is disabled
  • actionfrequency: is initialised to 2 elemenst :
    • 0: Random.Range(1.0, 10.0) (this is a random phase shift to the geizer oscillation)
    • 1: 0.0 (this is a DeltaTime accumulator for use in the geizer oscillation)
  • actioncooldown: set to -1100.0 (meaning the first update cycle will be treated as if we had an expired cooldown since more than 1 update cycle)
  • A geizer prefab is instantiated from the path Prefabs/Objects/Geizer followed by data[0] if applicable. The geizer is childed to the entity's sprite and has its local position set to
  • internaltransform is initialised to 5 elements:
    • 0: The first child of the geizer's root (The root of the main geizer object)
    • 1: The second child of the geizer's root (the root of the frozen geizer object)
    • 2: The first child of the geizer's first child (the top of the main geizer object)
    • 3: The second child of the geizer's first child (the spout at the bottom of the main geizer's object)
    • 4: The first child of the geizer's second child (the frozen spout at the bottom of the frozen geizer object)
  • entity.model scale is multiplied by a 1/10 of dialogues[2].x
  • entity.alwaysactive is set to true
  • entity.model tag is set to PlatformNoClock
  • If entity.originalid is the ElectroPlatform AnimID, a GlowTrigger is added on the first child of the model:
    • getactivecolorfromstart is set to true
    • parent is set to this NPCControl
    • glowparts is initialised to a single element corresponding to the MeshRenderer of the first child of the model
    • electime is initialised to 260.0 unless dialogues[2].y exists and isn't 0 where it will take that value instead


The internaltransform[3] (the bottom spout of the main geizer object) gets its local scale set to If this is the first Update, initialrender is initialised to a single element being the MeshRenderer of the spout of the geizer object. This MeshRenderer is then disabled.

From there, the geizer can be active or inactive. It's active if data[1] doesn't exist, is -1 or the map entity with the id being data[1] exists with a hit value of true. It is inactive otherwise. This changes the rest of the update cycle.

Inactive updates

In the case where the geizer shouldn't be active, GeizerBreak is called if the actioncooldown hasn't expired yet (it is also set to 0.0 in this case). This is followed by the position being set to a lerp from the existing one to the entity's startpos - the transform's up vector * 10.0 with a factor of 0.025 * the game's frametime. This basically makes the geizer slowly retract itself such that it's not visible because it would be under the floor or inside a wall.

Active update

If the startlife is above 20.0 frames and hit is false, hit is set to true and the ParticleSystem of internaltransform[3] (the spout of the main geizer) is set to play which is some water splashing.

The position is set to lerp from the existing one to the entity.startpos with a factor of framestep * 0.025. This makes the geizer slowly show itself if it wasn't active earlier.

From there, there are 3 cases: the actioncooldown hasn't expired, it expired last cycle or it has been expired since more than 1 update cycle. This cooldown controls the time left for the geizer to remain frozen before thawing via GeizerBreak. If it expired, it means the geizer isn't frozen.

ActionCooldown hasn't expired yet

  • If data[3] is 0 or doesn't exist, internalrender[0] (the MeshRenderer of the spout of the frozen geizer object) gets enabled
  • The entity.sound is set to not loop anymore
  • The actioncooldown is decremented by framestep
  • The internaltransform[1] (the frozen geizer object) local position is set to unless there's less than 100.0 frames left on the actioncooldown in which case, it's set to (Random.Range(-0.05, 0.05), 0.0, 0.0). This applies a somewhat random offset to the frozen geizer every update cycle when there's 100.0 frames left.

actioncooldown expired since the last Update cycle

If the actioncooldown expired since the last cycle (tested by checking it is 0.0 or below, but above -1000.0):

  • internaltransform[0] is activated (the main geizer object)
  • internaltransform[1] is deactivated (the frozen geizer object)
  • internaltransform[3] is activated (the spout at the bottom of main geizer object)
  • The boxcol is enabled if it is present
  • If startlife is 15.0 or above, GeizerBreak is called
  • The ParticleSystem of internaltransform[3] (the spout at the bottom of the water object) is set to play which is some water splashing.
  • The entity.sound is set to no longer loop
  • actioncooldown is set to -1100.0 which changes further update cycles to have the cooldown expired since more than 1 cycle.

actioncooldown expired more than 1 Update cycle ago

If the actioncooldown expired more than 1 cycle ago (checked by being below -1000.0):

  • internaltransform[2] (the top of the main geizer object) is set to rotate by 5.0 degrees in the z axis (this is the vertical one due to the pivot point being rotated)
  • internaltransform[3] (the spout at the bottom of the water object) is set to rotate by -5.0 degrees in the y axis
  • The boxcol center is set to (0.0, 3.0 + the root geizer main object y position, 0.0) which elevates it slightly above its position
  • The geizer's root position (the parent of internaltransform[0]) is set to a lerp from the existing one to the entity. startpos + the normalized up vector of the transform * Mathf.Sin(actionfrequency[1] * vectordata[0].x + actionfrequency[0]) * vectordata[0].y with a factor of the 1/10 of the game's frametime. This oscillates the geizer's:
    • vectordata[0].y is the magnitude of the sine wave, it tells half of the full range between the lowest point the geizer will go and the higest
    • actionfrequency[1] is the time in seconds accumulated since SetUp so this scales the Sin through time
    • actionfrequency[2] is a phase shift that's been determined randomly on SetUp
    • vectordata[0].x is 1/6 of the frequency
  • actionfrequency[1] is incremented by Time.deltaTime
  • If the entity's sound wasn't playing, PlaySound is called with the Waterfall1 clip at 0.075 volume and the entity.sound is set to loop
  • If data[2] is present and 1 and there is a map.lastwater, the y component of the internaltransform[3] position (the spout at the bottom of the main geizer object) is set to map.lastwater y position. This basically means the spout will be positioned on the map's water Hazards level.
  • The internalrender[0] (the MeshRenderer of the spout of the frozen geizer object) gets disabled and its position set to the internaltransform[3] one (the spout at the bottom of the main geizer object)

