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Vi's Beemerang when thrown. This object type is only created dynamically.

Data Arrays

  • vectordata[0]: The desired position that the Beemerang should end up befor going to the opposite direction. This is set by PlayerControl.DoActionTap under normal gameplay.


The only entity that exists of this type is the one that exists under the Ressources/prefabs/objects/Beerang prefab as it comes with its own NPCControl of this objecttype. There is no way under normal gameplay other than PlayerControl requesting it to have it instantiated meaning effectively, if an entity has this objecttype, it is the same than if it was the player beemerang because it cannot be of any other type and no other NPCControl of this type can exist.

Special behaviors

  • This type features an enabled entity.ccol unlike other objects
  • This type doesn't doesn't feature an scol and the field remains null (The SphereCollider isn't added)
  • This type cannot be added to the player.npc list on LateUpdate
  • This type doesn't have its entity.ccol height and center adjusted in LateUpdate according to colliderheight


The entity.sound is set to loop and the RangeHold sound is eet to play at half volume.

All collisions between any collider whose GameObject's tag is Respawn and the scol or the entity.ccol are ignored. This is to avoid collisions with independant SetPlayerRespawn.

All collisions between the colliders in the map.entityonly and the scol or the entity.ccol are ignored. Nothing happens if this array was null or empty.


The tag is set to BeeRang.

if the entity.sound isn't playing, call PlaySound on it with the RangHold clip set to loop,

The hit value tracks on which half of the path the beemerang is on. If it's false, it's on the first half and if it's true, it's on the way back. Either gives a different branch of logic.

hit false logic

If the distance between this object and vectordata[0] is higher than 0.2, this object's position is set to a lerp from the existing one to vectordata[0] with a factor of the game's frametime * the entity's speed. This basically moves the beemerang to its destination.

Otherwise (meaning the Beemerang reached its destination), if the ability key is held, flag 21 is true (got Beemerang Halt), heldonce is false and WackaWorm.disablehold is false:

  • The entity.sound pitch is set to 1.25
  • The entity.spin is set to (0.0, 0.0, 30.0)
  • timer is set to 99.0 (which gives it access to a new destination on the first Update cycle when the ability button is released)
  • If particles is null, it's initialised to an instance of Prefabs/Particles/ContinuousSmokeCloud childed to this object at this object's position + Vector3.up * 0.2 with angles (-90.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Otherwise, if the timer is exactly 99.0 (meaning we were using Beemerang Halt, but released the ability input):

  • particles is put offscreen at (0.0, -9999.0, 0.0) then destroyed in one second and set to null
  • The entity.sound pitch is set to 1.25
  • heldonce is set to true
  • The entity.speed is set to 0.15
  • vectordata[0] is set to the entity.startpos + the normalised direction from the entity.startpos to this object * 5.0. This essentially sets the destination to this object 5.0 away from the entity.startpos in the same direction it was already away from it (so it overshoots entity.startpos by 5.0). The way back will not be performed until it has also reached this second destination
  • timer is set to -1.0 (the default value in preparation of doing the back path)

Otherwise, hit is set to true.

hit is true logic

If the timer is higher than -2.0, it is decremented by framestep.

If the distance between this object position and the player is higher than 0.45 the following section occurs (otherwise, this object is destroyed because it means the Beemerang completed its full travel).

If the timer is less than -2.0 (meaning the Beemerang collided with a wall), the ability key is held, flag 21 is true (got Beemerang Halt), heldonce is false and WackaWorm.disablehold is false, the following happens (this whole logic allows the beemerang to stall in place even if its path got cut short by a collider):

  • The entity.sound pitch is set to 1.25
  • The entity.spin is set to (0.0, 0.0, 30.0)
  • timer is set to -50.0
  • If particles is null, it's initialised to an instance of Prefabs/Particles/ContinuousSmokeCloud childed to this object at this object's position + Vector3.up * 0.2 with angles (-90.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Otherwise, if the ability key isn't held or the timer is exactly -50.0 (meaning the beemerang is ready to go back to the player):

  • particles is put offscreen at (0.0, -9999.0, 0.0) then destroyed in one second and set to null
  • heldonce is set to true
  • timer is set to -100.0
  • This object's position is set to a lerp from the existing one to the player position with a factor of the game's frametime * 0.3

OnTriggerEnter if the other gameObject layer is Ground, NoDigGround or BeerangOnly

If hit is false, the WoodHit sound is played at 1.2 pitch and 0.5 volume and the HitPart particles are played at this object position + Vector3.Up.

hit is then set to true and timer to -3.0. This forces the beemerang to stop its path and to be on the way back. The only way to stall it before actually coming back is by using Beemerang Halt because the timer value allows it to stall until the ability button is released.


If the NPCControl passed has this type, it returns true which allows it to stay in collision with the Hazards.