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A grass that can be cut by Kabbu's Horn Slash. Can either be bound to a crystalbfflags slot which will be dropped, or a list of items that can be dropped alongside the activation of a flag and regionalflag slots.

Data Arrays

  • data[0]: The id of the grass sprite to use (NOTE: any other value than the ones below when data[1] doesn't apply will cause an exception to be thrown):
    • 0: a standard green grass
    • 1: a branch looking grass
    • 2: an orange grass
    • 3: a brown grass
    • 4: a dense dark green grass
    • 5: a purple grass
    • 6: a beige and gray grass
  • data[1]: If it's not negative, the crystalbfflags id that will be dropped when the bush is cut. This is optional: no Crystal Berry is dropped if it doesn't exist
  • vectordata: The list of items ids (in the x component after flooring) to potentially drop. Only applicable if data[1] doesn't apply

Additional data

  • boxcol: Required to be present with valid data
  • regaionalflag: The regionalflag slot turned to true when the bush is cut while data[1] isn't present or is negative (if an item is dropped, it's attached to the item created).
  • activationflag: The flag slot turned to true when the bush is cut while data[1] isn't present or is negative (if an item is dropped, it's attached to the item created).

HasHiddenItem conditions

If data[1] is present and not negative, the crystalbflags whose id is that value must not have been obtained yet.


A few adjustements occurs:

  • The entity.alwaysactive is set to true
  • The gameObject's isStatic is set to true
  • The entity.rigid is placed in kinematic mode without gravity
  • nointeract is set to true
  • The layer is set to 0 (default)
  • The scol is disabled

If data[1] is present and not negative and the crystal berry corresponding to its id has been obtained, the entity.iskill is set to true which ends this object setup as the grass will not appear.


  • The layer is set to 8 (Ground)
  • The boxcol's material is set to the defaultpmat.
  • The entity.rotater tag is set to Hornable which allows PlayerControl to get a green ! emoticon when getting 2.5 or lower distance from the grass for 5 frames
  • The entity.rigid has all constraints frozen
  • entity.overrideanim is set to true
  • entity.sprite is enabled and set to the corresponding sprite from grasssprite mentioned above and its shadowCastingMode is set to TwoSided
  • Unless nowindeffect is true (meaning Wind Effects in the settings is Off), the entity.sprite material is set to the windShader and RefreshWind is called on the entity.sprite which sets the shader property to be:
    • _ShakeDisplacement: random betweent half the map.windspeed and it's actual value
    • _ShakeBending: random betweent half the map.windintensity and it's actual value
    • _ShakeTime: random betweent 0.075 and 0.25


If the timer hasn't expired yet, it is decremented by the game's frametime clamped from 0.0 to infinity. Otherwise, if it is 0.0 and the entity isn't dead, a Death coroutine is started with the entity.


If the other gameObject tag is BeetleHorn or BeetleDash while hit is false and the distance between this and the other transform is less than 3.5, CutGrass is called (See the section below for details) followed by a RefreshPlayer call which forces the player.ceiling the player.entity.hitwall (when not inevent and not in battle) and all playerdata entity.onground to false as well as childing the player to the root. NOTE: it is unknwon why RefreshPlayer is called.


A number of steps occurs:

  • The rustling1 is played on entity
  • The entity.rotater tag is set to Object (this removes its Hornable property).
  • hit gets set to true (which prevents OnTriggerEnter to act again)
  • The boxcol gets disabled
  • The actual sprite of entity.sprite gets changed to the small base version of the grass according to data[0] and its material gets set to spritemat

From there, this is where the potential item drop and flag slots edits occurs.

Crystal Berry drop

If data[1] is present and not negative, CreateItem is called with the following:

  • starpos of this transform + (0.0, 0.5, 0.0)
  • itemtype of 3 (Crystal Berry)
  • itemid of data[1]
  • direction of RandomItemBounce(4.0, 12.0)
  • No timer

Potential Item Drop

If data[1] isn't present or is negative, vectordata is checked to see if we are going to drop an item. The way this is done is selecting a uniform random valid index of a vectordata element. It is valid if it's not negative. If it is valid, CreateItem is called which creates an Item object with the following:

  • starpos of this transform + (0.0, 0.5, 0.0)
  • itemtype of 0 (Standard item)
  • itemid of vectordata[i].x floored where i is the random index generated earlier
  • direction of RandomItemBounce(4.0, 12.0)
  • timer of 600 frames

Once the creation is done, the regionalflag and activationflag of the new item are set to this object's corresponding values. This binds them to the item instead of the BeetleGrass object itself.

In the case where vectordata is empty or the generated index leads to a negative value of the element x component, the logic is limited to set the flag and regionalflag slots of this object's regionalflag and activationflag to true.

No matter which cases we land into, there is always a 13% chance to call CreateItem a second time with the following:

  • starpos of this transform + (0.0, 0.5, 0.0)
  • itemtype of 0 (Standard item)
  • itemid of 6 (MoneySmall)
  • direction of RandomItemBounce(4.0, 12.0)
  • timer of 600 frames

Common ending logic

For any cases at the end of the method, if we dropped any item or Crystal Berry, all collisions between the item and this object's entity are ignored.

Finally, a GrassFade coroutine is started. The purpose of that coroutine is only for rendering the cut part of the grass which is done by creating a new gameObject named grass with a SpriteRenderer, SphereCollider, BoxCollider and RigidBody where the sprite is the cut grass version according to data[0]. For brevety, the full details of this effect won't be detailed, but a couple of things is worth to mention:

  • The grass layer is set to 9 (Follower)
  • A torque is applied on the grass of RandomItemBounce(5.0, 0.0)
  • The starting velocity is (0.0, 10.0, 0.0)
  • If an item or Crystal Berry was dropped earlier, all collisions between the item and the grass's colliders are ignored
  • For each frames until 3 seconds passed, the rustling2 sound is played if the y velocity is negative while it was positive before
  • The fade is done by setting the material to spritematlit, its renderQueue to 3000 and to progressively fade the alpha of the grass until it reaches 0.1 or below by subtracting 1/20 of the game's frametime each frame
  • The grass object is destroyed once the fading is completed


If the method finds out that an NPCControl of this object type exists less than 4.0 distance from the player, the return will be an array of 3 booleans with the first one being true. This will prevent usage of the Bed Bug item.


This object type is allowed to return true here if data[1] is positive and the corresponding crystalbfflag slot has not been obtained yet.


If the NPCControl passed has this type, it returns true which allows it to stay in collision with the Hazards.