LateUpdate (Not a dummy, incamera is true and hit is false)

  • internaltransform[3] (the spout of the main geizer object) has its scale set to Vector3.One
  • A Raycast is performed from the geizer position + (0.0, 10.0, 0.0) headed down with max 10.0 distance only accepting layers of Ground or NoDigGround.
  • If attacking is false (this is the first applicable LateUpdate cycle), it is set to true after a Fader component is added to the gameObject with:
    • forcestayonpause to true
    • childtied to true
    • fadedistance to 0.0
    • pivotoffset to (0.0, the point.y of the collision done earlier or 0.0 if there wasn't a collision - entity.startpos, 0.0)
  • If data[3] is 1 and startlife is less than 20.0, the position is set to the entity.startpos - the up vector of the geizer * 10.0. This places the geizer such that it will be under the floor / inside its wall very soon after map load
  • If there was a collision with the raycast earlier, the position of internaltransform[3] (the spout of the main geizer object) is set to the hit point of the raycast and it also gets childed to the entity.sprite. This basically ensures the spout is placed where the ground actually is and to ensure it doesn't move with the geizer, it's childed in such a way that it is a sibling of the geizer so it stays there independently of the geizer movements


There are 4 branches here:

  • The other gameObject tag is Icecle, Icefall or IceRadius and data[4] doesn't exist or is 0
  • The other gameObject tag is BeetleHorn or BeetleDash and the actioncooldown hasn't expired yet (meaning the geizer is frozen)
  • The other gameObject tag is DroppletCube and the actioncooldown expired (meaning the geizer isn't frozen)
  • The other gameObject tag is PFollower or it's the player

Ice collider logic

  • If the moveobj is present (meaning a Dropplet ice cube is on the geizer):
    • LaunchObject is called with it using a random vector between (0.0, -15.0, 0.0) and (0.0, 15.0, 0.0)
    • The parent of the ice cube is set to the current map
    • ServerGeizer is called onm the moveobj Hornable which setups the cube to be on the geizer snapped to it
  • If the actioncooldown expired (meaning the geizer isn't frozen):
    • The boxcol is disabled if present
    • internaltransform[0] (the main geizer object) gets disabled
    • internaltransform[3] (the spout of the main geizer object) gets disabled
    • internaltransform[1] (the frozen geizer object) gets enabled
    • internaltransform[4] (the spout of the frozen geizer object) gets enabled except if the current map is UpperSnekGeizerRoom where it is disabled
    • The entity.sound is stopped and placed at the begining of the playback
    • The Freeze sound is played at 0.5 volume
  • The actioncooldown gets set to vectordata[0].z, but if the Extra Freeze medal is equipped, the value is multiplied by 3 before assigning it

Kabbu collider logic while the geizer is frozen

  • The player entity hitwall is set to true
  • The actioncooldown is set to 0.0
  • GeizerBreak is called
  • The boxcol is disabled if it is present

Dropplet cube collider logic while the geizer isn't frozen

  • If the moveobj is present (there was already a dropplet ice cube on the geizer):
    • LaunchObject is called with it using a random vector between (-5.0, -10.0, 0.0) and (5.0, 10.0, 0.0)
    • ServerGeizer is called onm the moveobj Hornable which setups the cube to be on the geizer snapped to it
  • The RigidBody of the other's parent gets its velocity zeroed out without gravity in kinematic mode
  • The parent of the other dropplet is set to internaltransform[0] (The main geizer object)
  • moveobj is assigned to the other dropplet
  • The ingeizer of the moveobj's Hornable gets set to this Geizer

Player or player follower collider logic

The other gameObject gets rooted to the scene.


If the NPCControl passed has this type, it returns true which allows it to stay in collision with the Hazards.


This logic only matters if the method was called as a result of MapControl.Start, MapControl.RefreshInsides and BattleControl.ReturnToOverworld.

If hit is true and internaltransform is not empty, all ParticleSystem under internaltransform[3] (the spout at the bottom of the main geizer's object) are played.


This is a private method that only applies to this object type and its job is to shatter a frozen geizer.

  • The IceBreak sound clip is played at the geizer position + Vector3.Up at 0.75 volume
  • IceShatter particles are played at (the geizer x position, 0.0 - entity.startpos - 0.45, the geizer z position - 0.5) and the scale of those particles is set to (2.0, 3.0, 1.0)
  • For all playerdata entities, if any was childed to any transform under this geizer, the entity gets rooted to the scene

Effects of the PlatformNoClock tag

The same than PathPlatform except of course, the player entities noclock is always false so mostly the childing logic remains. In additiona however, it's what allows Dropplet ice cube to be childed to the geizer via their Hornable component when the ice cube collides with the geizer.